Making the Warden transmog available to all races is a stupid decision

Blizzard recently hosted a Community Council chat where one Community Council member asked about the Warden appearance and potential future appearance themes, and Associate Game Director Jeremy Feasel talked a bunch about how the team just wanted to make something cool with the Swashbuckling and Warden appearances.

And then he goes on to ask for feedback about where the line should be drawn.

What should be commonly available to everyone and what should be restricted based on lore, class, or race concerns? And he gives the example of Ashbringer as something Blizzard probably wouldn’t just hand out to everyone.

You can hear his answer here:

And here’s the overly simplified transcript that Wowhead wrote:

The Ensemble: Burden of Unrelenting Justice wasn’t meant to be a class or sub-class stylized reward so much as an attempt to create something cool, but class based rewards are something that the team would love to do in the future. Ashbringer probably won’t show up in the Trading Post, because it has major lore implications, but sets like the Swashbuckler ensemble are a great way to add new themes into the game.

So based on Associate Game Director Jeremy Feasel’s request for feedback on where the line should be drawn with regards to the availability of appearances based on lore, class, or race concerns, here is my humble feedback:

This has to be the dumbest and most tone-deaf decision by Blizzard in a long time.
What are you even thinking over there in California?! Are you out of your mind?! Is it a complete disregard for the integrity of Warcraft as a fantasy world that drives this kind of decision-making, or is it your complete lack of understanding of what Warcraft is about and what it means to people?! Or is it just money greed??

The fact that you feel that Ashbringer should be an appearance restricted to Paladins alone, yet at the same time believe that the Warden appearance is just something cool that everyone should be able to wear, is totally braindead stupid. Where the hell is the logic in that and what kind of line are you trying to draw here at all?! It makes no sense.

Allow me to explain what seemingly is so difficult to understand over there in sunny California.

Not only is the nightsaber mount heavily inspired by Elune and An’she, it is also wearing Night Elf armor and saddle. That all-together makes it a mount heavy on Night Elf lore, fantasy, and looks.
Combined with the classic Warden appearance or the silver Tyrande variation, it has got to be the ultimate Night Elf fantasy appearance.

This is everything any Night Elf player could ever dream of as a Heritage armor. And the fact that the Warden appearance is not being used for that purpose is shameless in and of itself.

Instead you’re making it available to everyone at all levels.

Also Horde players.

That is completely disrespectful to Night Elf players.

Imagine in 12 months from now, on February 2024, some Orc player is going to be decked out in the Warden armor sitting on an Elune-inspired Nightsaber and sporting the most iconic appearance any Night Elf could ever want.
And at the same time there can be a Night Elf player who happened to not play WoW during February 2023 and therefore doesn’t have the nightsaber mount – and will likely never get it – or the Warden armor appearance.

That’s so wrong on so many levels and this is where the line is drawn.

This has to be reverted.


That’s the damn line!! That’s always been the damn line!! Why are you even trying to move this line at all?!

The damage is already done with the mount, but there is no way that armor appearance should be usable by any other race than Night Elves. It is completely unacceptable and betrays any remnant of integrity that World of Warcraft might have as a fantasy Warcraft game to hand it out to Orcs and Undead, let alone all the other races.

In 12 months people will get upset and angry about this when they see Undead, Orcs, Gnomes, Kul Tirans, and other races run around in something that should obviously not be handed out so carelessly to everyone.
Change the reward now and spare yourself the imminent outrage.
Keep it as it is and expect Night Elf players to throw a hissy fit.

Plus, not drawing the line here and making this a precedent puts WoW on a slippery slope. Like what’s next? Everyone gets to wear Doomhammer’s legendary black armor because it’s cool and gets people to log in for 12 months? We all get to run around in Jaina’s sexy corset? Where’s the integrity of the fantasy world by haphazardly throwing everything out to everyone with no care in the world?!

What kind of fantasy game do we want?

Or this:

I know what I want.

So dear Blizzard developers, would you please be so kind to at least try and preserve what little there is left of World of Warcraft’s overall appearance as a fantasy game that’s true to the Warcraft universe and its iconic look? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? :pleading_face:

Don’t make the Warden appearance available to characters who aren’t Night Elves.

