Make Blood Elfs Alliance <3

tell o mighty magic wielding elf where is your flying magic shooting flying boat? don’t have one … how sad i guess we perfect humans will always be superior

Legit question: why do you have to make clear that you hate Blood Elves on every thread you post?

i don’t recall ever stating that i simply said it would better if they was gone then the source of conflict would gone

I almost forgot that one, since when humans use flying magic boats, that’s something strange of you, is that one fueled by Christie Golden Jaina bias ?


alliance bias don’t exist it’s a myte made up by horde players to justify their hatred of the ultimate faction the ALLIANCE that boat was fueled by 15 years of extreme magical studies by the greatest wizard on the planet

What was wrong with male Night elves :sweat_smile:? Asking for a friend

Like in Warcraft 3 reforge as well. They look like classic but upgrade versions.

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I know that you are ultimate one, you have Anduin in it after all, and Tyrande :
" Malfurion where are you my love " people.

oh we don’t speak of those ex members those who defy God Emperor Wrynn are no longer members of our alliance

I’m sure Genn and Tyrande will find the cold hard forest floor more to their liking then what we offered in stormwind in their little rebellion

Tyrande and Malfurion are still members of the Alliance, and Tyrande taught Anduin a thing or two about war, the best he can do about it is cry just like he does in every cinematic.


don’t worry im sure tyrande will be proven to be in the wrong along with genn :stuck_out_tongue:

What God Emperor? The foolish shonen anime protagonist that just stays behind and has no initiative on anything?


thaladrin its joke on how everyone seems to obey anduin without question and how this game originally started as a warhammer project

genn as a i understood it along with velen are suppose to be his advisors but i barely saw them doing any advising

Jaina greatest wizard on the Azeroth, am I the only one who thinks how there is something wrong with this interpretation ?

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she was in lore a magical prodigy 2nd only to Azshara which makes her the greatest mortal wizard on the planet :stuck_out_tongue:

and to be honest making a floating boat is not the impressive after all dalaran has done it on a much bigger scale as the former leader of the kirin tor she most likely have some insight into what makes dalaran float

Well Rommath and Thalyssra should be about as equally powerful as her, and I think how both blood elves and nightborne have more mages than humans because their entire culture and civilization is build upon magic.

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nope its already shown that Thalyssra is no match for jaina and i doubt rommath is as well the first arcanist upon encountering jaina stats that they cannot fight her and have to run

You do know lore exists, right?

Lore exists to enhance the story not tie the hands of the creator - Ion

welcome to the new brave world of warcraft where the lore only matters when it does and when it don’t its ignored :stuck_out_tongue: even the ultimate lore source the chronicles are now apparently unreliable

So we’re just gonna ignore what the Alliance did do the blood elves and make them betray the faction they have been with since TBC, makes sense.