Mail armor in DF

You can always show helm off, it is not bad how they look.

All armor types could use a little bit of color and a little more friendlier* design :slightly_smiling_face:


Just gotta go with the flow and mog into the murlock set.

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To kill some DEMONIC EVIL DUDES you need spiky amor!
Very spiky! Spikiest spiky!
Spike’em all!

Oh nonono. Gameplay > looks.
And thankfully there’s been some non-mail appearances that hunters can use, like the RaF set (this is actually the main reason I am for store transmog sets - the chance of getting something decent is many times higher than waiting and hoping for a decent class set) . But then seeing sets like the ones in the OP, it really puts a damper on my enthousiasm for the new expansion. THAT is what I have to ‘look forward to’? :weary:

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i feel you. maybe the thrid isnt so bad…


im a mog lover. always with clothes and plates im lookin for recipes and new mogs from old dungeons\raid. with hunter no. its a shame.
With my ally hunter (kultiran) the only mog i dress is the heritage one. nothin else.

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I’ve not liked any raid sets since Legion, but this is just one raid into DF, there is hope for the future.

I am just glad I can transmog.


I dislike all the new plate sets.
I often cosplay as a lumberjack without armour speciffically because I don’t want to look like a badazz that’ll kick your butt for talking to me :rofl:


Honestly, I don’t love any of the Dragonflight sets shown so far, regardless of armour type. Which is a shame, because imho Shadowlands had some nice looks for mail especially. The raids were meh, even if I could find use for some pieces, but the levelling mail set, 3 of 4 covenant sets (the one I don’t like is Venthyr) were pretty nice. Even BfA had nice Warfront and Uldyr sets. Shame I didn’t manage to collect the Warfront sets in BfA because I didn’t play :frowning: I badly want the Darkshore set for both Horde and Alliance.

Anyway, yeah, not a fan of Dragonflight gear so far.

I feel you. I use this set for a while,and have one more which is more enhancement oriented, and that’s it. The rest of my saved sets are decent, for fun but nothing that “screams” Shaman.

For my hunter, I can only make some kind of good ranger sets, and most of them using similar items.

I amreally close to change my main and alt and pick up some clothie like Mage and Priest to look pretty :slight_smile:

What?! The first one is amazing!

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the nf one isnt so bad

I hope there will be specific transmog sets for the 4 big factions in the DF zones.
That could at least be something. But yeah… Leveling sets, PvP sets and Tier sets are all a bust for me so far in DF.

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Ah yes, the usual, the mail ends up being the garbage disposal for any armors that are not leather enough to be leather and not plate enough to be plate.

At least that ulduar set I use at least looks decent ( to me)

How does this concept

changes into the things on the OP…

I would think that they would put more care to mail armor when their new hero class wears mail

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To be fair, that’s more of a problem with naming of the armour types. Like they are all based on the clothes(or robes)/light/medium/heavy of standard RPGs, which include the likes of padded gambesons in light category as well as leather, while medium includes not just light mail, but also scale, various breastplates and even half plate.

Why did they name armour types cloth/leather/mail/plate though, I have no clue. I guess they wanted to be unique?

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We certainly need some improvements to mail, it looks like half of them are rejected designs for plate

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Because at vanilla those were actually accurate descriptions, at least for the leveling gear.
It is after that that they went off the rails.

It would indeed be better to have them categorized as Cloth, Light armor, Medium armor and Heavy armor.
Or to take ideas out of FF14 and remove the terms and make them Class coded.

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They all look horrible, dont they?

Just once Id like to see them bring out a set that said ‘nutz to the expansion theme!’ and just gave us a stereotypical class set. Something that an actual character might wear around Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
Not these giant, clunky, glowy, ridiculous monstrosities that look like you cant even move in them.


Only NPCs get good armor these days