Make the wolkt racials on the alliance or let them rest in peace (unsubed)

The only way to save the alliance is to advance the wolkt racials,we don’t have nothing, everyone knows that wolkt racials are similar to horde racials so… If you make aberration of Hvh you can make this… And of course when you improve the alliance add a faction change.


As a Horde player, I support this.

I need more victims to cannibalize. :wink:

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Its to late now, even If they balance racials hordes will not reroll to alliance, maybe If they also add free faction change from h to a so ppl dont lose their progress, gear, food etc.

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You know why EMFH and improved shadowmelt made a difference? Because WotF and Hardiness were nerfed pretty hard in Wrath. But there is some problems with implementing it in TBC.

  • If you just give Alliance it’s Wrath racials, the effect will be minimal.
  • If you nerf Horde racials on par with Wrath changes, there will be uproar, that this wasn’t the case in original TBC (because noone likes loosing free power).

I had suggestion how to even out racials without nerfing the Horde.


Probably it’s too late this company is a chaos but they would find in wolkt racials possibility to save it.

As mentioned above, the reason EMFH was the best was because WOTF and Hardiness were nerfed. Right now WOTF is a game-changer, an extra pvp trinket. So they’d have to nerf those, too, otherwise EMFH isn’t worth it.

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Your suggestion is good if you change it so that trolls have stoneform and also get the dwarves desperate prayer as priest racial. Call them hexform and desperate hex.

No, you get TBC Draenei Racials.

Yeah man, literally gamechanger kappa

Just because some russian guy said so? Nah fam, ima choose hexform and desperate hex.

Because it is a great… troll racial.

Damn, you sank my battleship

Or delete racial abilities or give them to everyone. They are the single dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in an online game with PVP in it and should have been removed from the start as a “bug fix” because that is what they are, parasites ruining such a great game. The only ones who support them are those who abuse them because they either like orcs/Undead in the first place or they suck too much at PVP to win without their opponent having an innate handicap right from character creation. And zugzugs will defend their privileges as hard as they can because they know they won’t last forever since WOTLK is coming. With stupid arguments like “muh immersion zug zug!!!1! me resist stun and fear cuz RP u see, read the boox noob, zug zug, yes it has to be exactly 25%, no less else it’s not immersive you see, zug zug. wait u want less? cmon blazzird dont do it, they already get to land 3 out of 4 stuns on me. OK 15% cuz they think u cute, but no less, not even a symbolic flavorful 1%. don’t listen to players of basically every other MMORPG like the Final Fantasy cowardly weebs who only lose 3 mana points for choosing the wrong race ZUG ZUGGGG! wait wat, now it’s a stun duration decrease!!! REEEE! ppfffffff imagine choosing a race for its looks in a RPG, noob gamers. zug zug.”
If they SOOO desperately need an RP reason to use another race’s ability, tie it to a tabard or an Exalted reputation, and killing a certain amount of the enemy’s race to learn their ability, make it have a month cooldown before changing the ability…

And I’m not even defending the Alliance, in retail, all my characters are Night Elves even though I just want to play freaking Blood Elves, who actually have mounts that aren’t too small for their size, who don’t have a Twitch streamer gorilla posture when sitting on anything, who are prettier and have more than one viable haircut, and who STILL have their faction’s good cities intact (Disney World Silvermoon versus Darnassus) or populated (tropical paradise Cataclysm Orgrimmar versus Ironforge who died because Grey City Normiewind has all the portals) and outdoor auction houses in every city. I sacrificed all that because dropping combat and being able to mount/drink/pull an entire zone and make it out alive is the biggest time-saver and money-saver in all aspects of the game, PVP, questing, raid achievements, Mythic+ skips… While the other races just sit there and die two seconds after their beta race War Stomp/Arcane Torrent (JK, they die before they can cast it). I even re-rolled my Blood Elf paladin to human in MOP because I was into PVP. And I’m doing the same preemptively right now in BCC in preparation for WOTLKC even though my faction is going to suck for the next year so I have no reason to do PVP as any Alliance priest/warrior/warlock/rogue until then or until they add Alliance-only PVP matches. Terrible design.
It’s unbelievable how Bobby orders a pay-to-win mount and boosts for lazy boomers and for literal hacking bots in the cash shop, Seal of Blood for Alliance, and Horde-only battlegrounds, but goes #NOCHANGES REEEEEE when it comes to the enjoyment of half the player base with simple things as benevolent as faction balance and… a freaking barber shop.

Boy what a rant! Tbh if you want to play certain race for looks, then play it for looks, no one is stopping you :slight_smile: Sometimes I guess you have to make sacrifices in one area to be better in another. Removing racials is out of question now, it couldve done in early testing phases of this game sure. I like the idea of giving everyone any racial they choose, but that could be tricky with animations and of course would be hard to determine which racial your enemy is running before theyd actually use them. Also, dwarf population would plummet lmao :joy:

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