Make Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings more obtainable phase 4

Now phase 4 is out no one will want to run Ulduar, because people will spam RDF for Flare and Comet DPS will but healers won’t as much so maybe put fragments in the shop so healers can all have a bigger goal to spam them RDF or maybe open door for Yog. Let us buy fragments with Defiler’s Scourgestone.


That would be cool, then everybody can have a legendary by farming dungeons!

That would make the weapon so special actually, while we’re at it, can we make shadowmourne easier too?

I wish they’d just put gear in the cash shop.


U had ur time. IT was 9 months of Ulduar. Stop being lazy.


even more?

That’s cool that everyone can have rare drop epic trinket and start way stronger than in original Wrath. Without stepping into HM Ulduar or normal ToC 25 once.

Sounds great, while they are at it, they can buff some classes like Ret and Feral, leave other classes to sink and then of course make flying mounts ground mounts in normal zones because why not!

They already made Shadowmourne easier. I think they should add more:

  • Raging Thori’Dal, The Star’s Fury (ilvl 284 version of Thori’Dal), which has a 50% drop rate from Algalon
  • Demonic Warglaives of Azzinoth (ilvl 284 versions of regular Warglaives), 50% drop rate from Yogg 0 lights
  • Storming Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker (ilvl 284 version of Thunderfury), 50% drop rate from Emalon the Storm Watcher
  • Flaming Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros (ilvl 284 version of Sulfuras), 50% drop rate from Koralon the Flame Watcher
  • Ancient Shards of Atiesh that drop from Wrath Naxx heroics and allow you to get Ancient Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (ilvl 284 copy of Atiesh)

That would make them so unique and rare and oh my god!


Ha ha nice try, but we talking about Blizzard killing Ulduar and Valanir farm allready in phase 3 that was still possible in original ToGC patch, because there were no skips and Ulduar 25 normal gear was sought by players to start t9 raiding. Making Ulduar 10 dropping the same 232 items killed that possibility. Now with phase 3 end this damage can’t be undone and Blizzard desided to put a nail in the coffin of Valanir gatherers by selling 252 items for dubgeons. Epic trinkets shouldn’t had been available for everyone. The only chance of gather Valanir in reasonable time had those who killed Algalon that is essentualy a hardes HM boss in Ulduar.

So if you are so keen on preserving uniqueness of Legengary items, why not drop shards of Shadowmorne with same tiny chance like Valanir ones, so that you would get 2-3 shard of Lich King and let’s say same amount from Sindragosa? That will make it about the same as farming Valanir.

Except shards of Shadowmorne dropped like crazy on every normal ICC 25 boss kill on PTR.

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Senior game producer doesn’t play a healing Paladin, but ret :slight_smile:
Now you know why.


It would be reasonable to make a change to the fragment acquisition. They did it for Shadowmorne so why not?

Once you have the fragments the remaining quest chain still needs to be done, it’s not like collect X number of stones and buy the weapon.

It could be made to require 5 weeks of farming gamma dungeons, about the same time as farming the raid only from a different source that is more popular with the players (or at least more played).

No more Gamma dungeons freebies awards please. I want to see people doing raids. If I wanted more reasons to go to M+ I would had gone to Retail.

I suggest alternative. Allow healers on Valanir quest line to get Shadowmorne shards as well and exchange them for Valanir pieces with some extra sidereal essence price tag at consolation vendor in Dalaran.

What’s the point in that, they might as well add the fragments to the icc boss loot tables.

Also it’s not exactly a freebie through gamma dungeons. If you need daily world tours for multiple weeks it’s going to require effort.

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I understand why people dont like the idea of fragments being obtainable any other way than Ulduar 25 but whats the point in phase 4? Its not about being lazy in phase 2, my guild broke apart and I quit until TOC and theres many other people getting into the game just now because Naxx, Ulduar and TOC werent exactly the content they were looking for.
It wouldve been a different story if you still had to run Ulduar for items but your tanks and dps are running TOGC for bis gear and now they even get the few Ulduar items for p3 bis in dungeons.
Your tanks and dps dont need to run Ulduar anymore, youre gonna end up with 5 healers looking for people. Even then all of those healers are probably looking for fragments so in the end youre in a raid by yourself.
Making fragments drop in ICC is a pretty good idea imo.

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100 defiler’s stones per frag xD

do it blizz

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Don’t think it should be stones, they should still have to come from the raid.

I think they either need to make Ulduar 25 drop scourgestones (at a rate that makes it more profitable than gamma spam for the same amount of time. Maybe make it so a full clear would give you the 60 needed to buy one of the ulduar HM pieces) to actually make people other than those after Val want to go there, because at the moment as has been said, with the vendors selling 245 gear and the uld HM trinkets/rings there’s no reason for anyone to have to go there to gear. Or put them into 10 man as it will be easier to find 9 people willing to go in and help you farm them than to would be to find 24


:+1: sounds cool

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Theyve already made shadowmourne easier, wich was a good thing.

Yet they killed Valanir farm in phase 3 in PUG raids that was very possible in original Wrath. Do it, allow Shadowmourne shards exchange for Valanir pieces.

Problem that Valanir is essential for all healers even in p4 for all healers because of its effect and, if you started raiding in p4 or late p3 the only way to get it is buying in GDKPs (for big money), because for other players there is no point to go to Ulduar-25 in phase 4 and in fact all raid works only for 1 player to get Valanir.

To save the uniqueness of Valanir, Blizzard can for example add enchant for scourgestones for any weapon with the effect of Valanir, maybe slightly reduced to 7-10% instead of 15% for example, to make 284 BiS weapon with this enchant roughly equivalent or slightly weaker then Valanir, so Valanir’s owners won’t have to switch it, but people without Valanir also won’t have to buy gold and buy it in GDKPs. Also for this enchant you will need BiS weapon from raid (or you will have to farm it twice that can be very long), so you can’t get BiS weapon without visiting raids at all. I think it is the best way to solve this problem, and for all players, both who have Valanir and don’t have it because started raiding in p3/p4.

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Nonsense. Valanir isn’t “essential” in any sense; you can clear all of ICC+ in TotC gear.

It would be nice for people to be able to get it though.