Mail armor in DF

I don’t even know why a HUNTER is clanking around in mail, instead sneaking around, tracking prey in leather… :unamused:


Honestly the worst thing about WoW and a Mail armour user is the fact the 99% of the sets are ugly as sin, Blizz are capable of making amazing looking armour designs looking at you Tyrande, Jaina and so on, but they’re not willing to put that type of effort into the player versions of armour.

It’s kinda sad when you think about it, I love going into FFXIV and dressing my character up in beautiful clothing for battle or to show off.


Oh the crimes I would commit to get gear like this (and photo mode to go with it)

(oops, that last link is a wee bit long)

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Seeing 3d armor and equipment from other games makes wow seem like the stone age…

I agree that mail armor is usually terrible. Its my least favourite of the 4.

I dont see why we couldnt transmog into any armor type, regardless of what we wear. You can already use plate as any class through dark iron/lightforged heritage armors for example, or the alliance garrison stormwind armor.

Then we have cosmetic sets like the faeire dragon or yeti onesie available, like, we already can look silly and ridiculous. We can even be 100% naked except for pants. I dont see how unlocking armor type restrictions would harm our “immersion”.

sure, class restrictions should still exist, Tier 2 judgement for paladins only etc but otherwise…


Whoa that’s asking for too much, the best I can do is bodypaint armour
In general mail has always been the hardest to transmog. I have started mail characters and deleted them multiple times in the past because I just cannot find a cool transmog on them and then I just stop playing them all together.

The tier sets in general also aren’t looking so good, it’s just 50 shades of shaman for every class, the pvp plate set as a whole simply doesn’t tickle me in any way (altho some seperate pieces will be good for offset transmogs) and the dungeon plate set is…
is that even plate?

I wish we just got our class fantasy conforming tier sets back man.
At this point just take the older tier set appearances and just upscale them to the modern style like they did with the black temple tier gear in Legion. It’ll look way better then these transmogs they base off the areas the gear is obtained from which never really hits any racial or class fantasy.

is it time make hunters use leather. mail is so cluncy and heavy slows u down …

Not to mention the heritage armor sets which completely ignore armor type in favour of an armor set appropriate to the race.
So how about one actually appropriate to the class?

There’s mail armor in DF?

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PvP set is pog, except for the helmet tho, however other parts are like Thrall’s BFA armour.

wait wait…even the top one? You all hate even that one too?

isnt the set in the middle supposed to be leather? and the bottom one plate?
Have i got this completely wrong? The top one is awesome as hell.

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Isn’t it!? Look at that chespiece and the legs! And the white fur! The white fur is the good stuff!!!

Depends, chainmail is a good armour for an hunter, its not very heavy and gives you good protection, i think we are fine with mail as long as they put some leather parts in it and pelts/bones to show that we are no ordinary archers, but Hunters.

If the hunt goes wrong and a bear jumps with his claws open right into your face you would wish you had a good helm protecting your head, like mine, tough i agree we need to be sneaky as well, so we should have leather and mail in our armours, mail protecting our heads chest, shoulders and the rest strong leather.

Isn’t that what mail is?

A light weight plate armour.
A heavy weight leather armour.

Yes, but that doesn’t mean it has to look they went through dustbin of the person who’s designing the plate cosmetics to pick the designs for mail :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure they don’t actually do this, but the mail sets have that sort of “we rejected this for plate” vibe.

I actually like the middle one a lot. Think it fits hunter quite well with the fur and feathers.

Don’t care about the PvP sets because I won’t get them anyway so I prefer to pretend they don’t exist in the first place…

And the raid sets, well, it’s just the new T-Set philosophy that sucks. Raid over class fantasy doesn’t really work. SL already showed that. Forcing all classes into “uh-so-creative-stone-and-dragon” looking sets sucks… okay for Evokar and maybe shaman and warrior, for the rest it just looks off.

It works if I am raiding or M+ and I need to feel like a badazz.
It doesn’t work for all the rest…

Problem is; most of the hunter sets back then were horrible too.

  • Beaststalker could work if it also gets a bit over an overhaul, those shoulders are too silly.
  • Giantstalker looks ridiculous - It’s like the wish-dot-com version of Robocop meets Gundam.
  • Dragonstalker looks ridiculous - It’s like you’re wearing Spyro’s corpse.
  • Cryptstalker upscaled could look quite good, sure. But it’s still not a fantasy that I want: I don’t enjoy playing the ‘badazz, edgy hero’ trope.

I’m not even listing Striker’s Garb because that stuff was ridiculous; I even refused to wear it back in the day. So, so, so horribly ugly. I hated that tier.

It COULD work for hunters if they made a jungle expedition raid. :sweat_smile:

Imo remove calling armor cloth, leather, mail and plate
Open up tmogs so we can transmog all kind of armor.
It’s soo silly that we are restricted to wear only one specific type of armor. It’s just looks.
Im not against specific armorsets if they were designed for that class…but it need ti look like to fit to that class…not just to make me look like a clown wearing colorful/weird armor