Make solo shuffle give 0 gain to dps when there's a 0-6 dps

How are you not performing equally to the healers if you can’t win with the 0-6 dps? You lost with them, just like the healers.

Why should you gain anything from that?

We all know they’re not gonna give rating to healers for going 3-3.

You’re comparing apples to oranges here. At the end of the day, it’s not that deep. It’s based on the amount of rounds you win, and by the nature of there only being 2 healers in the lobby but 4 dps it works the way it does. Like I said, it’s not perfect and could maybe be improved. Your suggestion however, is a LOT worse though, and is only a good idea in your mind because it benefits you.

We all know they’re not gonna give dps’ 0 rating for winning 66.67% of the rounds. I think giving healers 5 rating for going 3-3 is a lot more reasonable and likely.

Feel free to point out how I benefit from it.

It benefits you in the sense that it makes your own rating higher in relation to dps’ because you can now have a winrate of 50% to go even and 66% to gain rating, while a dps now needs 66% winrate to go even and 83% to gain rating.

if it didn’t benefit you, then you wouldn’t sit here and spend so much time trying to defend your mindless idea.

Healers rating has nothing to do with the DPS rating. The only thing that matters for our gains is our own rating and the enemy healers rating.

I never said anything about that.

How do I benefit?

Do you want me to repeat myself?

I’m telling you to tell me how I benefit from it.

A DPS rating has no influence on my rating, gains or losses.

How am I benefiting?

I will repeat myself and explain once more, then.

It benefits you in the sense that it makes your own rating higher in relation to dps’.

Say you for example are 1800 currently, and an equally skilled dps is 1900. This bothers you because it’s unfair that an equally skilled dps gains higher rating for the exact reason you wrote this post. IF your suggestion was to be implemented, this dps would possibly only be able to get 1700. This BENEFITS you, as your rating is now higher relatively, since all dps’ rating has been dumped.

But DPS rating is irrelevant for me as a healer.

How does it benefit me?

You’re not explaining how I benefit from it.

What do I get that I wouldn’t get otherwise?

If you still don’t get it, you’re either trolling or too mentally challenged to comprehend. Either way I feel sorry for you. Best of luck in your shuffles though o/

So you can’t explain how I benefit from it.

Got it.

I think it’s fine as it is, they just need to make it so healers don’t lose MMR when a dps goes 0-6.

I already did several times, and even made a detailed example for you. You’re just THAT much of a lost cause :slight_smile:

Are you really assuming he got R1 soloq title by playing against people who would go 0-6 every shuffle?

Mmr favor DPS over healer, its less brutal as DPS, everyone how Q both know that

How is the highest DPs over 150 raiting higher then the highes healer

No, you’ve said it benefits me.

You have not explained how.

What do I get that I don’t get now?

Nah nothing is ever going to top his suggestion that all CC should be on one DR.

Makes me laugh every time I think about it.


Didn’t they say that they’re going to adjust healer MMR in Shuffle last season? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they did absolutely nothing to fix it lol. Haven’t played the game since over a month anyways so whatever I guess…