Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race


I really wish that we actually get full Man’ari customization or an allied race and not just a cheap imitation of Man’ari or as a lot of players already call it : Tomatoes draenai.

It feels like a cheap immitation. Some red skin colors that don’t look like the man’ari skin colors use in wod and legion, a few hair colors, and some eye colors, which look cool nonetheless.

If you want comparisons here is some pictures to show for it :

On these pictures you can see on the left the customization of the unplayable man’ari npcs that are in the game since 6.2 and on the right you can see the customization that we are getting in the 10.1.7.

You must notice that, not only they have a darker skin tones, but also they have fel cracks, fel on their hooves and horns, kinda like ash on their arms and hands, and more muscles which imo looks dope!

You also can wonder what is going on, since these customization are in the games files since a very long time, you can even use them in the wowhead dressing room here by checking the “npc only options” marker :

I am really confused why then Blizzard is holding us on the man’ari npc’s skin tones and style (fel cracks and fel on hooves hornes) when we can clearly see that it works with all the others customization that players can uses, its even more confusing when you notice that the dark rangers customization are even more restrictive than the npc man’ari skin tone because dark ranger skin dont even let us change eye colors while the man’ari one does. It is very strange to me.

That being said, i also have some ideas for more customization that would further put the emphasis on the man’ari theme :

More Skin Tones

Here are additional skin colors for the man’ari, all of them are used by man’ari characters in both war3 and wow by either eredars creeps in war3 famous characters like Archimonde, or the winged eredars that can be found on Argus :

Cracks on the Face.

I thought of cool ideas with fel cracks, that it could be cool to have us be able to customize them further like these examples :

Eyes AND cracks colors.

I also got a cool idea that, we would be able to even not only change the eyes colors, but also the color of the fel infused cracks that are visible on the body!

More Horns Options, Spikes and Fel Scares.

Here are example of more horns that we could get as well as spikes on the front head that for example Kil’jaeden have as well as fel scare on his right eye.

Multiples sets of Horns options.

Now that one is a bit wild, i imagined that it would be cool if we could get more than one set of horns like these examples here :

More Gift of the Naaru or no Gift at all.

Even if it is awesome that selecting the new red skin tones makes our gift of the naaru turn automatically green, i think it would be better if the way our gift of the naaru look like would be selected independently from our skin tones, because man’ari eredars are not only red, we can see plenty of different skin tones for man’ari in wod and legion, like purple, green, black and also grey in addition with the orange and red ones, which makes it weird that when we select purple or grey skin tones like man’ari have but dont have the gree version of our Gift of the Naaru.

I think it would also be an awesome options to be able to choose more variants for our Gift of the Naaru or even to have the possiblity to not have a gift of the naaru visible at all just like a lot of man’ari visible in game. The LF draenei can already change the way their gift of the naaru look and regular draenei should also be able to select different symbols and maybe even colors for it like theses examples here :


Man’ari npcs from wod and legion have a unique voice that we can hear when they attack, hit or die, this voice is very different from the one regular draenei uses and it would be cool if we had some options to use these voices when we use the man’ari eredar customization, maybe just like our gift of the naaru becomes green when we select one of the man’ari options, our voices while we fight or take damages should change too.

Here is for example the voice files of the female and male man’ari compared with the regular draenei :

Female Draenei attack sounds :

Female Man’ari attack sounds :

Male Draenei attacks sounds :

Male Man’ari attack sounds :

Demon Hunters?

I also imagined an awesome idea for DH metamorphosis:

Dps :

Tank :

A Proper Allied Race?

For 2 big reasons and these reasons are the same as to why having the Earthen as a full allied race is better than having them as a simple customization for regular dwarves :

Firstly the way “new races” were added via customization since Shadowlands was too much lacking to support a full man’ari vibe for players, because the man’ari are not simply “red draenai” they are more than just that, they are different in the way they talk (their voice sound different when you aggro them, when they get wounded etc, sounding lot more demonic) and it would be very weird and silly to sound like a regular cute draenai girl when you attack with your man’ari look.

