Mage vs every other caster in M+

Literally Mage theorycrafters disagree with this assertion.
You know this already as people have explained it to you before.
Nerf and Ellesmeres group was talking about removing Aug but keeping the Mage 4days ago.

And everyone else is not fine with it.

Based on this IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BUFFED IN THE FIRST PLACE as it was ONLY in the TOP groups in the Raid where Mage was low down the rankings.
If you use this argument then we HAVE to use the situation the fact that mage was Completely fine before that buff in raids that was NOT in the 90-99%.
And it was even one of the Strongest classes in heroic before the buff.

So either they should not have been Buffed because it is only OP in coordinated groups that ALREADY was using this class before the buffs or it should not have been buffed because it was doing FINE in Raiding before the buffs.

BOTH situations means Mage should not have been Buffed this newest time.

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No, people obv dont want them to be the same.

The problem starts when certain classes got kinda everything and others dont really get stuff, while the class that has lots of stuff going for it also does comparable damage.

For the sake of it I will just use Hunter as an argument. Its not a secret that hunters lack utility if you compare it with many other classes. They are also one of the squishiest classes in game.

Affixes and damage numbers aside (to make it easier) why would anyone ever take a hunter over a mage when the mage does similar damage?

The answer: They wouldnt.

In raid this can be handled by giving classes unique stuff. But in M+ Damage, Tankiness and utility are all important.

You need to balance around the capabilities they have overall. Classes with lots of utility and tankiness should not deal the same amount of damage than a squishy low utility class.

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Blizzard HAS NEVER In the HISTORY of world of warcraft balanced PVP around 2v2 EVER from the very start of Arena Existing til this day it has not been balanced around EVER.
And we have confirmation from the PVP leaders at blizzard on this.

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i don’t keep up with them unfortunately. removing aug is a general discussion atm not just with mages. i just said what was happening and if you think aug doesn’t boost mage’s dps to the op state then that’s on you.
in top 100 runs on RIO this season, mage always has aug in the group so the ‘‘op’’ mage actually op with aug. if they remove aug then probably mage will be the same as rogues locks etc. and as i already said a lock can already do the same dps.

raid dps was low tho we already talked about it here

All you need to know here is that Feint is incredibly strong for the CD +Duration it has.

ONLY using the TOP logs was this true.
When you went down to the 50% and lower i remember looking at this and seeing mage do perfectly fine not the top but not bad at all.

heroic comparison between the raids justifies the buff tho you can check icyveins’ december 18th log post and the recent one to see mages weren’t doing great . now they’re doing good but still not OP.

The number of people playing it successfully as given by the statistics we’ve been discussing. So the numbers on which shows Mages being about 10% of DPS at 25+, or the numbers on check-pvp which pretty consistently ranks mages near the bottom and has done so for a very, very long time.

I think this number is super important - far more important than the subjective opinion of rank 1 players, and I can tell you for a fact that this guy isn’t releasing the grand sum total of what all the top players think.

+25 is a really great indicator of viability at high levels of play, but once you get to +28 or even +30, as some have done here, you reach a point where it just stops making sense because now it’s so few people that we’re talking about that it hardly even matters. Like, if you’re trying to become a really great player, if you’re going for that 0.5% title, being a demo lock is not going to stop you. There is no disparity unless you talk literally rank 1 play, but you don’t need literally rank 1 play for 0.5%. You “just” need amazing play.

I don’t really agree. They’re selling knowledge, so if their knowledge is total trash then certainly their opinions based on that can’t be much better.

They are, but that didn’t help 3’s any. 3’s just isn’t fun, and Blizzard’s obsession with it has been a great source of damage to this game’s PvP.

I will never understand how it’s taken 20 years to get to a point where we might have solo queue RBG’s. I mean, compared to solo shuffle it is literally the most obvious idea of all time. It’s literally just BG’s with rating. And now they’re doing all sorts of weird stuff with it that nobody asked for, but at least it doesn’t totally ruin the fun.

Yes, that’s basically exactly what I’ve written for a while.

It’s really no good to look at like the top 200 spots and conclude that one spec is totally out of line and ignoring every rating that normal people actually play at, because it’s going to cause some serious imbalance where people actually play.

