0.7% of the playerbase is timing those +25’s. I would consider it a pretty high key. But well, i do not know anything about the game either.
I dont assume everyone gets carried, i can see you do though. Tell me, timed any 20s without a boost from a certain arcane mage?
Again, its fine that youre riding off of other peoples coat tails but youre a hypocrite to call others out for not knowing stuff when you yourself dont.
No strawman there…
Holy priests are just fine in +22 keys though? Damage might be a bit on the low side compared to a resto druid but you shouldn’t have any trouble healing a +22 due to being holy.
I had trouble healing a +22 doti:rise(https://raider.io/mythic-plus-runs/season-df-3/14739394-22-doti-murozonds-rise) but that more comes down to me not having played that dungeon particularly much rather than holy being that bad. I’ve ran it a total of 5 times as a healer and 4 of those were below 20.
Yeah, it is, but I think it’s bold to assume that healers are carried in pugs
Last boss on rise is indeed kinda hard to heal, so much moving, and also in pugs people don’t even know that for healers like priests it would be much better if they would stay close.
Deja, He is doing somewhat same DPS in +20 as arcane, it’s too low for his damage, he does uses his defensives - 1 DPS out of 3 using defensives right = getting carried? Okay then!
Btw, I’m not saying I’m super healer but I definitely deserved my low score, live with that.
Doesn’t change the fact that mages are more welcome than basically any other caster to those keys.
Maybe im a bit late to the conversation:
But I love locks. More than mages IMO for the following reasons:
A) Locks slap. Hard.
B) Locks have curse of tonges. I LOVE that. Absolutely adore it. With casters being so annoying this season, that debuf is just OP imo and worth every pound.
C) Locks are tanky. REALLY tanky. Im sick and tired of paper thin ranged DDs. Mages and Priests among them. Anything looks their way and they are zeroed.
And that is why I prefer Locks to Mages. Except for the Tree boss in WM tyranical. The blink that removes the spikes is just too OP for that boss. Sorry. But in that very specific case, mages are > any other DPS to be honest.
Unfortunately mages are more welcome to +5 pug keys too Meta always exist…
Aren’t you only play in premade? So how do you know?
Because i am not only playing in premade?
I was not speaking about BM. and BM is not the only hunterspec
I was trying to make a point about points of bringing classes.
Right now BM seems amazing because it has lots of dmg. But thats exactly my point…
What if mage does the same dmg as hunters? What would be the point in bringing them, they are way more squishy while also offering less for the group.
Thats the point, I dont want to say anyithing about the position hunter are in RN.
Classes need to be balanced with Tankiness and Utility in mind if it comes to M+
I mean locks are more bulky yes… but calling mages thin is laughable. They have one of the best defensive kits for predictable incoming dmg.
I would kill for their def-kit on my shaman,
Yeah but it’s the same few mages showing up in nearly all of them.
Once you get to top 500 runs you’re getting into a population of people so tiny that the FotM will appear to be whatever these people are playing. It reflects balance at such an extreme that nobody should ever really worry about it.
For as long as it matters to 99.999% of players, warlocks and mages are equally good and popular.
What worries me is when you have very large class representation at 25+ or even entirely dead specs that cannot be played. Why are we having a go at mages when DH and Aug are tearing up the whole game even at far lower ratings? Me no comprende.
What about their invis, like on 2 bosses on fall?
Mistjo, I also have alts, and never saw anyone care about mages in 2±+15, it’s hunters for bl there.
Well, I cant disagree with that on paper. I just talk from my experience.
And I refuse to believe that ALL the mages I played with are bad players that cant press their buttons. And ALL locks I played with are top 10 players.
So my interpretation is the following:
When it comes to trash pulls, damage is unpredictable, and many times just raw HP and more armour (physical damage resistance) goes a long way. And if its passive better yet.
When it comes to bosses, I have the worst experiences with massive AoE damage and massive spot heal damage. And locks are just… dunno… tankier… what can I say. Maybe mages dont have their CDs as often as the mechanics. But I definitely feel it.
Try vers and avoidance. I got 30% vers and 10% avoidance. Plus 6% perma DR. Plus instant heals when I take damage (talents + shield). Plus the largest HP pool of any healer. Plus a massive amount of armor (mail + shield).
Its tanky. If they gave Shamans (resto shamans specifically) more deff CDs we would literally be inmortal.
Well, that is legitimately the reason.
But the issue is that it’s far, far harder to use than the warlock toolkit, and the punishment for failure is much higher too, so you need to react to a cast that you can see will go off and you need to pay attention to who it’s going off on. Or you die. It’s that simple. Warlock? Just eat it lol.
The active toolkit is more powerful at the extremes, but it really is at the extremes.
I suppose you could call mages tanky in the “active mitigation” sense, but I prefer to call that slippery, especially in this case since what you’re doing is actually avoiding the hits altogether. Because you have to, or you’re very very dead.
But it also means that, if the tank dies, I can pull some insane stuff out of my hat. I can kite a group of 20 mobs back to the entrance, have the tank pick it back up by using images, and continue the fun. That is insane.
That is exactly my experience with Mages. They are alive, and all of a sudden… dead…
Like whats the point of healing them anyways? Anything that remotely brezes in their general direction will K-O a mage so…
Yet, your highest key +26 timed with frost mage on last week.
Yep, they are very bad, that’s why most high keys in the world are done with them.
Yeah OK. I did a 26… once. And it was an AD. That does not count. And in general its an exception.
Especially because I can carry the AD when it matters most, so I don’t depend on his deff CDs. Only on mine.
All the other 24s and 25s that I do much more often, mages are quite scarce.
When I play with my husband, I rarely need to heal him… Opposed to some locks in same dungeons. Good mages are op and I honestly don’t understand why other mages don’t press their buttons then…
Btw, as a healer I don’t even like warlocks in my groups especially on keys Im doing. 1/10 demo knows their rotation in +20-22 (one more reason, I think people like Breaths here just lying)…
Guess our experiences are different.
And whats up with mages… Ask your husband. Maybe he knows the answer.
I dont even have a mage/lock alt like you do. So my guess is as good as yours.
Also curse of tonges. Dont underestimate the power of that debuff. Its OP I tell you.
He says they are noobs and I didn’t even know how op mages are until we started to play together and he would just say out loud how he uses his defensives along the dungeon. (He plays arcane, so it’s a bit worse than others afaik)
and if we play on alts on somewhat low keys we invite mages/locks for laughs because they will do no DPS and no mechanics.
He does think that demos are in good spot and almost need a small nerf (but then again he gives them buff when he play with them, so who knows).