Secondly, they don’t have just their skin different but also their eyes, and more importantly, their “naaru symbol” that they have atop their front head is not the same, for the man’ari who joined Sargeras in the beginning they have no symbol of the naaru at all and thoses who joined later (called the Sargeirai) have a fel green symbol, this was never supported by the customization that we got recently, because, when you look at for example the dark ranger, what did we get exactly? ONE eye color that go ONLY with ONE skin tone while the LF draenai do have the possibility of customizing their naaru symbol (while regular draenai cant ><) not to mention, man’ari have a very good veriety of skin tones, dark blue, dark, red, orange, purple, grey, green to mention only these and from we saw with skin tones added with customization for let say troll, we got ONE skin to be a sand troll and ONE to be a dark troll…yay.

Another issue are the racial, do you really imagine a man’ari use gift of the naaru to heal? That makes 0 sense, and myself i would just feel it as vibe killing…

Now the other problem with man’ari customization for draenai would also be that it would harm the draenai race itself, like you would have draenai looking like man’ari and all good, man’ari with blue eyes too, or man’ari with blue gift of naaru, or draenai with fel naaru symbol on top of head a lot of messy things…not to mention you would have man’ari without having a warlock class for regular draenai? Do you imagine the problem if draenai got to be warlock? Or the man’ari not to be warlock ><

To conclude on the topic of “allied race would be better than customizarion” i will add one more point, is that, if you take for example the mag’har orcs, if you take the dark iron dwarves these 2 races have something more than customization could bring if they were just customization for regular orcs and dwarfs, and that little something else more is called “Flavor” customization as good as they might be, lack flavors because due to how blizz put it in, with no way of changing voice lines, no way of changing racial looks etc it remains dull.

Here are all my ideas, tell me what you think.


no thank you. a better idea all eredar must be eradicated and turned into fel crystals to be given to the mana addicts in silvermoon. then they get poisoned and die


Also Eredar shouldn’t be an allied race but customization for Draenei

Imagine if DF was introducing allied races but with requirement 25 Renowns as the most difficult/longest grind/chores



you horde weirdos stay away.


I think they should be included in the Draenei dynastic quest chain. That they “redeem themselves somehow”, but like the orcs, retain their fel traits


thats incompatible with both draenei race racials and lore. stop. get help. pray to the light


Well… no
Don’t forget the Orcs really bad history with them…
Velen was able to forgive Kil’jaden
I think two type off Man’ari Eredar exist:
The ones who regreted joining the Legion or not really had other choice - they probably would want to re-join their Exiled One and Lightforged brotheres and sisters
…and those who regreted nothing, cast their lot with Sargeras and loved the fact they were the elite and leaders of the Legion. Those Eredar probably still have their private little Demon-armies, ruling over planets or even wast regions in the Great Dark Beyond, have their servitors, Legion-tech, Dimensional-ships and the best: NO BOSS AROUND! No Sargeras, No Eredar War Council, nothing. They are free and most likely waging wars among themselves and the other Annihilan and Nathrezim or other Demonic Warlords of the Legion Remnants - thus have 0 reson to seek out some little faction, except to have vengence


Im shaman. I will not pray to the light. :rage:


I already made a big paragraph to explain why customization for draenai would be a terrible idea for both man’ari and draenai…would be nice if you read before posting.

Yes i know the orcs have…a big history with…Kil’jaeden, who is dead now, and these man’ari would actually be the one that got manipulated by Kil’jaeden (you know he made a big peach to convert people to the Sargeras vision)


The fact is: I just read 40% or half of your topic

Agreed why would something be terrible if they don’t become a customization

Also They won’t be shaman once Eredar becomes playable?

Nice try but its not what i said : Firstly the way “new races” were added via customization since Shadowlands was too much lacking to support a full man’ari vibe for players, because the man’ari are not simply “red draenai” they are more than just that, they are different in the way they talk (their voice sound different when you aggro them, when they get wounded etc, sounding lot more demonic) and it would be very weird and silly to sound like a regular cute draenai girl when you attack with your man’ari look.

