Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±


I have a new confession to make. Recently, I turned WM on, and have been stalking jumping puzzles and cliff areas in Zereth Mortis, Typhooning people down out of stealth. I have a druid on both sides, and have been doing this on both of them in nearly equal amounts. I even used my second account to shard-hop to more crowded shards.

Itā€™s strangely satisfying.

3 things you never do in real life.

  1. Go up to a polar bear and slap itā€™s face.
  2. Stand on a busy motorway and try to stop speeding cars with your foot.
  3. Go up to a Scottish granny and try to take her shopping basket.

The way I heard it is that you actually do do these things. :thinking:

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I tried to take my granā€™s shopping basket one time to use as a goalpost.

I wouldnā€™t recommend it, it was like going up to Mike Tyson and making fun of his voice.

All these are doable in real life.


And you may only pick one.

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You should join my Olympic lava swimming team, I think youā€™d be a natural.


Ice cold, baby!

Uhā€¦ does that mean Iā€™m an official hellspawn? I mean, who else lava would be cold forā€¦ :no_mouth::no_mouth:


Thank god I had WM offā€¦ donā€™t think the rewards worth this sort of ā€œgankingā€. Smart one :laughing:

i used to avoid math lessions by pretending to having to go to the bathroom, to the extent i faked having bad stomach problems, while in truth, i spent my 75 min math lessions watching youtube or instagram/fb/snapchat on my phone hiding in the bathroom with the water on so that no one would hear

I failed that subject in school

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Real hunters drink bear sweat.


Oh you nearly let something slip there you glorious pervertā€¦

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But its the truth :man_shrugging:

i reallyā€¦ really hated math

Yes yes yes maths smathsā€¦

I want to know more about the locked toilet cubicle shenanigans.

i mean tbh it was the only excuse i could properly get away with, so it fit good, thing was i didnt know what to do for so long, so thank god i had my phone and internet lol, i would spend all the time texting or watching youtube to make the time pass

not only that but I do images better than numbers


I have deep contempt for people who donā€™t transmog, keep their clown distasteful appearance or have placeholder names like ā€œIamapaladinā€ ā€œlolnoā€ or whatever.

Iā€™m never going to tell you though, because I donā€™t want anyone to feel bad.

But I absolutely hate it.

If you play solely for the numbers and have no interest in your character or your appearance, I think somethingā€™s wrong with you bruh


I like the majority of SL and the story (I know, I know) I even think that Arthas part was kinda logic and brilliant. I think that WoW the last two patches is moving in the right direction (baby step).

Shadowlands did bring us the coolest and most unique transmogs in game and also really beautiful zones. And CN was one of the most fun raids I ever done in my 17 year long WoW journey.

Please be kind with me after my confession (oh lord)! :blue_heart:


In this period very often I wish to transfer to Horde :confused: but I keep reminding myself itā€™s 27Ā£.
But they look so happy on that side :disappointed::disappointed:

But they donā€™t have red haired humans so their smile is forcedā€¦

(Gratuitous red haired lady forcibly smiling)