Mage vs every other caster in M+

here you fail at the basic problem going on this might not technically apply for us however it DOES MATTER in the pug world you HAVE to UNDERSTAND THIS.
people seek Meta as low as +10s at times (yes those people are stupid for doing this however it happens) people are for more willing to invite a meta spec over an off meta spec even at our level of play.

By making the Meta more rigid it also means the pug world acts more rigid that means everyone has a worse experience of play when playing what is not some of the meta specs.

Meta does exist, and if it only matters to the top 1% then I will say exactly that to every single person. Meta slaves or not.

Which is the case in S3. It was not the case in S2, so I complained in S2.

As for you, there are many more ways to join groups other than ā€œclassā€. I also play a warrior (Zavia-Uldum) you can look it up. And I take at mostā€¦ 10 minutes to find a group.

So I dont see where the drama is.

If Ayellin is your main, I can give you 5 tips on how to increase the chances of getting into groups and also wait 10 min max. And it has nothing to do with being a ret pala. Trust me.

And I do. But its not a blizz problem, its a comunity problem. And there is only so much blizz can do about it.

Im not saying it does not exist. Im not denying that some specs have more defensives, or do more dps, or whateverā€¦ Im saying that people that want meta specs for a 10+ are stupid. Really stupid. And buffing your class so that 1 idiot invites you to his group is not a sustainable solution.

But there are things YOU can do about it. Thats what im trying to say hereā€¦ That you can cheat the meta pug world.

I love you. And I believe in you. If this idiot could. So can you.

Either way, I think its the end of the line for me. Some dungeons on 26 seem already unreasonably tough to pull offā€¦ soā€¦ I might end the season early.

F tier?

Also, comparing healers and DPS is unfair. Try pugging as destro lock, letā€™s see how fast you will achieve 3k even. Or, 3300ā€¦ Without friends. Just your key. Since you will only have to use own keys and as we know, blizzard rng liked to give same keys to you all the time :). People wonā€™t even want to play with you.

If game would be balanced, destro would get invited more often.
You should remember that they gave destro buff after like 4 weeks too, so you gon a play with worse players in pugs unless you started with everyone else.

Mages get invites more easily, this is what this topic is about. You also have BL, itā€™s really big + in 5 men groupā€¦ You know

Lol, what.

You canā€™t just respec to disc if youā€™re a holy priest main.

If I respec to disc, I have to go back to play like 8-10 keys despite my gear, because I have absolutely no clue how to play disc and Iā€™ll likely not learn how to do that before the season ends, if I ever do it. Itā€™s like a completely different class, thereā€™s pretty much close to nothing in common in how the specs play.

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The stats are also different. With that logic you can just go and level FOTM class sand play it.

Yes I know that. Try pugging keys above 24 as a ā€œnon meta healerā€ ā€¦ :smiley:

Were in the same boat here bro. I do my own keys too, with people I know (as many as possible). Many times I have to re-do keys I already did to increase their level when depleted, ectā€¦

Its the M+ way.

Thats the thing. When you do your own keys, you enter a cycle of timed/depleted. And while doing that cycle you get practice.

FOTM specs can get away with it. And then you have idiots pretending to be pros. They donā€™t have the humility to have been absolutely destroyed 100 times by bosses or mechanics.

And then they do their keys, asking for FOTM specs and then they come to the forums to complain about Leavers, Greafers and general toxicity.

And this is true at any level by the way. Not just the top.

So? Imagine what I would have to if I want to change to disc priest: I have to make a char from level 1. Raise it level 70.

Then learn a whole new class. Because all I know priest do is ā€œrenewā€ and ā€œflash healā€ and ā€œminor healā€? From when I played one a bit in HC classic.

Then you at-least already have max ilvl gear with tier set. You just need to farm appropriate stat gear in 18s, which you can do. I need to re-farm everything from scratch.

Like sure. Changing spec is not as easy as pressing 1 button. But how is that as hard as what I have to do?

It doesnā€™t even take half a day to get to 70.