Most other games throw caution to the wind and allow players all kinds of random skins and appearances with no regard for the overall look of the game as they shamelessly seek to make an easy buck on their online stores, because they figure that they can copy Fortnite’s formula of success.

WoW has begun going down that path as well with the Wendigo set and all the other weird Online Store transmogs. But it betrays the fantasy of the game to see a player run around in a Wendigo pajamas. To see everyone – Horde and Alliance alike – run around in a Warden set would betray the integrity of Warcraft itself.
Draw the line here before what little integrity there is left in WoW is ruined.


P.S: I noticed the PTR now includes items that must be presumed to be upcoming Trading Post rewards. Among other:
Arsenal: Blades of Elune - Item - 10.0.7 PTR (
Which I presume are these:

I mean, c’mon Blizzard. Now you’re just selling out.

I assume the assessment is that above all else, then retaining players is the most important goal, and using the Trading Post as a means of providing players with such cool rewards that they will not consider unsubscribing is seen as a successful approach to ensuring that goal.
Other considerations don’t seem to matter. If this is where you start, where do you end? Can I get to wield Frostmourne and wear The Lich King’s armor? How about Jaina’s sexy underwear? Give me that and I’ll subscribe for 12 months. Or give me the appearance of Sargeras with flaming beard and horns and everything. Why not? If it’s just about keeping people subscribed, then that’s certainly a good Trading Post reward, isn’t it? And that’s all that matters, right?

C’mon Blizzard. Don’t do this. You’re selling out the soul of the game for a quick buck. I imagine the suits at Activision have put the thumb-screws on and are demanding high retention and revenue and you see no other solution than to sell out the game’s integrity in order to keep people subscribed by offering them splendor and awe. But it will ruin the game in the long term if this is the type of rewards you intend to hand out on a monthly basis for simply logging into the game. It completely undermines the game’s integrity and its reward structure if the most cool, epic and iconic appearances are given out as bribery for simply being subscribed.

If this is what you start with, where does it even end? :neutral_face:


Finally, we agree on something!

It’s a complete kick in the sack of anyone with any remote interest in the Lore. As much as I don’t want to see Warlocks running around in Retribution armor or Gnomes trying to be Blood Knights, I don’t want to see Orcs running around in Warden gear.

Terrible decision. Cool, armor set that will be a welcome addition to a Night Elf I might one day make, but terrible decision to make it unrestricted.

Weapons seem to have been kept out of the restrictions though. See Dark Iron dwarf weapon, and Nightborne weapons. Also, we don’t actually know what the blades will look like yet, although I think your presumption is probably correct.

They say during the interview that the Nightsaber mount will enter the rotation on the Trading Post. So there is a chance they can get it.

Also much better formatting. Nice one.

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Gotta agree, feels like they could’ve and should’ve made it just for Night Elves and give other races their own things too. Or even not, not everything has to be fair and thats okay.

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Holy bomb shell, Well put OP.

They crossed that line long ago, you might have not noticed because it wasn’t elves but anything that looks remotely iconic to Draenei is available to everyone. Hammer of the Naaru, Yrel’s armor, Argus (Seat of the Triumvirate) sets, Weapons of the Lightforged. Are they going to restrict those to Draenei only now?


What use would it have for me then since I literally do not play night elves at all? Or I would just get useless items gated behind 1 year sub?


I’ll look amazing in that set. Can hardly wait.


:smiley: there is like 20 night elves players
I play night elf druid and i’m never gonna wear that cause i was never interested in warden lore.
I think they should give you this reward and then let you decide if you want it on your ORC or tauren or gnome.
It doesn’t really matter anymore cause blizzard killed collecting with those recolors of mounts and 1500000 pets
It was a big achievement in cata to have like 110+ mounts and 150pets was maximum i think
Nowadays you can have the latest achievement pretty quickly…

15years ago i would have agreed but nowadays its a complete clownfiesta anywhere so dont really care :smile:

Well many years ago when I saw that everyone could obtain Velen’s staff I called that out as well.
And I would agree with you that this line has perhaps never really been drawn before and Blizzard have mostly governed by the rule of cool.
I am just saying with some alarm, that the Trading Post rewards don’t seem to be just more slippery slope stuff. This is going over the cliff. They’re clearly intent on giving players top-shelf stuff for staying subscribed to the game, because they have a monetary interest in doing so. And the sheer volume of that – a new pile every single month – is going to be overwhelming I think. And I don’t think the integrity of the game’s fantasy universe that support all that extra on top of all that which already is.

