Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

I actually think that female blood elves and male orc warriors are way more boring than human characters


I spent 6 expansions waiting for melee hunter to stay as bm for the pets.


I like to use Shadow Rift to teleport entire raids into extremely small and narrow places in BGs more for the inconvenience it creates for the person and not so much to win the BG.

  • Iā€™ve spawn camped someoneā€™s corpse for 4 hours , let him res only to death grip him back to the same spot and kill him again

  • i kill all the rare pet spawns that hunters want in northrend


Back in wotlk i used to bop my rival , fury warrior, because we always fought for first place in our dps race.

For those who donā€™t know, bop prevented you from attacking with physical attacks while it was active.

Good times, good times.


A dark confession?

Shadow is the only priest spec I play consistently.


If my toon gets feared, I make sure to fear the opponent afterwards and laugh at it IRL.

Looks at Coldheart Agents

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I used to be an active participant in the ā€œritualsā€ which took place in Goldshire back in the day.


and i would actively watch said rituals with my hunters Eagle eye ability


I boosted this char bc too lazy to level from 1-120. Also made a race change.


The same day we launched Ulduar I broke my wifeā€™s computer. And she was our Guildā€™s main healer, so my own computer was summarily requisitioned for the good of the Guild. But that didnā€™t mean I was going to give up my raid spot without a fight!

Do you remember netbooks? Those quirky little computers that were all the rage before tablets were ubiquitous/affordable. Well, I had one I used while traveling. Playing World of Warcraft on it wasā€¦ possible, but not agreeable. I secretly used my netbook to raid Ulduar. While my Guild was fighting for a realm first kill, I was happily waddling through the raid at 2 fpsā€¦


please donā€™t ban those that confessed lol .


Doing the lords work.

Adding to the topic, I used to cast the version of Doom (think it was the 30 sec version which was usable on players) on low level players and just continue my way knowing that there is no way to remove the dot besides Divine Shield or Cloak of Shadows back then.

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i used to save the quest with the plagueflinger thing in Venomspite, and when i was in a bad mood iā€™d take it up into the hills and rain death on Wintergarde and Venomspite killing Hordies, Alliance and NPCā€™s alike for hours :stuck_out_tongue:



Too much of a goodie 2 shoesā€¦nothing dark. No secrets at allā€¦guess my dark secret is, that i am boring. :crazy_face: :rofl:


you play hunter thatā€™s a dark confession in my books !

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I used to take my Surface Pro to work so I could open the Vault in the morning.

It took forever to load so I set it flat and hid it under stuff so others wouldnā€™t have to see my sin.


We yoinked the Server First ulduar hardmode (yogg 0 light) from an alliance guild, only because we didnā€™t want a alliance to have a server first XD

Started way later then them to progress on it and got itā€¦

I know who took all the Unborn Valkyrs now!

Ahemā€¦ during TBC timewalking, you can buy this item that kills a critter to open a portal to BT.
So I used to kill a lot of critters with it, for the sake of an easy port, so I can farm T6ā€¦ how many pets ended up in the Twisting Nether? We may lose countā€¦