In this case it’s pretty easy to conclude that fire is just plain OP, but issue is that the way fire mages play really only comes into its own when mobs live for 60-90 seconds and are clumped up in groups of around 8-12 and you need priority damage. This is the case in a perfectly executed +29, but if you nerf fire based on this to get them out of that end by just reducing percentages, then you just nerf all normal fire mages into the ground for something that doesn’t even matter to you.

That’s what I meant when I said it’s going to have really negative consequences if some warlock at +25 suggests nerfing all mages because they’re good at +30. It’s a nonsense - when you look at where she’s at, mages and warlocks are in fact balanced perfectly against one another, and this continues for several difficulty levels more - and there are even warlocks with +29 and +30 as well, so there’s no reason for her to be doing this. There is a separate problem within warlocks with balance between the specs though, yes there is. But this has nothing to do with mages.

Like, I can understand when Moist comes in here and complains about his Frost DK. I totally get that. It’s a really disappointing situation for him because his progress is just blockaded due to balance issues, and I also agree with his takes on fire mages. But in this case I think the right call is to buff DK, because DK is objectively weak.

If I were to suggest a change to fire mage that would alleviate this situation, I would suggest a nerf to ignite or ignite spread. Mastery is way too strong anyway, so it makes sense from multiple different angles - but when this is done it’s important to make sure there’s not just an overall massive nerf going out to the rest of the ladder, either - because again, fire, frost, and arcane are pretty well balanced against each other and sit at 10% for 3 out of 26 specs. In general it’s actually quite impressively well balanced.

Regardless of raids, Mages didnt need a buff in M+.

Its rather questionable if you risk a class becoming broken in M+ for raid performance.
Mages dont have any issues in getting into raids regardless, since they brought the int-buff into it.


Warcraftlogs was not justifying it no.
Might be the case in icyveins but according to logs no.
I was looking at warcraftlogs before and after the buffs it was not justified.
Middle of the pack is ok place to be.

Arcane mage on heroic logs is 20k above the number 3 spot where everyone else that is not outliers are.
The median arcane mage in heroic does more then everyone else.
And remember there is 17k difference between number 1 and number 6 in mythic on the same thing.

And i say again They could have done the buff to arcane and not buffed the TWO mage specs that was very much used in M+ BEFORE the buff.

Dude, I’m literally playing holy priest most of time. The topic is about casters, I want to play Boomie(sunbeam isn’t as strong as you think), but they don’t even have interrupt. Ele is unplayable, same with sp, locks two specs as well.

Antihero of mages? Maybe live in reality instead of forum, I don’t roleplay here.

Mage has better survivability. You just played with bad mages… Believe me. And maybe read the replies here again… Also, you only talk about demo lock here. What about two other specs? That were bad two seasons in a row

Jóóló, arcane and frost are bad in pugs? My husband has 3.4k as arcane in pugs

Shadow’s honestly kinda fine now. The utility is awful but the damage is absolutely on a comparable level and PI isn’t bad after the nerfs. Bliz buffed shadow back to a place of comfort. It’s not meta but it doesn’t need to be.


Well damn :sweat_smile: You sure care allot about Warlocks for a Holy priest that wants to be a boomie. But fair enough.

I care about all casters, I have all of them and I like to play those classes. I play usually 3-4 characters, since I have time.
Replying about warlocks because people ask, I like destro a lot too. You care lots for mages as rogue :slight_smile:

It’s no secret I play alts. I’ve been mentioning it many times I go between Rogue-warrior-mage.

I play alts too. And I like casters and healers. (Ah, and I don’t like demonology, but who cares, wArLoCkS OP)

If I reply to you xD our entire chat and everything we both have said all above will go in a loop and repeat it to each other again.

We just disagree on this one.

Yes, I disagree, because I also have mage and I do almost same damage on 5 targets on that 440 ilvl frost or so with 2 tier set vs affliction/destro 4set 470 :slight_smile:
And I know how to play destro better than I know how to play frost.

And then it has better utility. So think for yourself.

And whats the solution? give everyone the same utilities across all classes?

I don’t play warlock. But there has to be some upsides and things they can do that mages can’t. Its not like their just a worse off fire mage.

Or just nerf mages utility.