Mage vs every other caster in M+

I just have mouseover for it on my priest

I literally spent the entirety of tBC and WotLK bullying them all to death in PvP as a feral.

I even bullied Saori to death several times despite being nowhere near as good as him. (He was a BlizzCon champion)

omg you know the BlizzCon champion? Can I have his autograph?

No, hes dead. Didn’t you read? Poor fella got bullied to death.

Just because I duelled him like 14 years ago doesn’t mean I know him, you dolt xD

What I’m obviously saying is that the statement that mages always were best and counters everything in all modes of play is categorically false. Like, way false.

will never happen we are talking about a Barbie girl dev team.

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Nope, I don’t really follow those kind of individuals.

You mean, you bullied mages as a class that can heal itself, cant be polyd, cant be rooted and is hard to slow down, while having decent mobility?

The class that literally countered mages kit?

Wow, so much respect for being able to pull that off.

Jokes aside, not sure what that has anything to do with mages being blizzards favourite child.

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Yes, that one. Which existed, proving this whole point false.

What, you think I was bragging? How shallow of you.

Not really. Counters exist in every pvp-game. Because a class/champ can have only certain things without breaking the whole design-aspect of the class/champ.

And as the options of designs go in a certain direction counters will be born.

The way you can see that mages are blizz favourite child is easy by tracking how they overall perform. And mages historically perform at the top in PvE and PvP and as soon as they dont they get buffs (that usually are bigger than classes performing worse)

No, I am saying that countering a class doesnt make them weak or less of a favourite.

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It obviously does, because it means there will be fights you lose. Hunters, too.

They do not. Go look at it and stop spreading this garbage. Nobody wants to listen to it.

The only way in which they were “favoured” was they were the highest ranged DPS by design, but many weaknesses came with this, such as the low health pool or inability to heal.

Much has changed since then, in general.

No it doesnt, when a class counters your kit doesnt make you weak.

If a class counters 90% of a category (frostmage vs melees) and it loses to 1 of them due to the counter of the whole kit. Doesnt make the class weak. Same in PvE if a class is in the top 3 and loses to the two others at the top it isnt weak, its still at the top.

Mage has been A-S tier for most of its time in both PvE and PvP. And only because a few seasons exist were they are not at the top doesnt change that they were top for the most of it.

A low healthpool doesnt mean a thing when you have abilities to work around this. Be it by being incredible mobile, having lots of instant dmg, having shields, an immunity or lots of cc.

And yes many things have changed… mage is not even that squishy anymore, heck every mail-armored class has a harder time to survive.

Edit: It is infuriating how often mage is S-Tier in M+ (for most of M+ existence.) and its disgusting anyone defending it.

It is literally a weakness. There are several. In fact there are dozens.

Though having one or two might not make you weak if others have more of them, it certainly doesn’t make you “Blizzard’s favoured child” or whatever, either.

If they truly wanted everything to be rosy for mages for all time with no drawbacks or weaknesses or bad matchups they would fix all these “problems” like vs hunters, vs demon hunters, like 2v2 with a healer being nearly impossible, like having 42 keybinds and overcomplicated rotations, like giving us far more passive damage mitigation like most classes have, and on and on it goes.

Just STOP. Stop. You don’t even know what weak and strong means at this point. You’re rambling.

No. It hasn’t been good in 2v2 for literally 8 years for example (unless you have a rogue, but they have way better comps themselves), and it has never been good in RBG’s. NEVER.

And melee range doesn’t mean a thing when you have charge.


This is complete nonsense. Yes, having to use dispellable active defensives when others can literally just exist and have as good defensive capabilities is a weakness. How obvious does that have to be?

You realize that since a really really long time 2s means nothing? Same with RBGs.
IF you wanna speak about PvP -Arena 3s is the only important part of the game. (Since its the only thing they balance around and have tournaments.)

Where Mage allmost never have bad seasons.

At this part I think you are stupid on purpose.

Melee did not have enough uptime on mages to make their ‘‘weakness’’ count. IF you can only connect for a few seconds a barrier is enough.

Thats why hunter were so strong against mages, they had high uptime.

And btw deff-stance and such crap used to reduce your offensive abilities heavily.

And this all still doesnt change that mage is blizzards fav. class.

Because having a weakness doesnt mean you are equal to others.

The balance of the game clearly shows that.

Then you either not putting them out or you in bad comps. As a healer I can assure most of the groups I am in with a warlock take and USE the cookies.

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Just look at healing done in the end. People will use it once or twice, opposed to warlock 6+ times use

wow has always been balanced, some classes like mage are just more balanced than others :slight_smile:


you can’t get mass invis and mass barrier at the same time, mage table doesn’t mean as much as it used to. poly again, not as useful atm. if you get shimmer you can’t blink from stun etc. it has good utility but it lacks defensive passives warlocks have. if any caster is op it’s warlocks. they have the range dps flexibility and melee tankiness. mage melts if it doesn’t have any cds, wlocks survive most of the time

mage is way tankier than lock in m+ tho, you just have to use your cooldowns properly

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yeah it’s cd dependant that’s my point . i don’t think it’s way tankier it lacks passives which is something locks have. if mage takes extra damage without cds on it can die, lock survives most of the time