Make the trolls great again

Teeeeechnically, if they were going to make a ‘Unity of the Tribes’ thing, now is better than ever.

We have a lot more diverse Troll customization and also an altered, unique model for them (the Zandalari) to adapt and develop some kind of reunification storyline. If this were to happen, seeing the separated Troll tribes that are now practically remnants develop a sense of negotiation would be pretty cool.

It would, by the least hint a sense of progress for the Troll race as a whole, potentially moving them from stagnation and the a-typical plot of the ‘Fall of an Empire’ trope that is often attached to them.

The fun thing is that whilst it can be a bloody occassion, it need not be either.

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Yes I agree. I hope to see this with the introduction of the Darkspear heritage armor at the very least. But seeing as customization won’t be added in Shadowlands at all, I doubt it would happen soon.

Hmm, I don’t know if it’s reasonable to deduce anything from the new skin tones they gave us… Revantusk have been part of the Horde for ages and the closest skin tone we have to theirs is still blue LMAO
They probably just dropped the sand troll skin tone because it was popular

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Sadly the problem.

Blizzard doesn’t really decide with just story anymore. And whilst true that marketing research needs to cater to favouring trends, it’s just a shame that it means that these numbers also have to dictate what goes in their game.

It’s not just all for the story anymore, which means if somehow, someway, some miracle that one of these discontinued stories were to gain popularity again such as that of the trollish development, then we’re more likely to see them do something about it.

Tbh the fact that they filled a skin tone slot with the dark trolls one supports the idea that it’s just a popularity contest. Pretty sad. It’s barely even possible to RP as one… mehhh

I agree, even the last hair styles, like the palm and the bold ones were bad.

Trolls deserve some good story moments and the trope of the savage getting slaughtered and colonized was done to death by now.
Let the Troll tribes join the Horde. Let them join because if the Zandalari and for respect of Rastkhans death. Let them seek vengeance for Rastakhan!

Zul’jin is in the Shadowlands. He could sway his people (as a ghost) to join in too. Why? Simple. He doesn’t want them to die (Shadowlans / Jailer shenanigans).

Sadly not. I would be if Blizzard was smart, would care about the story, or would write a good story. They don’t any longer. We know have the Farraki skin, but did they gave us any lore? No. It would be so easy to put one Farraki npc ambassador with a small text in to OG or Zandalar.
The same goes for the other tribes. Heck we even attacked the Whiterbarkes. I don’t hold my breath at all. Even though I wish we would get every tribe for the Horde.

They don’t have to drop anything.
Give us at least the Revantusk.

I’m still with the Amani and want them.


Hey if the Zandalari (who were considered enemies for a long time) joined the Horde, im sure the few remaining Amani’s would too.

Enemies can easily turn to allies over the course of History. One example is the Silvermoon faction shift, once a enemy to the Horde now allies with them.
Same with the Zandalari.

And if not, we still have the Revantusk

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I think the forest troll tribes we have the highest chances to rally are the Firetree and Smolderthorn. Like, what’s up with the Dark Horde now anyway?

If the Trolls gain a victory it should be dealt against the Alliance. Since most Troll suffering was caused by the Alliance races.
Night elves
and high elves.

These three races are the Nemesis of trollkind mostly.

Don’t exclude the Darkspear and Blood elves from that list just because they are Horde. They have just as much blame put on them. After all, the Blood elves had a big part in Slaughtering the remaining Amani. And the Darkspear helped with slaughtering the sand trolls, Gurubashi, and Amani.

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this here is on the humans. You will not wiggle out of it. Horde should offer all the other tribes retaliation against their enemies. That way all troll tribes can unite under a single banner again.

And yet you exclude that the Troll wars was basically this:

Humans and High elves VS Trolls

The High elves who 90% became Blood elves and still continue to slaughter the Amani today. Don’t exclude yourselves. You got blood on your hands too.


I would really love to see all Troll tribes unite and join the Horde, even the Zandalari supported the Amani during the Troll Wars against Quel’thalas.

