Mage vs every other caster in M+

Someone less drunk than this fox has to handle this one… I don’t think peeling other classes down will be very fun or popular tho.

I don’t think making every classes and roles being able to do the same things will be very fun either. But if the situation is -That- bad then im not opposed to warlocks getting some new cool stuff

To me it seems like they balance classes with all raid buffs too, so in environment where casters don’t get 5% int buff, they will suffer, while mage don’t. Why int is 5% but versatility buff is 5%…

They also could remake talents and make it separate for m+/pvp and raid.

where do you think iv gets the data…

unfortunately the tuning is shared

warlocks have better survivability. passsive is always better than active buttons because of the actual uptime of regens/mitigations.

then mages would have survivability issues or if you remove BL from mages people would go for warlocks especially if aug gets removed from the tope groups. mage utility isn’t OP you need to play mage to see that. i listed warlock utility & defensives which makes warlocks way more tankier and they also have so much utility . also we need to stop with the top player examples because that doesn’t reflect the whole game. if you check 15-25 range you’ll see warlocks are just as fine .

frost mage’s performance on +20 keys(95th percentile) in last 2 weeks is lower than sp, eleshaman, devoker, balance & demolocks . how is that overpowered ?

Please, go and check raider Io. If they are so bad at survivability, then why 4/5 +31 times are with mages? (3 different mages in 5 keys) Maybe you are talking about +5? In +5 warlocks are better, because mages don’t even know what buttons exists. Sure.

I know that utility is op, my husband is top 10 arcane and I know all their defensives and abilities. Alright.

i said then* if they nerf mage utility like barriers , dr etc. then mages would have issues.again, talking about +30 keys where every mage has an aug with them won’t help you.

literally told u +20, you can check it yourself. demolock performing better than frost mage on +20 keys right now.

Literally told you +31

People who know how to play mage don’t play +20 anymore…

+31 is %0,001 of the game. +20 however is something majority of players do. if you think +31 should be the where balance is focused then that’s where you’re wrong. no one cares about performance in +31 we’re just talking about it now because you keep mentioning it . +20 is the average key that both good players and okay ones do.

Already replied, people who know how to play mages, don’t do +20 anymore…(because it’s OP). Unless it’s some lonely alts. Do you think we should balance on +20 on week 5?

you said they are bad at survivability, yet they are timing +31. Warlock timed +30.

Oh no… The horror<.< At 30+ does it even matter anymore? You beat the game… See you in season 4.

And almost in every group with warlock there is mage, since locks need mage for their buff. Mage doesn’t need warlock :slight_smile:

i said warlocks are tankier , i didn’t say mages are bad at surviving atm. buffs were needed and they happened.

this is just your assumption.

if you check top 100 dps players on wclogs
there are 8 warlocks, 6 mages but mage is op yeah

This is my observations from playing the keys. You should look at raider Io and Murlock for m+

murlok says demo is way better than frost and arcane mage… now go argue with them because your husband’s cousin’s friend’s daughter played with a good mage

Lol what.
Just because demo is higher, doesn’t mean the mages are balanced with their utility and damage. Arcane is not for everyone too, though some people enjoy playing it

Frost and demo has like 10 points apart in Io.

if you nerf frost’s utility it would have issues with getting into groups. that’s what i’ve been saying as it’s the 9th dps spec atm. according to murlok. you want an average spec to get nerfed .

You obviously don’t play the game

i don’t do +31 if that’s what you’re asking. i’m doing 20s and i have never seen an OP mage. ive seen op havocs tho.

You do pugs and you are just sitting there and like “hm, no we don’t need mage, let’s not invite them”, sure thing.
Let’s not invite the class that can bl, give us buff and deal with affix. :joy:
Playing frost us easier than playing demo, so yeah, you saw op warlocks, but not Frost mages who don’t afk.

i don’t care about specs i check the rios. why would i specifically pick mages to a +20 when any spec can do it if the player is good. also like i said i’ve never seen an OP one to make me think that way. just because mages do better with AUGS on +31 doesn’t mean they’re an issue.

bl can be given by so many other classes so idc , int buff is not a must for me i’d prefer a warlock curse , mage isn’t the only class who can deal with an affix.

This is why I doubt you play the game.

Yes, if you are good, you will have bl, party buff and way of dealing with both affixes.

Not so many classes have bl, especially when there are only 5 players in the group. (Or 4, since no tank has it).