But Blizzard’s goal is to remove restrictions on the rewards they offer on the Trading Post, because then they’re appealing to more players than if they have restrictions. And the whole point of the Trading Post is to provide players with lucrative rewards that keep them subscribed to the game.
So if these rewards don’t appeal to you because you don’t play a Night Elf or you think they look stupid, then Blizzard will of course try to put something else on the Trading Post that might hook you and make you subscribe to get it.
I mean, the Warden armor, Night Elf mount, and Elune blades are just after the first month or two of the Trading Post. This is the kind of stuff Blizzard are going to entice players with every single month for the next many many years. And if they’re starting with a full Night Warrior ensemble, what do you think we’re going to get when we get to Christmas? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There is a difference between monthly rotation of items on the trading post and the achievement that takes 12 months to complete.
If I will get something useful instead of the mentioned tmog set, then I do not mind it at all.

Given that Blizzard seem to throw Tyrande’s weapons on the Trading Post for tenders, on top of the Elune-inspired Nightsaber mount that’s already there, then I am inclined to disagree with you.

Again, if this is what they start with, then this is what they’ll continue with. Every single month.

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Yes, again, they could put it on the trading post instead of gating it behind the achievement that takes 12 months. I would not mind it either, but for the achievement that takes so long to complete they should give something useful to everyone and so they indeed do.

Again, my point of complaint is merely that they should not give something that ought to be racially restricted to Night Elves to all races, because it undermines the integrity of the game and its lore that a Forsaken player can wear the iconic appearance of a Night Elf Warden.

Choose another type of cool reward for logging in for 12 months that doesn’t screw over the lore appearance of the Warcraft fantasy universe that WoW pretends to portray.


Wouldn’t call the Warden look “iconic” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I mean aside Maive in WC3 when we slaughtered the Wardens when did they re-apered?
One in WoD and a few in Legion?
Even lorewise not iconic, just a sub.sect of the Watchers whos name frankly if you are not a Night Elf fan wouldn’t even know
That line was crossed long long long time ago, trust me, and nobody noticed (or cared) when real racial looks started to pop up everyhwere

I only disagree with the set being locked behind the night elves in its current state, so either give something for the achievement instead of this set and put pieces for tender on the trading post, or leave it like it is right now.

Yeah, so why stop here? If continuing on this path is good for Blizzard’s business and players don’t object, then who cares if we completely ruin Warcraft as an IP in order to pursue Fortnite’s formula of success by selling people cool and crazy skins? If that’s what people really want, then Warcraft is just a lamb to the slaughter, yeah?

So give me Frostmourne as a Trading Post reward next. Why not? There’s no line anyway, and it’s a cool sword and it’ll keep me subscribed, so why not?


Who complained when Velen staff or crytsaline weapons , the iconic Draenei stuff was obtainable everyone?
Or white tigers, galives, the real iconic Night Elven stuff?
No one
And exactly why what you said:

Legendary weapons armors, mounts, the lore died around vanillia in that regard
I doubt anyone would choose the lore instead of the cool mogs/mounts when it would come to decide - at least not enough for Blizzard to care


I did! I complained then, I complain now! I have always complained about this! Don’t undermine the authenticity of my thread by saying that no one complains. I complain!

Speak for yourself and yourself alone. You don’t get to say no one complains when I have just spent a bunch of time writing a crap-long complaint!

I would! I would choose that! Am I enough to sway Blizzard’s hand? Unlikely. But I’m not going to join the crowd of defeatists just because it seems futile to convince Blizzard of reason. That may be your approach on the matter, but it is not my approach. I choose to write crap-long forum threads telling Blizzard that they are braindead idiots.

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