Malefic core should be farmable to catch up

Yeah but people aren’t asking for the same for less.

They’re saying if person 1 put in 1 hour per week for 12 weeks, why can’t we put in 12 hours in a day and get the same?

Your argument is essentially “they’ve been subscribed longer therefore they should be rewarded.” At least say it for what it is. Effort doesn’t even come into it.

You are right it happens every tier now and its something what should also be changed becouse it hurts game lot.

Being subscibed for 12 weeks to get power is effort.

No it isn’t. I pressed one button 4 months ago to sub for 6 months. I’ve been subbed the last 3 months for zero effort.

You don’t get to decide what you think words mean.

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There should be one mega core after 12 weeks that raises Cloak to max. Why does Blizzard continues and drags BFAs failed systems for months and months? Hope they fire this B team asap.

No it’s not.

Effort means something directed. In this way 1 hour of work over 12 weeks is equal to 12 hours within a day (I mean technically the 2nd person is putting in more effort because they’re not resting between).

I’ve been subbed to wow since vanilla. Does that mean I’ve poured more effort into the game than others? It most certainly does not. Effort is what you actually do within the game itself.

i’ve got a few alliance chars with max corruption cloak.
Now i play with some friends on horde. i will never catch up.
So I did invest time on 3 chars to progress the max corruption. But on my new horde alts i shouldn’t be able to catch up in this stage of the addon?

this makes no sense to me.
I can understand the argument that some had to farm hard to have it.
But as they already made account wide essences, 100% XP Buff und corruption vendor to enjoy the rest of the expansion, or just try new classes they also should add the possibility to catch up when doing every vision.
It would be also fine if you have to buy this with 1.5k echoes or something like that.

Anyway, the just announced a catchup

one thingy for 2k echoes.

In your face Elias :upside_down_face:

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And you clearly dont understand what effort means.

Not in my face. My corruption resistance is 62. If all those what have been putting effort into geting their corruption up for all those week are ok with their effort being invalidated again then i couldnt care less. But pretty sure they will not. Tehy will again feel more allienated.

Actually, scratch that

This will be repeatable, up to the maximum that you could have otherwise earned via weekly Horrific Visions or from N’Zoth the Corruptor.

What a joke.

Hahahaha what. How is that effort?

Yeah I totally missed that at first, this “catch up” is just effing useless, It isn’t a catch up at all, you still wouldn’t catch up if you got an alt now.

Quoting you again for visibility, they just updated the original post:

 This will be repeatable, up to the current maximum Resistance that the cloak allows.

Yes in your face. You literally went on a crusade spamming every thread with your negativ opinion about it almost going as far as claiming Blizzard will never do this. Same like you did with essences back then.

So yes, in your face. I actually fortold it here: 12 weeks to catch-up. Start now and be done in September - #142 by Bloodlock-onyxia





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They fixed it.

If you farmed echoes for corruption x or essence y. You can now keep on farming for cloak upgrades.

Because 1 currency is used for everything.

Next up:
8th of july: unlocking the Maw / Torghast requires x many echoes of nyalotha :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as i understand even with this “fix” weekly cap for cores is still 2. So those who can’t kill n’zoth can get second one for echoes.


Just to chime in, the original update has been edited to the following:

“This will be repeatable, up to the current maximum Resistance that the cloak allows (currently 92 Corruption Resistance, and next week this will increase to 95).”

Original post