Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

Havenā€™t played sober or been sober off the Volduneshine for 2 yearsā€¦ Sorry all. And forums. :dove:

Damn jakey foxes, ai wahnderin aboot gettin plestered oan cheap as hell drink fae that affies in thae snakes er in cherge oā€™ā€¦ ahā€™m tellin ye, they need tae shut thaā€™ plece doon, itā€™s jist a wahterin hole fir jakey foxes and trolls.


Grab a pint oā€™ beer ye fancy redhead lass, ye clearly not drunk enough! Dat Scottish accent be regardless fittinā€™ ye!

(not me thoughā€¦ but worth a try for olā€™ Magniā€™s sake!)

Tha actually wis Scottishā€¦ weel, weegie fae glesga, ahā€™m fae Dundee so ah tahk wi a wee butty differen accent, fir instance ah widnae ca em jakeys, we jist xa em ā€œalkiesā€ or ā€œpissheedsā€ if theyā€™re oanly aboot ten or eleeven. Noā€™ tha it metters, cis whoever thocht that wance egenā€¦ Dwarves talk in some form of butchered Irish Scottish mish mash needs to be taken out on a Saturday night in Dundee and asked ā€œNOW Do we sound like that? Howsabout we rip apart your accent you ignorant little runts?ā€


Damn, this is like hearing Brigā€¦ did he reincarnate within you? :flushed:

It is hard to read and understandā€¦ crazy what some of the natives put together!

No, by this I donā€™t mean his stories. Just the text above! Well, at times, him too. Like once a month out of too many occasions.

ā€¦anyway! I hope this wonā€™t take a bad turn :face_with_hand_over_mouth: if it does, sorry in advance me hearties!

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Just wait until I post the epilogue of my epicā€¦ It would make Brig wince and exclaim ā€œoh gods, I have to read all that?ā€

Three chapters to go!!

I may even write a sequelā€¦


I wrote I was gonna kill myself for a lost item to get a GM reply as soon as possible (I know, that wasnā€™t real nice of me) :grimacing:

When I play WoW when Iā€™m really tired (usually after work) and I play with my brother-in-law, I quite often fall asleep for a few seconds in my chair. I slide down from the chair to a position that only my hands on the keyboard and mouse are visible above the deskā€¦ Aaaand my char then runs straight into a wall, usually when we are running a dungeon togetherā€¦ And when he asks me whatā€™s going on I always say I had a lagā€¦ :smiley:


It is technically a brain lag so you didnā€™t lie :thinking:

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Well, that is an interesting view on the subject :smiley:
The funny thing is, that sometimes he comes to our place visiting us and we play in the nights and he sits in the same room playing on his laptop, he sees what is going on with me, including the ā€œlagsā€ :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why not tell him that some beer caused it?

Or possibly a lack of sleep.

Very much a lack of sleep! Nothing worse than ā€œresting your eyesā€ for 5 minutes and ends up being 5 hours.

But wait, there is no brain lag in that case. Just a loss of income! :sweat_smile:

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My actual dark confession is best done by the fitting lyrics of a song Iā€™ve always liked.

In fields where nothing grew but weeds
I found a flower at my feet
Bending there in my direction
I wrapped a hand around its stem
I pulled until the roots gave in
Finding now what Iā€™ve been missing

Inside my hands these petals browned
Dried up, falling to the ground
But it was already too late now
I pushed my fingers through the earth
Returned this flower to the dirt
So it could live; I walk away now

Hmph, Rise Against has awesome lyrics. A very underrated bandā€¦ :frowning:

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Got a new ā€œtoilet tabletā€ for free so Iā€™m testing it out right now.
So far itā€™s crap (HEH!) but it will do just fine

Now back to Youtube. Wish me luck

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I levelled my first warlock all the way from 1 to 120 without ever knowing what Summoning Ritual, Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway were. I didnā€™t do any group content, and then when I did at 120, I had an embarrassing time being the only warlock in the group and feeling like a mong.

On my first Hunter, running Antorus for the first time (also my first attempt at a raid), I had no idea that we were supposed to wait for people to arrive at the first boss - so I ran in with Aspect of the Cheetah active, jumped over the few peopleā€™s heads that were waiting to start the encounter whilst simultaneously loosing an arrow from my bow of righteousness, and ninja pulled it - forcing a wipe. Rage ensuedā€¦

Yes, I went full Huntard and no, Iā€™m not sorry.


finally got round to telling my dad i was depressed after 10+ years of being depressed.

for some reason i kept it secret from everyone irl and put on a fake positive act.

in the same noteā€¦ was a hard choice but i finally cut all contact off from my brotherā€¦ he has been doing nothing but talking down to me recently.


I ninjad the korkron juggernaut mount in SOO and left my guild, then ninjad the glacial tidetorm mount on jaina and stayed cause they didnt kick me . after i got sylvanas mythic mount i quit the game lawl

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There are serial killers on Death Row who will read this and say ā€œdudeā€¦ Really?ā€

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Good for you - I hope he responded in a positive way. And a lot of people do the latter.


he didnā€™t but, that is his choice.

thanks for the support <3


Iā€™m sorry :cry: Yes, itā€™s his choice and I hope he realised the courage it took to tell him.