Make Blood Elfs Alliance <3

I just think that joke is old and not cool honestly, it’s not even funny, I find it very offensive.

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Our Elven Men have always had it rough, from the community

We need to stand up for them! :raising_hand_woman:

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Offensive? Man, that’s in league with the times I guess, it’s 2019 after all. Everyone’s offended these days.

I think there are far worse things out there to be worried about than what video game characters look like.

Blech… Rommath… If there’s one Blood Elf lore character I can’t stand it’s him…

Lor’themar is cool though.

I like dark humour and all but we all know that the so very manly dudes feel so insecure about the ugly image on the mirror that they had to come up with that joke about male Blood Elves there back in 2007.
It’s a disgusting joke made by man.

no thanks. we’re good at the horde side.

And lore wise, you screwed us over quite a lot. So still no thanks.

I think you should calm down…

I insult a video game race you enjoy playing and you take it to step to insult my physical appearance? Even though you have no idea what I look like? Unless you’re a l33t hackerman and took control of my phone or something.

Man, talk about overreacting.

But I have no interest in arguing with you. If you want to try to make this personal, keep going I guess.

Rommath is a true blood elf.

Was part of Kael’s elite squad, dislikes the alliance and is an incredibble skilled mage.

Only reason he does not get enough screen time is most likely Blizzard’s bias towards Jaina as “the” mage.

When in fact not only Rommath but Thalyssra as well are far above.

Void elves are there for you if you want blood elves on alliance.

I didn’t say you were what I described, I specifically said it was created by that kind of people back when the Blood Elves were introduced.

I’m not making this personal, I’m just telling you why that joke sucks and is offensive.

Chill mate I have nothing personal against you.

Didn’t say he wasn’t a true Blood Elf or a skilled mage… Just said I found him tiresome…

He’s the stereotypical image of the “Arrogant Elven Magister” you see in so many fantasy worlds.

Lorewise I haven’t found anything that confirms or denies your claim to him or Thalyssra being better than Jaina though, or worse… Just can’t find any strength comparison between them anywhere, just a lot of forum posts made by random nobodies like you and me.
Kind of hard to find comparisons between lore characters like this, because they are as weak or strong as the story demands them to be at any given time.
Like Jaina and her flying ship, an overpowered move I wouldn’t be surprised if she conveniently forgets how to do.

I’ve played this game since 2005 friend, so I am probably one of the earlier ones to use that joke.

You may think it sucks and is offensive, and I think it’s irrational to get upset and take non-existent beings in defense.
I’d agree with you if I had insulted a group of real people.

But I have no interest in bickering, so let’s just agree to disagree.

Still I didn’t intend to insult you so I’m sorry if I did it when I thought I wasn’t.

You see… they might not be real but there are people out there that look alike or relate to them, so there’s that.

Anyway please don’t get the wrong ideia, I’m not here to fight you and I don’t hate you.

The forums will indeed explode when Blood Elves get those blue eyes


This is why we should have had high elves instead of an extreme minority that came out of nowhere : void elves.

Nah, it’s cool… I am who I am, too old to be concerned with what others think of me.
Just irked me a bit that I mistakenly thought you were being hypocritical. (I don’t like hypocrites)

If there are men out there that look like them, I’d imagine they’d be rather confident in their appearance as they would have male underwear model bodies.
Blizz came up with a couple of jokes on them being “feminine” of their own though, through some /silly jokes.

We better start building bomb shelters then, as it wouldn’t surprise me if they got blue eyes in 9.0.

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That’s how everyone should think :laughing: it’s healthier if you don’t care.

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Nah i’m still hoping for RGB or synced with my keyboard.

What if you have the kind of keyboard that pulses in different colors as you type?

What’s the problem ?

Never seen a disco ball ?


I believe Rommath is above Aethas.

And Dave Kosak hinted that Aethas Sunreaver is on Jaina - Khadgar levels.