Make Pandas Alliance only


That’s all…

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Sorry, you ain’t getting rid of us that easily.

Also, trying to get rid of furries by focusing on Pandaren while you have Tauren and… Vulperas in the mix… get your priorities straight.


I wouldn’t oppose getting rid of Pandas… if we can have Mogu!

More slaves for the Stormwind Empire, sounds good to me. They will be made to serve. The many should serve the few who are blessed.

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wow and you called evervien bad


I genuinely laughed at how you spelled his name, thank you. Looks like something good can come out of Sylvanas fanboys after all.


No! I can’t BEAR to play other horde races!

Bad puns aside, Trolls, Tauren and Undead are ugly and boring and I don’t want to play them (including their allied races counterparts). Orcs aren’t high on my list either. So with Pandaren being in my top 3 preferred horde races it would hurt my low motivation to play horde even more.

Honestly, if pandaren ever felt they belonged in the horde at the start of MoP, they really shouldn’t have at the end of it ¬_¬

Wtf… You are everywhere trying to pick a fight. Typical Kul Tiran hot-head.
My alliance characters would love to see the Kul Tirans removed from the alliance. You can stay on your island of drunk inbreds.
Thankfully Thrall got rid of the worst Kul Tiran of all time.

It’s OK. The Horde has only allied themselves with the Mogu and the Zandalari at this point. Pandaren are totally fine with this.

Yeah, I guess it’s not like the horde have done anything bad that ruined Pandaria or bolstered it’s allies or anything.

Dawarves - Flesh cursed Earthen
Gnomes/Mechagon Mechagnomes - Flesh cursed Mechagnomes
Humans/Gilneans/Kul Tirans - Flesh cursed Vrykuls
Magni - Speaker of the World Soul, the Titan Azeroth
And if you want to be generous, the Kaldorei are mutated by the radiation of the Well of Eternity, the gushing wounds on Azeroth filled with the Titan’s life blood, very essence and they settled on the shore among Titan ruins , even their name, Kaldorei came from a Titanic word…
And the Mogu? Flesh Cursed Titanforged…
If anywhere, they would be home in the Alliance what mostly the band of the decendants of the servants of the Titans, suffering the same curse…
The Mogu by all logic, should be Alliance
Keep the pandaren, Chen was Thrall’s buddy anyway

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Well okay… you have then…


Why Alliance so greedy.

Do the happy Alliance vulpera dance…
Then realises, he is still Horde

You are one mean Blood Elf, lady



You know what, maybe they should leave the Horde. F the Horde!


Take me with you!!!

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Who the hell are you.

Hell no, get off!

I dont remember anymore. I think I was raised in Westfall. But things are cloudy since the lich king raised me from the dead.

Tell you what… Alliance can take Pandas and Vulpera. In return we’ll take the Gnomes.

Not so much to fight along side them… more for the sake of target practise… and fort defences.

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