Devs are numbers people. They listen to market research teams. Learn what does and does not work. Shawdowlands is a failure.
My overall point was that there is structure and organisation within the Burning Legion. Sargeras implimented that using the Manari/Eredar.
He is still a titan, he never changed to become anything else, thus he remain a being of Order, its why he is called dark titan, because he is still one. I mean, just look at how he turned the demons from an unorganized not united band into a force of conquest.
Incorrect. The Fel changed everything about what Sargeras once was.
Destroying everything before the Void Lords can alter it is no longer Order. But he deceived himself into thinking otherwise.
Its not part of Creation, since it did not creat anything in its own.
Incorrect once again. The Void created several things of its own. Void Lords - Old gods - I think the ahn qiriaj bug race.
Without the Void there is no creation.
I never said the fel created the Nether, you try to put words in my mouth here, however, demons are creatures that came into being in the Nether, a place saturated with fel…they are creature of Fel. You just want to again turn it in a way that suits you.
Demons are natives of the Twisting Nether. But the Fel is something seperated no matter how bonded they are to it.
The Fel is something that actively harms the Light and the Light is an enemy of the Fel. So it could be more parts Void than it is Light.
A real chin scratcher eh?
And you take this from where? Source? Again, names? A whole paragraph just to say things without any sources…it become just annoying at that point.
How do you think an almost infinite number of demons of the Burning Legion is managed? An army needs an infrastructure - regulation etc… to be maintained and function.
Who do you think was doing the admin work?
Anything can makes sense nowaday, stop bringing the Lore to say “ho he dont make sense” would you have said that playable dragons would make sense 2y ago? No! But Blizzard wanted you to play dragons; so they made a lore plot for it to make sense…
If Blizzard want somehting to make sense for players to enjoy it, they will find a way, stop thinking lore is “set in stone” you clearly know its wrong.
Incorrect. Some things do not make sense. Sometimes retcons will damage what was already established. Like Forsaken Druids and Paladin or Draenai/Lightforged Draenai Warlocks.
The above examples don’t make sense.
Yet again, Dragons are now in the Horde AND the Alliance, so your point is totally wrong since you perfectly know devs do see the factions as the most important thing in the WORLD of Warcraft BECAUSE you are in a dam MMO that work around 2 factions!!! Please just stop being narrowed and accept that the Gameplay is bending the Lore.
Btw, you claim nagas dont make sense? Did you know it was planned to be one of the frist playable race in wow? But yeah, the goal of the GAME is to have fun as the person to whom a answered said, and you go and be unfun by saying “muh lore muh lore no make sense because of muh lore” and i will say “We dont care!!!” because if Blizzanrd wills it, they will do it.
Dracthyr are not Dragons. They are the creation of Deathwing. An off-shoot perhaps. The Dragons have never been part of the Alliance or Horde.
Naga playable race might have been an idea years ago. but it does not make sense now.
be unfun by saying “muh lore muh lore no make sense because of muh lore” and i will say “We dont care!!!” because if Blizzanrd wills it, they will do it.
Of course people like you will say you don’t care. How were millions of people around the world able to have fun for almost 20 years WITHIN the existing lore and cannon?
Yes it is good to expand on what came before, this can be done without destroying it. It is like when activists turn existing characters orientation from h3t3r0 to alphabet / or race swap / gender swap.
Point is there is an existing fanbase - lore - history etc… So just like with say Amazons Rings of Power. Retcons do not always work.