Make the trolls great again

and yet nothing will happen like all relics of the past they will be forgotten only used when they need fodder for a raid or some dungeon

You know the Amani are no angels either especially Zul’jin if you read his biography.

When involving High Elves and Humans, they’ve been the aggressors in most notable confrontations to date.

In the case of the Blood Elves, this is a blood feud that goes all the way back to time of the ancient Kaldorei empire when the High Elves were still considered Highborne.

Bellow are some annotated extracts taken from the following Wowpedia entry.

The High Elves hadn’t even settled yet in the lands of what would become known as Quel’Thalas and they were already being systematically targeted by the Amani.

“The arrival of the Highborne infuriated the Amani trolls, who harbored a bitter hatred of elves from the days of Queen Azshara. The Amani sent out raiding parties immediately to slaughter the unwanted trespassers, and the Highborne soon learned to fear troll ambushes in the dense forests.”

Made worse by the fact that Silvermoon City itself was eventually then founded atop the ruins of what was once some sort of ancient troll temple city at some point beforehand. However, still considered to be sacred ground by the Amani.

“Nourished by the arcane magic from the Sunwell, the Highborne created Silvermoon and shaped the forests of Quel’Thalas.[16] The Amani did not agree. The high elves had built their new kingdom — a kingdom centered on the Sunwell, the heart of their new culture — atop ancient Amani ruins, ruins still considered hallowed ground by the trolls.”

I’m not saying the High Elves, and by extension their descendants the Blood Elves, are innocent and can’t be portioned blame for remaining in the area once they knew this. But, there is a reasonable counterclaim to the zone and settlements within, considering the length of time this conflict has spanned.
The nature of the dispute itself between the Blood Elves and Amani trolls is very different compared to their potential disputes and ongoing past and present tensions with the other tribes.

It would be extremely hard to reconcile both sides, even with the Zandalari to mediate, after 7000 years of bitter fighting over what both consider to be their homeland and birthright.

For that reason, I do not see a feasible way to bring them into the fold of the modern Horde. Especially now that Lor’themar Theron seems to be the acting chairman of the new Horde Council. Even more so considering how he’s suffered personally at the hands of the Amani, and his current position representing Blood Elven interests.

Admitting the Amani to the Horde would create such a political schism that it would most likely cause the Blood Elves to rescind their membership in it’s entirety. This is if you still want the lore to be grounded in some basis of reality moving forward, in line with how their culture an societal way of thinking works as presented.

It would also likely do more to push the Blood Elves to reopen a dialogue with the Alliance in order to regain membership and their support, once they believe their own interests are being threatened.

Both would be game breaking without a major overhaul to how the faction divide works and how it drives the main narrative of the story.

I’m not saying it’s impossible but the implications are immense.

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Completely agree.
Trolls, Worgen, Orcs and Nightelves, Undead and to some extent Draenei are really in need of rebuilding after everything that happened. All of them lost a good part of their population or Terretory to war (including warcrimes), treason, infighting or other things.

Give us another Cata-Style rework, just instead of destroying everything let us rebuild the world.


I don’t think you’ll see that cata was largely hated and for all the people who are for formatting the world there are equal among the playerbase that cling to the past as shown with classic and now tbc that would hate such a change

personally i’d love to see all the content including the expansions brought up to the current standard in graphics but that would be a lot of work

Good points, but overall you have to admit that many theoreticals of racial fears and animosity isn’t very well carried out in WoW at all. Let’s take for example the Zandalari:

When they became playable, their lore actually made the aggressive Zandalari - some of whom had a really really bad history since the 2nd time Zul threw them to conquer the world - as the bad guys even in their own homelands, or just warmongering savages that Rastakhan didn’t really give a damn towards whether if they lived or died.

The same instance could happen to the other troll tribes or sub cultures looking to be admitted into the Horde. What if they use Elder Torntusk as the ‘new head’ of the Forest Trolls looking to join the Horde? What if they do the same for the Sandfury, the Ice Troll remnants etc.

I’m just saying that there is never a complete ‘no’ even if it is logical to think so. Because in a place like Blizzard’s methodology of storytelling, there will always be a ‘yes’ if they want to. Even if it doesn’t make overall sense.

Other examples include:

Pandaren v. Zandalari (0 conflicts made so far)
Mag’har Orcs v. MU Orcs (0 conflicts, where was all the bad clan-by-clan conflict?)
Nightborne v. Horde (Still fought them. Where is the aggression there?)