It’s strange we never heard of them, aside from their ambassador’s in Dazar’alor. We know the Blackrock Orcs of the Dark Horde joined our Horde. So what about their Forest Trolls and Ogres?
It’s a shame we don’t get any (or much) new lore concerning the tribes.
The Dark Horde was defeated during Garrosh’s days.

Expect if we have to kill some smh.

I wouldn’t say most. However I’m fine with this. Mostly to avenge Rastakhan and to give a uniting task and a war cry to all the tribes.
Vengeance for Rastakhan.
His death should have been way, way more impactful then it really was, given his long life and importance in Troll culture.

We know Trolls are big on vengeance.


Yes this is the only way we can unite the trolls and let them join the horde lore wise. Just… don’t put them In the same room with the Blood elves. Talking politics would be hilarious between the two

The funniest thing is Elder Torntusk from the Revantusk. He will prudly tell you of the times he fought against Quel’thalas at Zul’jins side during the Second War. Even if you are a Blood Elf.
Then you get some quests, aside from killing Vielberanch Trolls, you will also be send to kill some Alliance High Elves.
This let’s me wonder what a Blood Elf would have felt in that moment.

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Tbh in a faction war or political war sometimes you attack your own people.

That’s why Revantusk tribe asks you to attack the vilebranch tribe.

And that’s why Blood elves have no problem with killing High elves. And vise versa (Purge of Dalaran)

In a way, it almost reminds me of how in real life politics have ruined friendships and families of the same nation.

Canonically, all of the Zul’Something dungeons and raids thus far have been cleared by the Horde, so I don’t really think we should focus on which faction and its races have done the Trolls the most damage.

It is besides the point, really.

I really think that if Blizzard wanted to bring all of the remaining troll tribes under the Horde, BFA would have been the perfect moment to do so, by far, but, alas, they missed it. They could easily focus a part of the Zandalar campaign or the story of a later patch on Talanji uniting them under the Zandalari Empire and then bam! Shadowlands and its new customization hits and makes all of them “playable”.

With WoW going full in spaaaace now, I really doubt that we are gonna see any story progress regarding more “earthly” plot bits (such as racial stories), regardless of race, despite being sorely needed by each and every one of them (yeah, even the Humans). I fully expect all of it to remain in limbo for a lot of time, unfortunately.

There is nothing up with the Dark Horde after it got defeated along with its master, Nefarian, during vanilla.

Given that the Smolderthorn despise the Horde-aligned Revantusks for being, well, Horde-aligned, I doubt that they would join, unless in case of a lolretcon, which could always happen since it is “old” lore. The Firetree are fair game, on the other hand.

I don’t really think that tribes are an issue, however, but whether Blizzard wants forest trolls to become playable, in whichever manner. The Revantusks alone could represent Forest Trolls in the Horde pretty well, and Blizzard could always invent a new Forest Troll tribe.

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Canonically they were still around until Cata, at least some parts when the Blackrock Orcs from the Dark Horde rejoined our Horde.
So there is to reason their Forest Troll allies could have joined too. But I agree this seems very unlikely, after all they never stopped the Second War. Even though their leader only fought because he wanted a real challenge, so there is that.

Both have the same lore and the same quotes in Daraz’alor.

I have to agree with your sentiment about BFA and the perfect time for the tribes to join the Horde. I have the same fear, WoW will go in to “space”, other dimensions and such and Azeroth and the player races could take a backseat, even more so. I hope this doesn’t happen, but we shall see.

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I full support the Idea. Time for restoration themed stories for trolls and other badly handled races such as worgen.

Trolls deserve better.


They really do. There are so many ways to make them Join the Horde again, as many have mentioned Rastakhan’s death would’ve been a perfect time.

If Voljin was warchief maybe they would’ve joined. But at that time Sylvanas was warchief and I’m sure they didn’t want to be bossed around by a zombie elf

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