Make Blood Elfs Alliance <3

I just want a blood elf, but i dont wanna be horde. Let me roam the streets of Stormwind and Ironforge, wind blowing through my golden luscious locks as i go to fight for the Alliance on the frontlines of BFA (soon to be Shadowlands).

Im a simple man with simple desires, Im not here to cry about how bad BFA is or how Good/Bad Shadlowlands could be. Im just askin for a simple faction change, shouldnt be too much to ask :c You could even add it as an in game shop purchase as id happily pay £20 odd to enable my Blood Elf Dreams :c.


I can see that, and I don’t judge you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:t5:
Even if I prefer night babes, we do need pale elf chicks for the Bois

It’s called diversity!


hey now i dont want them for anything lewd, i just rly like the race as a whole, good leaders, intriguing lore and characters

What if I want a Draenei and I don’t want to be Alliance?
Well, I’ll create an Alliance alt anyway to play that race because I like it.
Simple solution.


Roll a Void Elf…

We’re cooler and edgier anyway.


So High Elves are your request?

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But it aint that simple, aint a big fan of the horde cities or horde zones for that matter :c

I just googled Gnomes and I don’t want to be Alliance.

I mean that logic could be applied to any race on the other side.


Aside from the starter/intro zones, Horde and Alliance generally share zones, albeit start in different places. For example, Ashenvale for Alliance you start in the Northern Eastern part of the zone and for Horde you start in the South Western area.

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Post like these annoy me and i’m pro helf keep in in the mega please


Oh and another thing…
If you guys want to play a blonde pretty girl with white skin you can already do it: they’re called female Humans.
Or you can play Void Elf if it’s the Blood Elf theme / model you are looking for.


You don’t look better but you are edgier.

Come now don’t be so blue about it.

Oh…my bad.


They have huge assets tho…


I’m beautiful ?


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I had this zandalari chest plate, that looked very nice in my Blood Elf female paladin, like Sophitia from Soul Calibur.
Tried it on my human female warrior …
Had to revert back immediately.
It look too indecent.


Pff… I wear the badge of Blueberry :large_blue_circle: with pride my friend.

As I said.

It’s judgement time…

And in your case the sentence is…


Bring back Garithos and clean Azeroth out of all the trollbloods.

High elves need.
Blood elves(they enslaved a naaru ffs!! do not belong to alliance)