Mail armor in DF

I actually really like the first one. Looks like it has some great potential to mix with the Kor’kron shammy set.

Looking again at the pictures of the transmog, the shoulders of the first one are similar to the Night Fae covenant one.

Those huge, long shoulder spikes, If I remember correctly massively clip through the quiver of the Thas’dorah Legion artifact bow.

(Velf hunters probably get it worse if they want to use their heritage top and wings).

Personally, I like having variety with a bit of colour, not just pure realism of mud, drab and more shades of brown…

I support the idea of making mail and leather transmogs available on hunters and shaman, since wearing both was once part of the design, with leatherworkers are able to craft both armor types.


If a hunt goes wrong and a bear jumps at you, that bucket wont save your face, the bear will rip off your head along with it
And WoW have way worse things than bears
Might as well we all could be naked actually
My humble oppinion of course


It’s starting to remind me of games that make it all look bad from drops in game but you can buy nice skins on the store…


WoW is still ok in this regard, I think they won’t go overboard as long as there’s a sub… and tokens :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know about others, but I 1000% would rather see transmog sets on their store than paid boosts in game.

looking more and more like cartoon chars in mario game

If it was on me, I’d eradicate boosting. I absolutely hate all about it.

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idk, but for me the 1st and 3th are cool AF, keeping the expansion thematic.

They remember me the armors from Monster Hunter, with those armor parts from the monsters u kill.

Rlly cool indeed.

Then we’ll have to agree to disagree.

I don’t want to look like some weird monster. Not my thing.

But just removing mail armor, converting all the existing mail and renaming the 3 armor categories to ‘light’, ‘medium’ and ‘heavy’ armor would give much more choice and flexibility with transmogging. So it’s a win for everyone.

Dont like it? dont mog it. ez

Just keep looking for mix of pieces u can set and enjoy.
Is not the lack of choices the problem but the colors itself. Adding inks to set the armor pieces to the color u want, solves a problem that the game has since Gw2 show us that.

edt*- Blizz try to increase the color options u can get adding recolor, but it doesnt solve anything, at this point im 100% sure is a engine limitation that we will have to deal with.

Yeah that’s easy to say when you have a gazillion cool choices.

Well that’s just it… Those pieces are so limited.

Ehm yes it is. That IS the main problem.
Lack of choices that I LIKE.

Those are choices too. So yes; part of the problem for sure.

maybe is not the transmog gallery limited but ur imagination. just keep an eye on mog posts, i will ensure you will always see a new one you would never imagine

No… not really
Mail mogs are horrendous
Of course tastes differ
But accusing Tah or anyone for lack of imagination is simply worng


I agree with Tah, there needs to be more Ranger themed armour not just bits and pieces of beasties.


You don’t know me, so I’ll disregard that, but anyone who knows me irl and said that to me I would consider it a grave insult.

I pride myself in my creativity and imagination. I do creative work all the time outside of gaming. I create art, stories, games.

I’m one of those players who can spend ages in character creation screens, getting it juuuust right.

So no. No my imagination is not limited. At all.

This is not the issue. I have certain fantasy tropes that I love; and I want my hunter to be able to look the part of those fantasy tropes. But for the most part that is impossible because Blizzard’s idea of a ‘hunter’ is something completely different than my idea of a hunter. There’s been SOME overlap over the years, but more often than not their style is just plain ugly or completely out of character for what I want.

THAT is the issue. Mail armor is the issue.
I don’t want a monster with a bow. I don’t want a knight with a ranged weapon.
I want a treasure hunter. I want an explorer. I want a hunter. A ranger.

And leather really fits better with those fantasies. That’s the basic point.

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yeah it doesn’t look good. But i also thought most looks in Shadowlands was very bad

2 bads don’t make a right. :sweat_smile:

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take it as personal as you like. idc bc was not meaned, we are all in the same sinking boat.

as you hav, so i do hav mail toons with i spent many hours mogging and changing in the barbershop, even im that kind of nerd who spend money swaping their names bc i find it suit better in the role.

Maybe is not the perfect texture for the piece you looking for, but deny that is not posible to find a ranger or explorer set to mog is just a lie (you just hav to go to the outfit category) is plenty of them.

If you are looking for more “normal” clothes to mog and the explorer set from the shop gave you a false hope is another story and nothing has to do with the mail sets.

I would better apeal as i mogger fan i am aswell, to include in the game more generic armor type “civilian” or “worker” options like the ones they are doing with the proffesions in DF. - Edt*- Leaving the class set for what they are , a set that themes with the expansion or raid.

That and ofc the foooking inks… Gw2 i miss u so much. sigh

I repeat, we are not fancy archers, we are hunters from the wilds and we wear our beast enemies remains as armour, thats our class fantasy, thats why we have specs like “Marksmanship” “beastmaster” or “survival” and not “scout”,“archer” or “ranger” wich would be pretty cool to exist in game but they dont.

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