Mage vs every other caster in M+

Not 1 interrupt is on thz global cooldown

Warlock without intellect buff does much less damage, btw. Would be cooler if intellect buff was some tankā€™s buff :slight_smile:


Afliction top dps spec in some fight of raid, same a destruction and decent in m+ hard to play in m+ tho.

its called glass cannon for a reason .

looking at current logs what is on top is 2 rogue specs

No, becaus4 its magic and let that be one of the things that not on afflicted

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If Iā€™m playing my destro in m+ that is far from good spec now, I basically have to invite mage for buff. Does the mage need warlock or their damage will be bad? No. Does the warlock need to invite bl class? Yep. Not many classes have bl. So mage with their intellect and bl is very very good.

Intellect buff also will go well with healers and our beloved evoker.

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Warlocks are still pretty good to invite too a mythic+ You give us health stones trough hard keys. And you can combat ress us too.

You can also banish the Incorperal affixes ghosts.

And you do high dps too.

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For m+ mages are busted certainly with the current buff they had, i also agree that destruction locks arent as bad as the person is saying. Destruction locks is rare and even rare to find a good destruction lock even they say its easy to play not in m+ tho. Also how many locks do u see that uses their utility like their teleport/gate in a good way? Jep not many indeed.

Theres 20 points difference between the top demo lock and the top destro lock. Both far over 3.6k having timed everything on at least a 28.

To call that ā€œfar from goodā€ is laughable.

So if some destro can pump in premade it means that the destro is good? :joy:

Oh yeah, locks brez is like 3x times longer cast than otherā€™s specs. But yeah, itā€™s nothing unique, compared to classes like mage. And everyone can have a brez too with engi.
Druid buff is not unique, since heal and tank also has it.

Idk what it means that destro is not as bad as Iā€™m saying, they are worse than almost every ranged spec in game for m+. yeah, I can beat some dh st, but on aoe itā€™s far from the best even with the recent buffs.


If it wasnā€™t good it would be incapable of ā€œpumpingā€

If some can pump with it and you canā€™t then thats you, not the class or spec.

Itā€™s the first season since I started playing in BFA where mage has all 3 specs be ok and you think thatā€™s somehow a problem?

Stop embarrassing yourself. Frost has been in the gutter for ages. Arcane was pretty dog as well for the longest time, these two specs finally being a bit better than middle of the pack and you throw a tantrum at utility.

Thereā€™s plenty of balancing issues in this game but this one ainā€™t it chief.

Are you talking about raids? Donā€™t remember frost being in the gutter neither now or last season

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This isnā€™t true, the higher you go the better they both get. More people have been switching to them since the buffs.
Demo is significantly better, but all 3 specs are capable of pushing high.

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One of the reason you bring mage for high keys besides their insane kit is that they are near unkillable :rofl:

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You start enjoy them at like +22? I canā€™t.enjoy destro at +18 and it feels too stressful. And until then just cry all the way? :laughing: Frost mages are fine in low too

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This thread is full of lies.

Where have you been past 6 years.

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Play a frost mage then. Many casters require a degree of ramp up, lower keys always end up dominated by melee because of front loaded burst. UHDK being one of the rare exceptions.

I donā€™t want to, the topic is about utility imbalance and damage output, not about what I should play :slight_smile:
I like atriohm btw

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Classes with 3 damage specs have a high likelihood of having at least one of them high on the damage ranking at any given time. Itā€™s not coincidence that mages, rogues, hunters and warlocks (yes them too) have a spec up high almost any expansion.