Since nobody could carry them.
No reason why DPS should get free rating from a 0-6 dps that can’t find their brain.
Since nobody could carry them.
No reason why DPS should get free rating from a 0-6 dps that can’t find their brain.
I’ve heard of gladiators that got 0-6 at lower ratings.
Idk how you always beat your previous fried take but you did it again. Don’t give up.
I’m going to assume you’re only opposed to this because it means you wouldn’t get anywhere close to where you are now as a dps.
That’s 100% it. It would mean no more free rating.
I mean, this is super stupid, but as a healer, I get exactly this treatment, so instead of fixing healers, blizzard could unfix dps as well, so its even. Good point.
By this logic we shouldn’t give healers rating when they go 6-0 because no one was able to carry the 0-6 healer
Good job, you really thought this through.
A dps going 0-6 means he played with every DPS 2 times and lost. Both healers 3 times.
Healers get nothing. The DPS gets free rating. Because reasons. This should end and the DPS get nothing because they couldn’t carry him, just like healers.
Going on about a healer going 0-6 so the enemy healer shouldn’t gain any rating because he didn’t carry him makes no sense - because he doesn’t play with the 0-6 healer at all. Only against him. How would he carry him if he doesn’t play with him?
It’s exactly the same approach.
You’re right that a dps going 0-6 has played with every other dps 2 times - but that’s just the nature of having 6 rounds with 4 dps in it, but only 2 healers.
Because of that, you cannot have exactly the same terms for both DPS and Healer, no matter how you choose to do it. SO, do you wanna be hypocritical and apply your logic to where it only benefits you, or will you admit your suggestion is flawed and stupid? It’s either or.
yep, this…
Logic is not logicing.
Healers don’t play with each other. Enemy healer cannot carry the other healer.
DPS can carry the 0-6 DPS, if they fail to do so they should not get any gains, because they failed, just like the healers.
Saying the other DPS’ shouldn’t get rating because 1 of them got 0 rounds is exactly the same logic as saying the 6-0 healer shouldn’t get rating because the other got 0 rounds.
That’s YOUR logic - it should work both ways ur you’re just hypocritical for your own benefit.
Healers don’t play with each other.
DPS plays with the 0-6 DPS.
If they can’t carry him, they should not gain anything.
End the free rating for DPS.
You’re just confirming what I said:
You keep repeating your own point that healers don’t play with each other, but it changes nothing.
The way the system works, is that you’re awarded for how many rounds you win. When 1 dps goes 0-6, HIS rating is being distributed to the 3 other 4-6 dps’. Sometimes you literally just go 6-0 one shuffle, just to go 0-6 the next one. That can happen to anyone, due to the rng of lobby compositions etc.
say a lobby has a rogue, mage, warlock and a warrior. This warrior is royally f’ed this shuffle, as every other combination of classes work well together, but no other dps really synergized with warrior. Should all 3 rogue, mage and warlock be punished that the warrior is likely gonna go 0-6 because of an unlucky lobby for him?
If you cannot see the flaw in this, it says enough about you.
Punished? No. Just not benefit from existing in a lobby where a dps goes 0-6.
If you can’t win with him, you shouldn’t gain anything.
Like I said:
You’d have it just like healers. No more free rating for just existing in a game where a dps goes 0-6.
And what about the dps that has brain, but the lobby is just not favoring them? F.e. 1 melee vs a caster lobby on a big map. It is easy to go 0-6 in such lobbies.
But that is QUITE LITERALLY punishing them, making them unable to gain rating even though they go 4-2.
The fact that this is a hill you’re willing to die on says A LOT about you lmao
So healers receive no gain for a 0-6 DPS and you think that’s fair but if you get the same treatment as a DPS, that’s “being punished”?
You just want free rating. Thanks for confirming what I said.
Well, I’m not saying that is idea either. I don’t think anyone thinks that.
My problem is that your solution is to punish DPS’ instead of trying to solve the disadvantage healers have.
I think a better solution would be to by default have healers gain a small amount of rating for going 3-3 in such a lobby, assuming all else is equal (both healers’ MMR primarily)
Idk if this suggestion is ideal either, or if there even exists an ideal solution. But whatever you suggested would literally make people quit shuffle in droves
No, it’s normalizing the rating gains to account for equal performance.
When I decided to play DPS in season 3 of DF, I achieved the same rating I had as a healer, in like 1/10th of the games.
Because you get rating for a DPS going 0-6. And there were a lot of them and I wasn’t the DPS going 0-6, ever.
Why should you gain anything if you didn’t perform any better than the healers?
It’s NOT normalizing the rating gains to account for equal performance though. ‘Rating Unchanged’ with a winrate of 66.67% is NOT gonna make sense in anyone’s head but yours.
I just proposed a suggestion that’s a lot more reasonable for all, which you just completely ignored to keep doubling down on your absolutely senseless suggestion.