Maintenance Schedule Changed -- 15 January

Are those games holding together on a spaghetti of interconnected code that has been accumulating and growing in complexity and running for fifteen years, coded by hundreds if not thousands of people in that time span?

And they still make big mess up, do you remember Warlords of Draenor launch week?

So glad I didn’t take the day off tomorrow. I was really considering but then that voice in my head kept reminding me of the week off that I took on WoD release with like 1.5days being playable

It’s always been 8 hours for a big patch … it’s just that it’s usually 2.00-10.00 which doesn’t affect people so much.

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Always delayes

Most likely the AH is taking way too long.

US maintenance is the same, was moved back by the looks of it.

Don’t know about others but i got a job. Not every job has same working times and we are also on different timezones, so moving maintenance effects some people more than others.


Ok, so after work me and my gf are gonna be attending tango classes anyways, so it’s not the game day for me :smiley:

But I’ll read forums, that’s for sure

Tango classes sounds fun! :smile:

They are. Especially the figures’ names! Damn, they be like Salida Cruzada, La Baldossa and so on and on. Now that I said that… You know what, I’m gonna reserve these names for alts :smiley:

And boy, am I sweating hard during practicing, this one dance feels like cardio, so it’s a good thing to put between gym days :smiley:


Had set an alarm for 8am, was prepared to do this before work. Now I will leave home FOR work when servers come back online.
Yeey <<

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I’m fine with this. I get to set my own hours, so I’ll make sure to have finished up before 14.00. :blush:

This is complete bull. If you’re stringing us along, close the US realm for another three hours too. Surely if there’s a bug for us, it must be there for them too, right? Or is it just the EU who keeps getting the short end of the stick here, as usual?

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Short answer…? Nope… :stuck_out_tongue:

If it wasn’t for food shopping being delivered on Wednesdays, I coulda had a lie-in… :frowning:

I have been browsing the US forums today for those salty, salty tears :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So far the thing that has stand out to me is Horde mains can’t seem to unlock Mechagnomes if they have grinded the rep on a Horde character.


Yeah, seems like the rep is fine, but the achievment the machagonian threat has to be done on alliance side (and is gated by rep).

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They are pretty savage over there…

Aww man, 2pm seriously? :sob:
I have to leave at 3pm to go to work, guess no game time for me today. Depressing.

why did you suddenly change the normal maintenance hours from 3\5 - 9\11 to these stupid hours?