Make Pandas Alliance only

Oh I like this idea
The Gnomes, like most of the Horde races are survivors and the brink of extinction, like the Blood Elves, ORcs, Turen; with a dark very recent past and history

No. We are alliance. You furry Goblin stay part of the horde.

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See? Ruthless and mean to the core
Horde is your place!

Look at it this way. You can probably convince most alliance players to move us to horde with the argument that a faction with both Goblins and Gnomes will simply go kaboom. We just can’t coexist.

And kul tirans horde. Thanks

Imagine they release new class tinkerer with gnomes and goblins as only race avaible for them.


Never say no to Panda.

Why exactly?

And… whats about Grizzek Fizzwrench and Sapphronetta “Saffy” Flivvers?
And the goblins worked with the gnomes and mechagnomes in Rustbolt
Aaaaand during the Siege of Orgirmar…

Pandas wreck your :poop: With a vengeance*

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Mabe lets jsut remove Undeads from game? Less ugly things.

Hey, hold on a minute. They don’t have to look ugly anymore!

We need Gnome Paladins

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some pandas just want to watch the world burn

Never trust a folivore Musteloidea…

Have you noticed the thousands of blood elves in orgrimmar?

They’re not in any way a bunch of desperate survivors, they own the joint.

Turns out for all the horde’s bluster about strength and honour, they just want to look pretty.

literally the first panda in WC3 helped FOUND DUROTAR

Chen would never join the horde though because it would make dwarven brew much harder to come by.