I seriously don’t want to have to use mail armor anymore. It’s just depressing.
I am genuinely so fed up with mail armor getting the shaft EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Why Blizzard?! WHY?! Remove this horrible mess of an armor type and just give us leather. It really feels like these mail sets just keep getting worse and worse.
I am NOT playing some monster. I am playing a human. A human hunter who puts on clothes or armor that help her stalk prey and move swiftly and silently through various landscapes. Now look at those armor sets again; do ANY of them fit that description even a tiny bit? Spoiler: No, no they don’t.
Sure but only under condition that existing mail armor peices are re-tagged as leather so we don’t loose them.
You know that won’t happen now we’re getting Evoker, right?
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Oh yeah of course.
That’s a win too for all the current leather users. More choice.
Yeah, I know. But I have to vent. I’m so sick of these horrible looking sets. I’ve collected a fair amount of mail transmog over the years, having always mained hunter, and without being hyperbole; I probably use maybe 15% of all of it because most of it is just so damned ugly.
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I understand, but I’m afraid that it’s currently really hopeless. Even if they changed only hunter to leather (which would make a lot of sense imo) it would create a bigger gap amongst armor types. From what they said, they’re totally highlighting that they are closing the gap more with the addition of Evoker.
Not all leather is that great either though. Imo druid sucks, I always ended up using rogue mogs or making my own one.
Well for a hunter, druid has some cool stuff.
But overal the leather options just look so much better than most mail ones.
But yeah… It won’t happen. But I feel like making some noise about it. Because those DF sets, honestly… They’re not on an acceptable level of quality. I know it’s subjective, but I really believe that.
From what I’ve read on the forum, most classes are not satisfied with the sets and the theme. It probably only works for shaman 
Plate and leather were always the best sets in general, that’s for sure.
For me it’s cloth. I find something that I like in every expansion. But I agree that mail armor is just ugly. One of the reasons I don’t really play my hunter anymore.
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Shaman has some nice sets though imo. I mean, it’s always subjective 
i have not seen any better gear on long time then rogue Legion Gladiator armor or the M+ set …
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Yes. It’s way better than hunter stuff for sure.
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have u ever seens how meny S mongs hunters have what looks like a mail armored corset or bikini ? they have 14 sets thats more then any other class has 
I don’t think that this one would be so bad if the technicolour horns(?) were removed and the helmet changed to something other than a colander.
Definitely something for colder climates but perhaps fitting for that rugged trapper/mountain man look.
The middle one reminds me of the Haradrim from LotR films, and the bottom one reminds me of the aliens from Pitch Black. I think that my hunters and shamans will be retaining their current outfits.
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Most mail armour is pretty low tier but this new stuff…wew lad…Hope you want to look like a dragon for the next 2 years…
Shooo… this topic is not on par with your status level now. You must only reply in important threads from now on like body types, forum only for university degree holders etc.
Even without the pictures I’d agree with you.
You see, I make a ton of custom sets. Have about 2 dozens of cloth and a dozen of plate sets, half a dozen leather, and mail…? Maybe 1? Or 2… that actually look decent.
It’s just… crazy difficult to put sets together. Nothing manages to properly match.
And I began all this because mail wearers simply don’t have good class sets I could use, so would want to come up with my own. But… next to impossible to make anything decent.
I’m sorry to have to see you this upset, Tahra.
Maybe all you can do is reroll, if looks are that important to you… Wish I could help.
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imagon if wow was a chainese anime MMO game 
Mail armour is a pain.
I’ve basically worn just this set since I got it in late cata/early mop
it is funny how u was avable to make a warlock worgen and send rube to a other char put it in AH for sale for 5000 gold now start of SL they changed the starter gear so u cant get them nomore so the rube will start go up in price now …
I found a drastic solution: hide almost all gear. Since we have body paint for regular tauren now it looks actually good. It also fits the tauren culture so it’s even better.
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