Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

There were some Nightborne warlock who weren´t felborne (If I remember correctly)

In the Suramar city around, and where I collect the ancient Manas

In the Entrace of Suramar border, then we can meet the Felborne who are Nightborne DH

They were the members of the Shadow Council, they would turn Felborne eventually, and there were even representations of how one becomes a Felborne, regardless, as I said having warlocks without the Felborne was a silly move, glad they are fixing it though.

Same way we can meet the sages, who are using the water elementals to water the gardens, as well as the naturalists who are Druids.

The Nightborne had very big potential, but the devs just rushed it and it is sad to acknowledge it.

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Yes it is sad that we did not get Nightborne druid in 7.3.5 :disappointed:

They added druid for Highmountain but it doesn´t make sense from lorewise, they didn´t have a lore about Highmountain druids, neither NPCs

True, and it was silly that we did not get Nightborne DH in 7.3.5 either

Imagine if it would be very silly if we get Nightborne DH without felborne option

You got dracthyr wasnt it unique enough? Now let us get something more simple and cool that people ask for!

Actually no its not the same, you are claiming wrong things there, you are both claiming that man’ari are “just red draenai” like felborns are just “green infused NB” which is wrong.

The man’ari are completly different because, they are not just infused with fel magic, they are much more than that, if you take felborn for example, they just have different color tattoos/eyes colors and that about it. While man’ari have entirly different culture than the draenai, their faith is different, their buildings are different, their vibes are different, their mindset are different.

To be fair, there is MORE differences between the draenai and LF draenai culture than between draenai and man’ari culture, because while lf draenai are just “draenai more touched by light” and their crystals are yellow instead of purple the man’ari have no Light, no gift of naaru, they use different ships, different buildings entirely etc

You also have the Sargerai who are like the lf draenai but instead of using yellow crystals they use red crystals :

(actually when you see these red crystals, these would go very nicely with the blood elves)

They can also have more customizations on their own that would not work with simply having them for draenai, while a felborn customization would just be tattoo/eyes colors, the man’ari also have their “fel infused” touche, that they could choose to reduce or improve like dh can do, they also have their “fel arms” that they can decide to customize as more or less imbued in fel, have the naaru symbol being here and green (like sargerei) or not like original man’ari etc and alos you have the winged man’ari eredars!

Now you explain me how you put these as customization for draenai…

I will even add one more thing, what felborn are? still elves, not demons, man’ari are not like draenai, they are linked to the nether, which make them quite different from draenai, lot more than felborn towards nightborn…

So yeah stop bringing up the “customization for draenai” point i will debunk it every time you bring it up.


yep that picture is just a red dreanei with wings.

Saying they arent just like blue dreaneis is like saying maghar orcs dont look anything like the green skinned orcs

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Well they are… brown :crazy_face:

Man’ari aren’t eredar. They are demons born from sargeras and the Legion. I don’t want those turds in the alliance/horde. They are the enemy of all living things on azeroth.

Yeah and i can also say that kul’tirans are just bigger humans or that nightborns are just arcan infused night elves…

Draenai are not demons btw man’ari are…

manari are dreanei wich became demons. Wich is why they are red and have wings. Hence they are red dreanei with wings

Yes because they are. Nightborne got some slight chances so the horde could get night elves and kulthirans are just humans with another bodyshape. But aatleast kulthirans look unique compared to normal humans.

manari are just red dreanei with wings. No more lazy copy paste recolored new races pls.

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“Eredar” = the orginal uncorrupted race, physically identical to draenei.

“Man’ari Eredar” = the demonic version.

“Draenei” = Eredar who ditched the eredar name because of the ties to the Legion, renaming themselves Draenei.

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And Archimonde and Lady Sacrolash for example are greenish blue and purple, because…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
You could be a Man’ari without red skin or wings… :eyes:

This yes. Same race/thing just a different faction name really

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named lore figure privileges

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You got Dracthyr, was that not enough?

Why not just be satisfied with what we already have? There is plenty of game play to go around. We don’t need more customisations. Especially one that doesn’t fit the game.

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wrong, there is plenty of man’ari npc you can find around the world that are not red, and have wings, or not have wings. (The winged man’ari are called doommaindens btw you can check them out there is plenty on Argus named and not named)

Can you admit now that you are kinda clueless about the topic? I mean its obvious by now you know…

And who actually are you to decide whats fits the game or not? Or to claim that “its enough” or not, you sound like thoses people who said “we dont need a new class” before evoker happenns… (And i asked for a new allied race not just customizations.)

so if man’ari go to Horde then you agree that its good since it will be like the Nightborns!

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Trouble is that most core races on either faction has plenty history with the man’ari eredar - and literally none of it good. It’s not in the “parked your car on my lawn” level of grievance, so much as the “your kind is the reason Demon Hunters make sense” level.

From a purely storytelling and lore angle, them being allied with either faction makes zero sense.

You would have to engage in some 4D chess storytelling, with the man’ari riding in as the proverbial cavalry to save the day… and probably pull that stunt several times over to make up for the whole “we want to end your world” angle they’ve been working for millenia.


Yes but give to Alliance, can’t imagine orcs and Draenei on the same side

Man’ari’s whole culture is different from the Draenei’s. They are not just red skin fel infused eredar (red is not the only skin tone they have). Their buildings have their own style and they are so far from the light. The same way Void elves are not welcomed in Silvermoon the same has to be for the Man’ari. They deserve their to be an allied race with their own starting zone/city.
Draenei, Man’ari and the Broken are cousins yes but they are soooo different after so much time being apart. So Man’ari and the Broken deserve to have their own allied race added.

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More eredars to the alliance? F… no. You have 2 of them already. Better to be neutral like the Pandaren atleast.

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since you’re being so agressive in your response, likewise who are you to decide what fits the game? Especially when we’re in a Dragon based expansion. Why would we want Eredar? Or even more so, since we have spent the majority of the games history FIGHTING the Eredar, why would we suddenly be friends with them.

The way people like you demand everything in the game, I would say that we don’t need anymore new classes. However I think adding new Classes (and allied races) when they are suitable can be justified. Evokers were a good addition to the game for the point of the game we are at.

Whilst if we put every new Class every Tom or Harry suggested, such as Tinkers, Necromancers, Tide Sages or Dark Rangers then we would have an overcomplicated unbalanceable mess off a game.

Allied races were an answer to customisations. And tbh, they should have just been Customisations to existing races.

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