Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

No! The Draenei and the Man’Ari were Eredar once but not anymore. Both races are so different now. I’d love to have a demon hunter, warlock warrior, rogueas Man’Ari.
Light forged Draenei are a mistake as an allied race. They could have been added as customisation to the Draenei.
Now playable broken? We can talk! Combine the ones from Argus and Outland this will be an awesome allied race.


Yes it was a mistake to be an allied race

Is that the corruption from the fel magic that Draenei would turn into eredar :thinking: ?

Also Broken DH would be awesome

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The Draenei is a “racial slur” to be honest, meaning Exiled One in the Eredun language, the language of the Eradar, while Man’ari means “unnatural being” in the same language; both are just monicers, like how a Blood Elf/Sin’dorei is just a name, but not makes you different from a Quel’dorei; both are Thalassian Elves, High Elves.
The Man’ari got infused to the point most of them are considered Demons, the Lightforged got the Light treatment, but biologially, or racially?
All three are Eredar
Just the LF and the Draenei feels uncomfortable to be tied to their own race that collectively went to the Dark Side


If I remember right yes. Eredar is the whole race.
Those using fell magic and being part of the legion became the Man’ari.
Those using light and following Velen became the Draenei.
Everything else is THE broken in outland and Argus.


Seeing as void elves got Dark ranger skins, and they are shunned by almost every roleplayer in Stormwind, same with the deathknights. I would say the more option the better.

They will most likely not be accepted by Draenei roleplayers (same case with the dark rangers) but thats about it.

Would be great to introduce them with Draenei warlock/ Demon hunter too

Some race-class combinations (or mog or costumaziations) are not really fit for public RP
Like how you could play a Necromancer (Unholly DK in robes) but would be executed on sight, or technically waltzing around in Stormwind banging your chest, “I am a Warlock and Proud of it” most likely ends with an axe in your skull while the Guards looked the other way… or just having your imp or other Demon on your side could be enough to have that treatment
Some things are a no-no, BUT could work in a session or private RP/guild RP, or just personal story
An Eredar who wants to redeem itself could work
I’ve seen a cleverly mogged, costumized Draenei who was in her bio an Eredar, with a Demon Hunter constantly watching her from the roof as her supervisory officer so to speak and while the conversations were tense at best, it worked; players were open with the idea and played along and who are not, simply ignored her

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Yeah well, you know, everyone said the same about the mogu and then you got a friendly faction spawning out of nowhere in 8.3 and everyone was pushing for the allied race since then, same with the dark iron, could you imagine them be playable back in vanilla?

Both are still Eredars though…or maybe you could argue man’ari are “twisted” eredars but draenai are the original eredars just now they are minority among them. And yes they are too different now, too different to simply be a customization.

As for LF draenai, actually when you look at both lf draenai and man’ari, and compare them to regular draenai, while lf draenai are just draenai but instead to use purple crystals they use yellow ones, the man’ari have an entirely different style.

Draenai warlock? Whats next Mag’har warlock? Really…?

I already made a whole explaination to why this is terrible idea, why do you keep suggesting them as customization when you perfectly know its gonna destroy draenai? Thats beyound me…

Its exactly why i bring up a whole lore idea to explain how this would happen…so i dont know whats your point.

I know a lot of peoples here have “crabs in a bucket” mentality, but this wont hold me back. Thanks for your message!

Yes, and i only like rely on what we got so far as “new race with customization” them being sand troll (its one skin tone wow!) and dark ranger…like wow its one skin tone and one eye color that can only be used with that ONE skin tone like “yay” i guess…its clearly minimal effort and very like “here you get 1 copper when you asked 1 gold are you happy?”


no thanks, thats just red dreanei. Nobody will play the males and then only a few might play it as female.

This is just like the high elf alliance post wich just wants to lazily copy paste another factions race to their faction.Instead of actually getting a proper new race.

Whats next? pink orcs for the alliance and slightly different toned gnomes for the horde?

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Fully support this tbh.
Would love to see them added to the Horde as an Allied Race

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check ur spellbook racial gurl. :nail_care:


I’m sorry but as cool as they are, it makes 0 sense to have them as a race. At best, they would be redeemed and probably lose their look.


Thats totally not a claim you make with having actual numbers i am sure! Not that it matters anyway you know right? But if for real, ppl who played war3 and loved archimonde/kil’jaeden will play male and there is lot of cool artworks of the females you can find which show they are liked by players.

Look at the orcs, they are still green even though they redemed themselves, i dont see why the man’ari would lose their look…

Sorry, Retributor. But even I approve of the request for Man’ari as allied race.

Also, the Light is not as holy and good as you believe.


No they are not. The Man’ari and the Draenei are so different now. I’d love to play a Man’ari as one of the following classes: demon hunter, warlock, warrior, rogue. And as we are on the subject I want them to be added to the Horde.


Nah, thanks.

Enough races in the game already. I’d rather they come up with something unique than another recolour.

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they are bigger and red, thats the onl difference really. Oh and their facial expression might be a bit more mean

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Same way the Felborne are going to be a customization option for the Nightborne 10.1, the Eredar should be a customization option for the Draenei.

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Are we getting them in 10.1? That sounds great

It would ruin the race if it was a customization without playable Warlock and Demon Hunter

We already have 3 shades of green skin, and we will get green eyes, so yeah Felborne basically.

The Nightborne got to be warlock without having the felborne option, as everything the Nightborne fought for was against the Legion and the demons, same way the Draenei did.


We need Nightborne Druid, Shaman, Paladin and Demon Hunter!