Mage vs every other caster in M+

All three of them are fine, unlike other classes

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Arcane mage would like a word about thatā€¦ Fire mage too. It takes some special skill too figure out how to pull of fire mage right outside of combustionsā€¦ And knowing when and where to use your cooldowns.

Arcane mage has an insane setup for their dps rotation. Some people play these specs flawlessly, But its not like most mages are Arcane and fireā€¦ And thats for a reason.

Tried playing fire my self. But its impossible in pugsā€¦ Cause I dont know the tank, I donā€™t know the packs they are used to pull and when to save and spend my cooldowns accordingly.

Frost mage is much more safer all around

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But why? If people want to change classes why do you want to stop them?

Arcane mage doing around same DPS as dh, same with fire. Andā€¦ They bring insane utility :slight_smile:

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Well if you will follow that logic then mages are no better? Cause not EVERY mage will use invis, not EVERY mage will use CCs. Oh and and using spellsteal or even remove curse? Hahahahaha good one. If I meet at least one mage out of 100 who does that, then its already cause for celebration. :champagne:

Warlocks do use healthstones, actually, itā€™s people they are playing with donā€™t. Didnā€™t mean warlocks, yeah, some mages donā€™t use their utility, still doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t exist. Or it doesnā€™t mean their OP buff and other utility is balanced between classes.

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understand that mage as a class is more then all 3 specs if 1 spec is OP it makes people go for that spec instead of other specs even if the other specs are strong.

Only 2 of these classes actually are where you think they are and that is Mage and Warlock at least in raiding
yes pure dps classes should have a higher chance then others but this is NOT the case in this game.
As rogue and hunter is proof of.

The number 1 class over the course of 5 expansions is Mage then number 2 is Shadow priest then number 3 is warlock these 3 classes has at least 1 spec above average more than 97% of the time for 5 expansions.
Rogue and hunter is down in the 70% and 50%.

If it was actually true that pure dps classes had higher chance the other classes this situation would not be true but that is how it is.

Welcome to the pug world this is the same for all classes and specs.
Welcome to playing the game not in the perfect way for your spec like the rest of us.

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The important interrupts pretty much yes.

All mages DPS specs are above every other classes all DPS specs. There are no 2/3 DPS specs that are above them in m+. And if the class has only one DPS spec it will be lower than mage. So you are wrong.

Tifa, you are playing +7 then, or completely clueless.

She has higher rio and keys done then you have so that speaks volumeā€™s about you , then again its just your weekly ā€œlook at me theadā€.

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Not with my main, and you can easily have 2.5 k and have no clue, you know, especially playing balance druid. Her DPS logs are grey/green by ilvl, even on normal raid. On my alt lock I donā€™t have that. So ya :slight_smile:
You should post from your main too

Like the char you used to post on?

Not exactly high level yourself.

ok grey logs yourself

can, but wont. thats my experience.

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Yeah because Iā€™m not even trying to get Io, yet, and you are the one looking it up and not me throwing it around :slight_smile: you are the kind of person who canā€™t talk on forum without digging stuff up :joy: logs for healing works differently and if no one does then why I should heal?
You can look at my DPS logs if you want, like lock. Most of them are purple.
If you think holy priest can be carried in m+ pugs, you are delusional.

orly :roll_eyes: i mean you say you are late 20ā€™s and married not the actions i would expect of a grown woman.

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Because thatā€™s the reality. No person in their mind will agree that two people can handle all interrupts.

but mages are indeed overtuned once again.

they have everything once again.

aoe stops, big survival cds alter time invis 70% wall blink out of stuns.

big aoe dmg big single. aoe barrier and personal barrier that allows you to live mechanics other die too.

blizzards favorite child no doubt.

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The person you are arguing with said they couldnt dispel afflicted as a healer.

Thats comically incompetent.

Ontop of that, all their 20s have been carried by their husband. Quite rich of them to diss other peoples scoreā€¦


This is my first afflicted as priest and I didnā€™t even do keys on my main this week, go look it up on raider Io, Mr officer :joy:
I will do my research into going +22, dw :joy: