Make tanks stay till end by placing their loot on last boss. The shenigans of leaving are back again

Us healers get our loot first in most cases. At least some of the pieces. But every time a tank does not get their stuf on first boss they leave screwing over others.

I’m not sure if this is also going to apply to Cata* Classic but:

The Deserter debuff will now also count for early leaving. It doesn’t prevent them from leaving but it will atleast prevent them from requeueing for another fast first boss.

Edit: Misread and thought it was Cata Classic q_q

As you know we don’t have a dungeon finder here, so this cannot be for Era, but only for Retail and/or Cata Classic.

That said, I have not seen tanks leaving a dungeon in the middle as a problem in Era. The biggest problem is to find a tank in the first place :slight_smile:

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Then stop playing whatever pointless and stupid version of WoW you’re talking about and play Classic Era instead. Problem solved.

I really enjoyed sitting down for 30 seconds and drinking after every single pull. I play retail to get away from that crap and deal with QOL issues.

If you want to sit in one place for 30 seconds after each pull, that is your thing. I wont stop you. But dont expect the rest of us to abide by those silly rules.

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That’s a skill issue though.

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You sit down and drink for 30sec every pull if youre in some noob dad guild. Good groups chug major mana potions even on trash and you get to drink for a few seconds at best when waiting for hunter pulls. If you dont have time to farm that many major mana pots you can just do GDKP and all those major mana pots and all other consumes are paid for when you get your cut with a few thousand extra spare to bid on gear with next raid.

Like the person above me said, your complaint is a skill issue.

Not sure what this thread is even about. All kinds of players leave if they have no further prospect of loot. Tanks, healers and dps alike.

Fact remains that the old game is woefull;y outdated and slow. Play it if you want. Burn through massive amount of mats you gathered to do garbage pulls. Your thing. It is not a skill issue.

I dont burn through any mats which I’ve gathered as I buy them all off the AH and pay for them out my GDKP cut. Pace is not slow at all since full Nax clears are usually just over the 2hr mark which involves constant chain pulling all raid. Dedicated speed run guilds are clearing even faster. Your experience of vanilla being “slow paced” is due to raiding with noobs. If you start speed running you’ll be non stop focused all raid to try and get top parses and top meters in your group. Especially in performance based GDKP where being #1 on logs wins you an extra few thousand gold, it becomes extremely competitive in those runs.

Dont speak for me, ok. Just dont.

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Why would you need to buy gold when you can be #1 dps in performance based GDKP and make between 5k to 10k for your cut? People who claim everyone who does GDKP are gold buyers are noobs who do SR runs because they would get deducted for poor performance in a GDKP.

Who said that?

Everybody who joins a gdkp condones RMT is a statement that makes more sense.

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Again, not true. I do GDKP and hate RMT, not only are they cheating but people who buy gold are the primary reason there are so many bots. All of the guys I know who GDKP don’t buy gold, we just save our cuts and do a bit of farming on the side to buy items with.

These cuts you so praise are just that high since the economy is heavily inflated due to lots of people buying gold. You´d see nowhere near as high rewards if there was no gold selling at all and thereby you condone it by participating in gdkps.

You can try and weasel yourself out of that all you want.

And how would you know they don’t buy gold? You checked their Mastercard transactions?