Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

Keep in mind Kebab has a different taste and texture that might vary from country to country. Ive had Turkish, Lebanese, and Iraqi kebabs all were similar, but different in texture and spices. its weird to explain but trust me.

wether you are missing out or not is a tough question to answer. Food tastes vary and to me kebabs are ā€œmehā€ something i eat once every two months, if ever.

I did eat something similar to a Kebab about a month ago the Greeks call it Souvlaki and it tastes somewhat similar but they have unique sauces and pita bread that goes with it. its really tasty. but as ive said food tastes vary from person to person


I love pineapple on pizza.


Its not these people are so dense they dont even realise that

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Them TL3 abusing foodie rascals.

Itā€™s very popular. At least in Sweden, I like to call it kebab deluxe.
But that ā€˜Negima yakitoriā€™ sounds nice.

Japanese styled chicken shish ā€œkebabā€ ?

Looks good to me


Iā€™m seriously considering a faction swap.


I still owe someone 40g for my first mount back in 2005.


Honestly, after seeing and hearing some people talk live on LBC it doesnt shock me how people can say these things and claim not to be racist at the same time latelyā€¦

Sorry for late reply, yes I felt somewhat guilty when I looked up online and realised just how many foods were classed as ā€˜typesā€™ of kebabs that I didnā€™t know about. Iā€™ve only tried a few, mostly Far East foods. Iā€™ve never had an Indian takeaway either. Usually Iā€™ll make recipes at home these days, try most foods at least once, thereā€™s not a lot of foods I donā€™t like.

I love seeing the foodie pics, inspires me what to make next! Correct, and the yakitori is delicious but fiddly to make. Well worth it though.

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I spent 38k gold to get the Glorious Legplates, and I normally snipe uncollected mogs for under 100g :sweat_smile:

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Everyone knows me as a healer, but I secretly love arms/prot warriors. :crossed_swords::shield:

grumbles in rejected fury warrior noises

Ok i admit - i spent 100g on a ā€˜specialā€™ film in Goldshire involvingā€¦ wait whats this?

I told Dunkiee not to film our ahem rendezvous nor indeed make it public, but it seems she didā€¦


I once farted in a cabin so loudly it felt like the building legit shaked.


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