Mail armor in DF

cough Marksmanship cough

Don’t mog any hunter sets, got it :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, that’s unfair, there is the…Nighthold tier? Aaaand…no, that’s it.

Shaman is like the only saving grace for Hunters, I have managed to slip in some of their pieces in the past to make bearable mogs.

Atm mine is just sporting the dark ranger set which was made for hunters at least. I did race change her to an elf to match though, she was a troll before. I do miss my troll girl though but the red eyes and set are too good to miss atm.

Isn’t that one recolour of like…WoD dungeon or LFR leather set? I could swear I’ve seen that set in the game before this.

Probably, I honestly wouldn’t know without doing some digging, I main a plate character and rarely collect more than a couple of mogs for alts.

Yeah thats my spec, forgot to mention it, marksmans are still hunters what about it Thero’shan?

What about them? They are pretty much archetypical ranger. They had friggin’ Thas’dorah! as their artifact.

Not to mention that the hunting lodge, the most recent ‘class fantasy’ thing in Legion disagrees with your assertion, since our hunter pals ran gamut from survivalists, through large prey hunters, rangers and even dark rangers.

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i want Shredder mail armor for hunters :smiley:

As Tha said, Hunters should look… hunters
Or rangers
My humble oppinion of course, but totally agree

well some are archers aswell or dark rangers

Well, negative times negative makes it plus :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel the same with druid armor. Their ‘interpretation’ of a druid armor is usually terrible.

Yeah, the mail armour is terrible and doesn’t suit hunter or shaman, I’d say move them to leather and plate, but then again, they need make better transmogs in general, want a real barbarian transmog on plate, which I guess would also work for shaman, they just seem to go for a theme on mail that doesn’t suit for either of the only 2 classes that use the armour and it’s baffling

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