Secondly, they don’t have just their skin different but also their eyes, and more importantly, their “naaru symbol” that they have atop their front head is not the same, for the man’ari who joined Sargeras in the beginning they have no symbol of the naaru at all and thoses who joined later (called the Sargeirai) have a fel green symbol, this was never supported by the customization that we got recently, because, when you look at for example the dark ranger, what did we get exactly? ONE eye color that go ONLY with ONE skin tone while the LF draenai do have the possibility of customizing their naaru symbol (while regular draenai cant ><) not to mention, man’ari have a very good veriety of skin tones, dark blue, dark, red, orange, purple, grey, green to mention only these and from we saw with skin tones added with customization for let say troll, we got ONE skin to be a sand troll and ONE to be a dark troll…yay.

Another issue are the racial, do you really imagine a man’ari use gift of the naaru to heal? That makes 0 sense, and myself i would just feel it as vibe killing…

Now the other problem with man’ari customization for draenai would also be that it would harm the draenai race itself, like you would have draenai looking like man’ari and all good, man’ari with blue eyes too, or man’ari with blue gift of naaru, or draenai with fel naaru symbol on top of head a lot of messy things…not to mention you would have man’ari without having a warlock class for regular draenai? Do you imagine the problem if draenai got to be warlock? Or the man’ari not to be warlock ><

To conclude on the topic of “allied race would be better than customizarion” i will add one more point, is that, if you take for example the mag’har orcs, if you take the dark iron dwarves these 2 races have something more than customization could bring if they were just customization for regular orcs and dwarfs, and that little something else more is called “Flavor” customization as good as they might be, lack flavors because due to how blizz put it in, with no way of changing voice lines, no way of changing racial looks etc it remind dull.

TL:DR - CUSTOMIZATION BAD Because then you would have non sense like draenai shaman with green eyes, or bleu draenai with green eyes, or man’ari looking shamans…and most importantly, you would have man’ari customization but no warlock classe? LUL


Agreed, but also is there any chance in my lifetime, after 19 years now, or before putin nukes us all, to see Vrykul, Ogre, Furbolg, Saberon, Tuskarr, Arrakoa, as Core Playable Races, and All Classes for All Races?

Interesting Idea to see something like this in WoW! :slight_smile:

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Considering nearly every man’ari eredar we’ve met were evil to one degree or another, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense.


You really waste your time by bringing good ideas to this forum. Blizzard do not care and people are angry on comment section because you are more intelligent then they. Sadly, mmos are played mostly by unseccessfull and absocial people


But not all of them
Like how not all the Demons are “evil incarnate”
But still should be Alliance and Draenei costumization, like the Night Warrior

Nope. Eredar are evil.


I can think of a grand total of one who wasn’t evil, or at least proved good on his word - and even he kept a very low profile.

As far as the man’ari are concerned, the proof is in the pudding. Discounting the ones subjugated by warlocks, the overwhelming majority of their kind are exactly that - evil incarnate.


You’re right

I would have said “WTF Blizzard” if we won’t be able to play warlock when if we get customization and get disapointed so hard

That is subjective that would ruin the game, so it better should be completely allied race

Good point

That would have weird voice, so another point of being Allied race

Also dark rangers didn’t get their own racial abilities, neither dark and sand trolls

Dark rangers are put into blood elf. Imagine using the racial ability (Arcane Torrent) as dark ranger

Dark and sand troll are put into the darkspear. Imagine if Upright troll option were put to darkspear

Also Zandalari trolls can be white and silver option but darkspears don’t

Right, it needs to have different racial abilities than Gift of the Naaru

Blue eyed Eredar is not good neither Regular Draenei with eredar fel eyes

Now dark rangers got the problem not being a death knight but paladin which uses the light to harm to the dark rangers and undead, it can use 1 skin tone and 1 color eyes, nothing else

Great point


I fully support the ideea. Wanted eredars playable for years. Would race change all my draenei to eredars if I could :frowning: or at least my mains. So blizz is missing on a lot of money by not bringing them already xD