The vast majority of time spent if a holy main switches to disc is going to be learning the spec. Disc makes absolutely no sense to me as someone that has been playing holy since vanilla. I stopped raiding on my priest when they wanted me to spec disc in ICC for lk hc progress, Iā€™ve played holy - always. Itā€™s even more foreign to me than a windwalker monk and Iā€™ve played a WW monk for a total of 1 hour at max level.

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Wont argue with that. :slight_smile:

Depends on the Season how much easier it is.

But at the end it doesnt matter, because even if its just the communityā€¦ I didnt got any invites.

And tbh playing an C- Tier class against S-Tier classes just feel horrible.
I remember at the start of SL, before they buffed ele-Aoe by 35-40% (Yes, this is not the first time), my dmg was so low that I tested mage. After a bit of testing on target-dummies, I joined my group. My undergeared FireMage outdpsā€™d my Ele-shaman in AOE.

And no matter how much BS this is. People still refuse to invite certain DPS specs. And why is obv. There are tons of people asking for a dps spot, why would you ever pick a C-Tier if you can pick an S-Tier?

People are peopleā€¦

Yeah I can see what the problem is. But I dont think that they will rework disc, or MW, or Palaā€¦ because people like it. I also doubt they will rework Holy or Shaman in that regard.

I like classes do have strenghts and weaknesses and I would like to have an solution for this problem. But I am not a healer so I cant really make statementsā€¦ just brainstorming.

Whats your opinion on it? How would you solve that without making holy just a second disc etc?


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Iā€™m getting troubles in getting invites on holy +21 though I did many on +22 already

this is not even my own idea. Its literally from people playing on the highest lvl of M+.

S-Tier is the OP-Tier and needs nerfs.

First of all, I did not say that demo is not strong atm.

But now to the real kickerā€¦
Mage was strong in Legion.
Mage was broken op in BFA
Mage ruled most (Broken OP) of SL aswell, and later when SV and WL became S-Tier mage still was one of the Top-specs (A-S-Tier)

now in DF Mage was not bad the whole expansion either.
It was on the highest keys in S1 (So atleast A Tier)
It was S Tier in Season 2 being part of GOD-comp.
At the start of S3 it was A-Tier and got buffed to S-Tier.

What is even funnier that most of this time its Fire.

Locks while also tend to be on the stronger site, atleast let other specs have fun from time to time or even have a mediocre season.


mage has be S tier since Classic wow its just

the Barbie dev team that canā€™t fix the other classes.

It is not about cantā€¦ it is about not want.

It is obv. that they want mages to be A-S Tier every single season.
It is really annoying, especially for people that play classes that go into higher tiers only every 2 years for 1 season.

They simply dont care about half of the classes.

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The Dragonflight experiance this expack.

Ive seen how mages especially frost do dmg. But still today. So many classes beat them on aoe. And thats just life. They are obviously much more viable. But before in high keys i told someone to pick a mage. But he said nah they shiz. Which was true back then. Their dps wasnt much. Compared to a 485 dh or hunter even warlock. Maybe if they have bis they would be doing insane dmg back then. If they did that back then then they probs even better now.Although i top dps most of the time now as frost mage. I need to use 12 buttons as a mage. Especially in aoe. Whereas other classes press 3. In the hand of good players any class can perform well (obv some a certain class is ultra nerfed). But you cant deny. A demon hunter clears mage in mythic completely dps wise.

You seem to forget what that was paired up withā€¦

Itā€™s blizzards fault for not applying something that fixā€™s the classes. and rework classes faster they should hire a dev team that plays the suggested class changes them self before releasing them

They should just add a mode old mish mash spells from old expac like world editor for Warcraft 3 make old spells viable on that version and see if that can fix some speccs.

They could literally hire one top player of each class and they would have a way better game. It would also help if they actually would do more buffs and nerfs <.<

I can literally write what ele needs to be fixed and when they impliment my changes eles main problems would be fixed. Which would also makes it easier to make buff/nerf it.

Would take me 5-10 mins

They should just do something better for the next expack some classes in pve pvp are still in 2012 stage like blizzard needs to get to 2024 change classes up.

WHAT ???

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