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I think a solution would be for the Horde to rehabilitate the figure of Zul’jin. Declare those conflicts obsolete, say they were errors of the past, build a Zul’jin statue in the Valley of Spirits, and boom, Horde trollish warforce goes ×2


I’m sure the Blood elves won’t mind. Honestly they should’ve been Alliance and Horde would’ve gotten Forrest trolls.

But then again, Blood elves are living in a city named after the guy that invaded them (Ogrim Doomhammer). So… anything is possible

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Blood Elves are the tricky part yes. Then again Dazar’alor is a Horde capital now, and Zul’jin is highly revered here, there are even statues of him across the city. Didn’t seem to be much of a problem to the Horde


his highly revered by a bunch of lesser trolls that the zandalari keep as pets

“pets”… as if the Zandalari hadn’t built their empire almost entirely around their position as pan-troll mediators lol


there even a npc that remarks on their pet status maybe you missed it i believe it might be the last dark troll or the drakkari

The last Dark Troll said they keep her around around for curiosity reasons. I mean… I would too if I was meeting the last Dark troll.

She also mentioned it’s not that bad because people feel bad for her and buy her free drinks


Yep because most intergenerational conflicts just end up as simple forgive and forget. Especially when it comes down to who has right of claim to call a disputed territory their homeland between two or more sides.

Sarcasm aside from both of us, a lot of blood has been spilled on both sides.
There will always be those with vendettas to settle where many of those afflicted by personal loss on both camps, are so reaching across the generational divide.
It would make for some interesting plot development if the Amani were to join the ranks of the Horde although, it would just mean more infighting in the immediate aftermath or later on.
There’s no clean way to reconcile the two.

The Alliance of Lordaeron rejecting & persecuting the Blood Elves during WC3 was reason enough that it made sense that they joined the Horde canonically. This was in order for them to garner the external support they so desperately needed to retain what little they had left.
There was no other major power or friend to turn too discounting the Scarlet Crusade and the Scourge itself known to them at the time.
The Scarlet Crusade, which they could of shared a similar interest with, were already xenophobic at this point. Possibly accelerated via the subtle manipulations of the dreadlords with the intent of causing division. In particular Balnazzar and Mal’Ganis.

They could re-join the Alliance in future or become a 3rd party affiliate as those grievances subside but, the way the entire faction divide works would have to be revisited.
There was already a softening of relations during the events of MoP, until Jaina decided to remind them why they left in first place. In Dalaran of all places again no less. That said, I’m not suggesting she didn’t have some justification for her actions but, her response was no less disproportionate given the circumstances.

His statue is only present in the Amani Tal’aman enclave. So you can assume he is only openly idolised by his own people living within that quarter of the city they have been portioned by the Zandalari.
I’m not saying the other other tribes don’t revere him to some extent for championing the troll cause (I’m sure some do) but, it has yet to be openly suggested otherwise.

Indeed! Speaker Ik’nal of the Shadowtooth and Speaker Malaka’ras of the Drakkari are respectively the last of their kind and have found shelter in Dazar’alor ( and still live, despite being kill objects in an alliance world quest :rage: )

While the latter seems to be mostly bitter and depressed, the former has kept her sense of humour. And they are standing next to each other at Talanji’s coronation. I hope for them that they bonded over their similar fates, join forces and start a new race of Dark Ice trolls. Maybe rally the Frostmane and Winterax and rebuild Zul’drak.
A troll fan can dream.

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Actually… you can kill them as a Horde. I accidentally attacked Speaker Ik’nal lmao

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whaaat…you monster! Well, I hope at least you apologized and bought her a couple of drinks afterwards :stuck_out_tongue:


perhaps the age of trolls is meant to end perhaps their island will sink into the sea perhaps they as countless others will have to bend the knee to the horde to survive … such is the way of life

Trolls will proudly stand united again once Talanji makes the other tribes call her Empress of a united Troll race. Di chuka Zandalar!

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I think generally everyone had mixed feelings towards Talanji. But respected Rastakhan.

We will see where this goes.

She’s dead… honestly why did Blizzard make her attackable in the horde side too

My hopes are with Vol’jin, his “For the Darkspear- and all the tribes!” and the prophecy about him being the one to unite the trolls. His ascension to a loa has to mean something. That, and the Zandalari now being in the horde should at least guarantee a certain measure of protection for the different tribes, so long as they are willing to accept a helping hand when it’s offered to them.
Maybe the Exploring Kalimdor book will go into more detail about the present state of the Farraki. The Revantusk and Shatterspear are already in the horde, and more might follow.

I guess that’s genocide by accident then? Jokes aside, she’s not dead canonically, I know all the speakers are attackable.