Make WoW Metal again

History is written by the winners who are always right. The losers are aways wrong.


Precisely this

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From war tribes to RP hippies :frowning: is where the game has gone.

Iā€™m gonna need some examples from you that youā€™re using as a comparison to language evolution.

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Have to agree. TBC, Wrath, Legion - actual badass expansions with dark themes.

Hopefully TWW isnā€™t all about rainbows and befriending the animals.





WoW was very metal before, now its ā€¦ "different :rainbow: " :woozy_face:


Of course it wonā€™t be. Because not a single expansion ever has been all about rainbows and befriending the animals.

Iā€™m really tired of these nonsense hyperbolic claims. :weary:


Finally someone!! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::flags:

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I had to watch some of this without sound due to being at work, but even without sound itā€™s hilarious :joy:

I totally get where youā€™re coming from.

Fingers crossed for TWW.

You can try to make pseudo-philosophical regurgitations all you like, but in this case youā€™re simply incorrect. There is no left behind, but rather you go left and I go right.

You obviously lean one way and I lean the other, and thatā€™s fine.

Run along now.

I think you might be in for a disappointment according to early feedback

Jeez here we go again

What has happened?

Nothing in particular yet. Apparently from the questing the vibe and the kind of quest is still very much the same lame bland type as in DF.

We will see. Hopefully its just the first area and it will pick up on the last area as the stakes get higher.

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Run alongā€¦ where? Iā€™m sitting at my desk typing on a keyboard when I should be working. I have nowhere to run off to.

Left and right leaning is indeed fine (and Iā€™m far more centrist than anything else). But Iā€™ve seen some of your posts and what you either directly or indirectly say and much of that is not fine. Thereā€™s agreeing to disagree and then thereā€™s the implication that if you had it your way certain people would either be quiet and stay hidden in the shadows or straight up not exist - that is anything but ā€œfineā€.

I really hope so; one of the things that pulled me into WoW in the first place was the story and the tone of it as it was.

Iā€™m not expecting Legion but hoping for a slightly darker undertone to the story.

Thanks for your feedback man.

I decide what is fine to me. If you want to cry about this, go right ahead.
This was finished yesterday and I canā€™t be bothered with you.

Again, Iā€™d hazard a guess that no-one here is crying. I donā€™t understand why you keep making statements like that as if itā€™s scoring you some kind of points in a non-existent competition.

This is a forum, for chatting, called General Discussion. The only way these things end is if the thread dies out, itā€™s locked by a mod or someone stops posting.

If it was truly finished for you yesterday then you had no reason to respond today, yet you did, which is a direct contradiction of what you just said - and Iā€™ll continue to reply to you for as long as I see fit or you stop replying in the thread. Thatā€™s how forums typically work.

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