As of this reset, anyone who has not started the catchup of two a week cannot even catch up to the rest and make the 125 mark at the same point, It makes sense that now would be a fantastic time for blizzard to wake up and ungate the cores to at least allow anyone who is behind the current week resistance creep.
This would leave the current pace in place but allow alts and returning players who have voiced this over and over and a HUGE turn off the ability to actually have a worthwhile experience with the cloak and the corruption system instead of feeling helpless and discouraged.
100% agree, getting the cloak itself takes way too long on alts. Having to do all these boring quests to unlock nazjatar etc, ugh!
Or we should just be able to buy a account wide ‘‘supercore’’ to mail to our alts to boost them from 1-15 in one go.
Was hoping they would double or triple the gain from the malefic cores, but i guess Blizzard won’t do this or only in the last one or two months of this expansion just to spit in the face of it’s customers one last time for BFA’s sake.
just make them available on mother
750 echoes for 1 (equiv of full vision clear), can upgrade up to current cap
time gating seems to be part of design philosopy in WOW now. Like, everything is time gated. They gave us account wide essences but not without a caveat, they had to slap a currency that’s obtained primarily from weekly activities.
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Its not the 1-15 that is the issue, its the lack of catch up to the resistance, even if you did both Nzoth and a vision catch up every week you are still 11 weeks +1 behind, we should be allowed to catch up to the current curve while farming visions…
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time gating is fine and all but there are a lot of people who are behind the time gated people and have zero way to ever catch up the them
Agree. I came back to 8.3 after a year long break from WoW. I just gave up on 8.3 content after a while because whats the point? It will take me months to catch up and by that time, Shadowlands might come.
You dont deserver to catch up to poeple what didnt take break and has been playing whole time.
What if people want to try an alt for pvp or to push keys? Should they be permanently behind? Because in your blinkered closed minded world they are.
They still won’t. They have a real life 
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It is the end of the expansions.
Let people have fun and experience alts.
This expansion was(still is) cancer for alts, let people have now that this clownfiesta is over and people just wanna chill till shadowlands.
dude this is so cringe
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Why not? It’s rather selfish to deny new or returning people or people with alts to be able to enjoy what’s left of this expansion along with everyone else.
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No it selfish to demand rewards and catch up to people what spent far more time and effort into their charcaters. You cant just create progression system and few weeks/months later invalidate it. You will allienate your current playerbase and all their effort they put into progressin their charcaters is completly devalued.
Or maybe it’s not selfish at all? If people were asking for a free catch up without putting any work in, then you could mayhaps argue that point, but that’s not the case.
I’m pretty sure people would be fine with putting in time grinding echoes, visions, N’zoth, etc., to have a CHANCE of catching up if they put the time in. But right now they won’t EVER catch up, no matter how many hours they put into the game. You can catch up with everything else; gear, traits, neck level, PvP rating, PvE content and so on.
So why not allow people who want to put in the time to catch up? That’d be perfectly fine in my book.
Do you realize that time commitmemnt is part of effort right? People sitting at cap corrutption resistance made that commitment and they deserver to be more powerfull than you or me.
That’s literally all patches in wow since wolk
And as I said in my reply; if people put in the same time, just doing it now instead of three weeks ago, what’s the difference? It’s the same amount of time put into the game to acquire the same thing. I can’t see an issue with it, since going by your logic, it’s the same time commitment, therefore they would deserve the same reward, no?
You mean what happens literally every tier?
No. Malefic cores shouldn’t even exist.
But if Blizzard decides to put such progression systems in the game, they should not include inherent catch up. Otherwise, it removes all reason to actually participate in the system. Why bother farming malefic cores when you can just not play for 3 months, come back and catch up immediately?
I really dislike catchup mechanics. However, the bigger problem is these progression systems Blizz insists on putting in expansions. Please don’t.