Make Pandas Alliance only

We don’t want them either.

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Then your alliance characters can petition the alliance leaders as to why removing a nation that brings well over three quarters of all Alliance naval resources, as well as boasting the currently strongest naval force, and being led and tied to one of the strongest mages in existence is a good idea. Oh yeah, because they’re hot headed.

Kul Tirans aren’t even hot headed, like eh? Daelin was a single man. Most Kul Tirans are probably best described as folk with relatively simple outlooks. They like a tale, they’re a tad superstitious, not afraid of a fight and quite gnarly on the edges and a bit “rough” but I wouldn’t describe them as hot headed at all.

Nonetheless the alliance is not going to dispose of them. No chance. Of all the races in the alliance KTs bring some of the most numerous benefits. I already mentioned the navy and their leaders individual power. KT as an island is absolutely loaded with natural resources, and KT as a nation is extremely wealthy so they bring a lot of material resources to the alliance as well. They also have a strong cavalry tradition and as footsoldiers.

Only an idiot would have refused them joining the alliance. Unlike the other allied races, this wasn’t the case of AR going “can we join plz” this was very much in the beginning as stated the alliance purpose of BFA, to convince the KTs to rejoin the alliance because the alliance absolutely needed them.

KT and Stormwind are the only two human kingdoms of repute left anyway. The rest are either shadows of former glory, neutral or destroyed. Lordaeronians never were our biggest fans anyway. I believe you guys were simping to keep the orcs alive at financial cost “cause humanity” which largely came out of Gilnean and Kul Tiran coffers given historically these two kingdoms were always the richest.

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Yes, yes we do. Tbh I wanna be horde but I don’t want shoulderpieces that make me wider than I am tall.

You should just roll a panda lol. You secretly adore them hehe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pandarens are so right. They’re so zen, so relaxed !

You leave my Horde pandas alone, they’re happy where they are!

and tasty… :eyes:


First Tauren, now Pandaren… When will the horde cannibalism end? realizes oh right, the Forsaken. Nevermind.

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Orgrimmar looks like a refugee camp anyway. Blizz too mean to give new race a city so just park them in a bit of Org

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The various ghettos are one reason I left horde. I was tired of feeling unwelcome in the central district :confused:

Not that pandaren have it better in Stormwind… still just a few tents and a token diplomat in the embassy.

Just change their model to look fierce and not some DreamWorks movie.

That is good idea. I will further suggest if we have difference models for horde/alliance

Imagine if Horde Pandaren was somehow more orcish like (Ugly) or (Fierce) and Alliance panda more cuddly cute fluffy type.

Wrong. Give Vulpera ferrets to Alliance.

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yes YES this so much

I agree, make Blood Elves Alliance only.

Good idea, but only after we removed the horde from existence.

it does make me wonder how the Pandas are still horde, given the damage Garrosh has done and they are now allied with the Zandalari

Just…you…knowwwww whyyyy

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No you should get pandarens, they have more furry friends as vulpergi, taurens and HM taurens to play with at horde side.

Take Pandas, and Vulperas. We don’t want them. You can delete Traitor race taurens and the ugly HM taurens as well.