[Main Thread] Dreadnaught Classic SOM server lagging/unable to login 04-04-22

There seem to be a general issue with the server. All players affected.


Have a look at your server, the server is lagging, characters get stuck at loading screen, mobs in the game world disappear both friendly and enemy mobs, flight masters disappear and then re-appear after 5-6 minutes.

Only chat and the world channels seem to be working properly

Previously I could use abilities like stealth and mount dismount but I found myself in a completely empty world now I can’t use abilities and I can’t mount dismount

I am now dead, can’t resurrect, stuck in ghost form, can’t even release spirit.


Hello? Response from Blizz? Its Monday, I start working tomorrow. Let me in!!!


Fix your servers. It shouldn’t take you this long to realise your game people pay a SUBSCRIPTION to play is broken. It definitely shouldn’t take this long to even reply to say someone is looking into it.


Yeah this sort of made my evening a wee bit worse, to be honest!


Blizzard plzzzzzz I was going SFK with my friends tonight fix this :frowning:


Same issue here, characters don’t show up on realm screen so I can’t enter the world… of Warcraft.


Anyyyyy status Blizzard?


please blizz i just wanna play

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3hrs and no response from blizzard. Disgusting customer service.

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ded realm ded game

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What about a “We are working on it” or “We saw it” or at least a “We saw it but we don’t give a fk.”?

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have you checked twitter? that’s where most of their feedback is too, no wonder this game is ded

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Hey everyone,

I wanted to hop in and let you know that we are investigating reports from multiple players for issues connecting to or being able to play on Dreadnaught. I do not have a work around or ETA on a resolution but any updates we do get will be posted here as we get them. Keep an eye on this post for details.

Why cant i load my charakters nor can i log in/create new charakter. but works on other realms?
Is it just me ?

no its not only u bro its been like this for 3 hours but blizzard dont care


this shaaiz sucks :frowning:

Hey Everyone,

It looks like the engineers were able to track down the cause of the instability and the server should be running normally at this time. If you are still seeing issues logging on or staying connecting/playing go ahead and reply to this thread so we can track if additional work needs to be done.

my character still exist for 5 hours and i cant login

Hey Kershew,

I can log in but when I log in tho my main character “Drathlock” on the Dreadnaught eu SOM server, it says “Character name already exists”. I did the stuff recommended in a other article:

When a World of Warcraft character is not properly logged out from the server, it’s possible to receive the error, “A character with the same name already exists” when attempting to login to that character.

1. Try logging into a different character and then logging fully out of the game
2. Reset your user interface to make sure your files and addons are not corrupted
3. You may need to wait to allow the server to remove the character, which happens after 30 minutes of inactivity

But that did not work. Could you please help me out? There doesnt seem to be a technical support ticket category for this.