Make Blood Elfs Alliance <3

Sure that could please some dudes but do we really need more sexualization of the female race that are supposed to be the ‘‘strong independent’’ females of WoW?

The /dance alone is enough sexualization.


i think we should finish what arthas started and wipe out the remaining 10 % then no one would be able to play them … a good compromise

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Calm down guys, Humans will have sexy female asian customizations in Shadowlands running around everywhere.
Yall will see them competing with elf races in the Alliance at that point.

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I’ll be one of those as soon as I’m done with Horde main :slight_smile:

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It feels good that female Humans can finally matter in-game :laughing:

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way more :^) look at how the night elf in the classic trailer looks and compare it to the feces models the game has… it’s disgusting what they’ve done to the race imo and should totally make them look better

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I can see that someone here got all jelly, probably because no matter how hard she brushes her hair she can’t reach our level of beautiness.

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Ok, but then sexualize the dudes too and we have an agreement :sunglasses:


Like the Male Nightelves in the BFA Pre-Patch? :eyes::sweat_drops:

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Yes, that outfit better be their heritage armor… for reasons…

only a primitive elf uses a brush … my hair is styled by the light so it’s always perfect when i vanquish the horde heathens

We use the magic, you weakling, and don’t need a brush, have you ever been in the Silvermoon, its the most amazing magical city on Azeroth and your Stormwind just can’t match.

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tell o mighty magic wielding elf where is your flying magic shooting flying boat? don’t have one … how sad i guess we perfect humans will always be superior

Legit question: why do you have to make clear that you hate Blood Elves on every thread you post?

i don’t recall ever stating that i simply said it would better if they was gone then the source of conflict would gone

I almost forgot that one, since when humans use flying magic boats, that’s something strange of you, is that one fueled by Christie Golden Jaina bias ?


alliance bias don’t exist it’s a myte made up by horde players to justify their hatred of the ultimate faction the ALLIANCE that boat was fueled by 15 years of extreme magical studies by the greatest wizard on the planet

What was wrong with male Night elves :sweat_smile:? Asking for a friend

Like in Warcraft 3 reforge as well. They look like classic but upgrade versions.

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I know that you are ultimate one, you have Anduin in it after all, and Tyrande :
" Malfurion where are you my love " people.