We even have half ogres-orcs and even Garona, who I no longer know if in the current canon she is half orc-human or Draenei-orc
Yeah that lore’s a mess.
Just… be glad Med’an is not canon anymore
Not all of them, you forget the whole bunch of ppl who became undead by wish, because yes it exist, Kel’thuzad
for instance as well as most of the cult of the damned.
You like eredars? i mean you seem to not be the most reliable person to talk to about the topic if you dont like them.
I dont like this arguement its like the “i am smarter than you” arguement but in truth you have no sources so you just try to scam me.
Thing is, there is such people. That guy for example : https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/92219-gerald-green.jpg
And you see, thats where your logic have its flaw, is that, you are so matriced by the fact all humas male in wow look like mdels -(as you said before) due again to models being the same for everyone, as you again said before, so you are aware of the fact that it is due to model restructions, but NO instead of just leave it be and say “its model rescutrictions because its an old game of 2004” you find the need to explain it with lore, dam it when we read all your thought proces you literaly contradict yourself 2 posts above…are you just tyring to prouve me wrong or you actually make any sense?
Yeah and…as you can see, they are very rares and they are expections. And the thing is, if you look at Garona, or Arathor, well they look very close to orcs and elves with like barely even differences.
Mok’natha are called mok’nathal while kul tirans HUMANS are called HUMANS, do you see the freaking differences here??? Ones are called half something while other is called HUMAN!!!
What you dont get is that, playable taurens dont have the size of actual tuarens in lore.
Because kultirans are not “half”. They have Drust genes and ancestors, but being half implies that one of the parents is Drust, and these are currently extinct.
That doesn’t mean they’re not too big to be normal humans. They are still larger than Draeneis and orcs.
We were talking about the Forsaken. Don’t move the goalposts.
I don’t really care one way or another.
I very likely won’t ever play one.
Yes, because ‘making sense’ is scamming.
Jesus dude. Stop with the nonsense?!
Does not exist in retail.
Old old model. Doesn’t mean a thing.
I’m going to stop talking to you.
You’re obsessed. Get a grip. Relax. Have a drink.
What does it means to be “normal” human exactly? I dont really like that idea.
And if the word you seek is “average human size” well yes, some ppl are taller some are smaller, dont mean you have to explain it with some ancestroy.
Well i did not bring up the topic of the half elves and others.
You move the goalpost yourself!!! Dam it, and btw there is forsaken that became undead by choice. The one in stormsong for example.
And my quesiton was more about all undead humans,not just forsaken.
Again i am always allowed to wonder what you even doing here.
He does exist in retail go check for yourself in Boraen Tundra, i saw him literaly yesterday. So yeah you just sound dumb here.
It does lol, it means there is different bodies of humans even in stormwind you just tyring to muddy the issue.
I can literaly say the same to you lol
Jesus Christ… look at the image I passed you above of the kultiran next to the orc. Yes, there are humans of different sizes, but not eight feet tall and with such a complexion.
A human of this size in real life would be classified as gigantism, which is very rare, however in kultiras there are many people of that size, even in the in-game cinematics, and you will not see them out of kultiras.
I didn’t know they left ugly old models like that in the game.
They should remove it. It’s hideous. Put it in Classic; that’s ugly already.
You could. But you’d be spewing a load of nonsense.
But then again, you’ve been doing that constantly already.
Look, this is my last reply to you:
I couldn’t care less what you do or don’t ‘believe’ or ‘accept’ when it comes to lore.
I accept it because it makes sense to me. You accept or deny whatever the hell you want because it makes no difference to me.
End of discussion.
But, playable orcs are not that big compared to “normal” playable humans, you are putting it as if the kul tirans were muuuuch bigger than other humans while they are not.
Not to mention that, if as you say, the drust went excticnt, and the fact that vrykuls are basciazlly humans, the gens over the years should be long gone.
And it makes sense to you because you cant make up 4 from 2+2 thats all i understood from our talking. Because there is inconssistancies in the lore, everyone is aware of it and agree with this (look at shadowlands for example) the only fact that you only play the “i accept everything because it makes sense to me” is straight being delusional
They are just masive ^^
I mean… They are, but… Yeah…
I never said this. Stop your damned strawmanning for once!
I said I accept this particular piece of lore.
You’re infuriating, you know that?
Well, i mean sure they are much bigger, but then again, i dont see why we need to explain this with blood mixing again, and also, since it was so long ago their blood should be delitued by now.
And again, it was never clearly stated.
2,700 years before the dark portal.
That’s not that long.
Vrykul ‘genes’ have had MANY MANY more thousands of years to be deluded in humans. And we don’t know how genetics work in a magical world anyway. Maybe the dormant vrykul genes were somehow reactivated or mutated when they were mixed with actual vrykuls. We just don’t know.
Fact is: Kul Tirans are mostly big. While other human kingdoms are not. So there’s a difference there. And it’s a type of difference that goes beyond colour of skin or red hair or a few inches in height. This is a clear genetic difference.
Feel free to accept any explanation you want.
I will accept the explanation that I want.
It was never clearly NOT stated.
Can we stop this inane discussion?
I don’t understand why you see so much problem with that theory when there are many key tracks.
-We have precedents for mixing races in wow.
-The thornspeaker drust mixed with the humans.
-It is the only kingdom where you see so many giant humans.
-In the visions of the past of the war between humans and Drust, there were only normal humans, implying that the giant Kultiran came later.
It was debunked by the fact that a tons of kul tirans look not that way lol.
Also, what you both dont get is that :
The Kul’tirassian “race” is above all an admission of technical failure that Wow does not know how to manage morphologies. So they created an additional “race slot” and behind it, people are trying to force it to connect it to the lore.
Blizzard doesn’t help either by characterizing this big model as “Kultirassian” like a Stromgardian NPC can’t be like that and it’s the game that limits the whole thing.
Because i want to remind you of something but here is Thoras Trollbane in warcraft 2 :
(Its the guy with the horn helmet that is massive compared to the other guys)
And the problem is that obtuse fans continue to cling to the game as if these types of technical problems don’t exist.
Here is the reasons why i find it is a “problem” and also, the fact that it is not lore, you just again make a short cut to try to explain it as if others humans cant be like that, thing is that they are look at Thoras from war2 you clearly see he is just like kul tirans but he is not a kul tirans.
Also you have a tons of other bodies for Kul tirans like the regular human one being used but also the “thin human” one, so what? must we give a lore reason behind all of these?
And also, the quesiton is, what does it bring to the Lore?
Trollbane was large but fit within the proportions of a normal human being. the kultirans don’t. They are much bigger even than Thoras
I dont really see why he fit more, he is terenas top of head is the size of his chest just like regular humans reach top of chest of kul tirans
We don’t know the size of Terenas, but watching the imagen that Tahra shared, Kultiran are near 2.50.
That isn’t the size of normal humans ^^
And with this I’m going to stop this, because we’re not going to get anywhere.