Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

The Solomon Island Giants are said to have social structures, and there are possibly thousands of them which inhabit Guadalcanal to this day. They use complex cave systems to pass from one side of the island to the other, without ever having to see daylight.
​Between 1942-45, Japanese and U.S forces engaged in heavy fighting on the islands, which became known as the Solomon Islands campaign.
During this conflict, Japanese forces would experience first hand encounters with the Solomon Island Giants.
They reported seeing creatures around 10 to 15 feet tall, which would sometimes come charging at units of soldiers. Their bullets had little effect on them.
While suffering from attacks in daylight, soldiers also had hard time sleeping, as they could hear their fellow comrades wailing through the night as the giants launched more attacks. The cannibalistic nature of the giants struck fear in the hearts of the Japanese infantry.
The giants of the Solomon Islands are common knowledge to locals, but along with stories of foreign encounters and sightings of footprints, there could be more truth to the stories than we realize…

The thing is, you try to put it into wow, but 2 things, 1 its never stated that it is the causes of their “different look” and 2nd you try to explain that jaina and other dont have said body shape because of “purity of blood” which is kinda headcanon but also a very slippy topic =p

Of course, and coincidentally at present there are no traces that confirm its existence.

Isn’t that hard to understand.

Gilnean settlers arrived on the island. They fought against the Drust, but one faction: the thorn-speakers, joined the humans and mixed into their society. Result: there is a % of the population of Kultiras that is of inhuman size. No matter how hard you try, the playable Kultiran don’t have the height or build of a normal human being.

Except the official Japnaeese military recrods, but yeah
Anyhow, it is funny little coincidence :smirk:

German soldiers also said they had seen the Flying Dutchman. Do we take it as valid?

When I see scientific evidence, and not the testimony of Japanese military personnel, I will believe it. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what i try to explain to you is that its a bad idea to justify their different size/body shape with this explaiantion…its crazy you dont get the problem of it.

And the problem is…???

Explained it before, but i will say it again since i am nice :

There is 2 issues with that :

Firstly its a slippy topic, because you are literaly implying that the person look “inhuman” because heee he got mixxed with non human so its why they are “fat” and taller which would surely creat problems in the comunity. Especially if you even claim that the ones that look like “stormwind humans” are “pure blood” you will clearly have ppl claiming to be pure blood kul tirans while other will be regarded as not being pure blood and i let you imagine the problems here.

2 - People wont ever be able to understand that there is different body shapes of humans, if you feel the need to explain with some kind of race mixing the reason why they look different then you will make people not able to understand that well, not all humans look the same.

And then again, its just pure headcanon theory, nothing factual what you try to say, and nothing in the lore supports it, because, if only these particular kul tirans would be only in the drustvar zone this would make some kind of sense but it was never the intention.

Their relation with the thronspeakers was not made to explain their body shapes, but to explain their relaiton with druidism.

I must also add that, the “bulkier” kul tirans were linked to the monsters hunters of kul tiras if my memory is right not to the drust.

Some races have certain physical appearances.
Ogres are big and fat. And apparently so were the drust.
That’s not a problem.

Some will have mated with thornspeakers, some will not have. There’s no ‘pure blood’ involved, but genetics.

LOL. Then ‘people’ are stupid.
It’s really not an issue.

Besides… This is WoW… Where every human male is a bodybuilder and every human female is a model. :person_shrugging:t4:

I’d at least wish for them to have the man’ari to start at a higher level if they were chosen when you initially start out levelling a character (say level 10).

I see what you and others are getting at when other things could just boil down to skin options for that one core race, with LF draenei and man’ari being the most obvious choices. DI dwarves and Mag’har also seem possible to add to the list, but the rest seem so geographically and stylistically different that having them be an allied race would make more sense.

They were not, did we saw how they look like actually in shadowlands here you are kinda proving my point, you imply their apparence (even if we know it) by how kul tirans look like.

How you call not being mixed? I mean you try to avoid the topic here. And especially if you put it that, all of the leaders did not mix, then you clearly have a problem here and you imply something wrong.

And thats pretty much my issue with the “drust mixxing” theory because then you imply that the fact you “dont look like a model” is because you are not pure human.

So? You’re not making any sense, honestly.

You are making this into an issue that it’s just not. Stop strawmanning. Stop gaslighting.
Nothing bad is going on. Put the agenda away.

OH NO HOW BAD. Who cares?!

Zandalari trolls are more bulky and muscular than the playable trolls we had before that. Is that an issue too?! OMG HOW DARE THEY.

It’s just different character models in a game. Get a grip.
Who cares.

To me man’ari and draenai are as different as the draenai are to the lf draenai but even more because while lf draenai and draenai share the same faith and culture the man’ari have a whole different.

Let me put it the other way aroud, why do you want so much to explain them being a different body shape with blood mixing?

Its not because you dont care that the problem magically stop to exist…also, thats the problem with you people, you say “ho but who cares that all humans look the same” and then when hearthstone try to make a more bulky Nightborn you have poeple who get pissed that it dont look like the in game model…lmao

Exactly, and thus you dont need to explain it with some kind of slippery lore that evolve blood mixing lol Thanks to prouve my point mate.

And you know actually its explained with evolution due to their environnement why they became different over the millenias, not with some blood mixing lol which makes lot more sense so again you prouve my point.

And to me they’re the same. Just different life choices.

I don’t. But if that stuff is in the game, I’m fine with it. I don’t care.

I have never and will never get pissed about something like that.
I couldn’t care less about nightborn; I would never play one.

IF that explanation is in the game, I’m fine with it. I don’t NEED to do any such thing.
I just take whatever lore I’m given. I. Don’t. Care.

And why is that an okay explanation while the other is not?!
I really don’t get it. There’s nothing wrong with a ‘blood mixing’ explanation.
It’s WoW. It’s fantasy. It’s not real. It’s silly. Who cares?!

If they’d ever put half elves in the game, there’d be blood mixing involved in their lore. That’s an issue?! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

So you are clueless about what being infused with a cosmic force means, but well its not surprising…

Good, because it is not in the game. All of that is theories by fans and thats why i make it clear that is it.

But it seems that since it is said by others wiht such authority then you get fooled and beleive it is an actual game fact.

Then again, good, because its not lore, also there is a problem with you, you are just eating any pile that the devs gives you? Thats hilarious to see, you just say “i just take whats com i dont care” (and you are reovlting because you just “dont care”) so lets do something good for oyu buddy, stop caring about the lore and let ppl who cares actually care =p

Well since all you can answer is"who cares" to any arguement i will give, then i will stop caring about you because its a waste of my time, why do even bother to argue with someone whos only asnwer is"who cares" =p

And I repeat that the fact that people have different heights does not explain why in Kultiras there are humans almost the size of a Tauren.

Let’s leave it better.

It’s also a choice. And I did say:


I would think this is based on actual lore, yes?

ultimately led to the Thornspeakers leaving the Drust to join Kul Tiran society

And you think it makes sense to just assume that romantic relationships never became a thing after this? Come now…

Then don’t. I don’t care.
YOU are the one having issues with ‘weird things’ that aren’t an issue for ‘well adjusted adults’.

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So if i follow your logic, forsaken should be customizaiton for humans, because they could chose to be undead, you know?

I think you dont get that, when you become touched by a cosmics force, or corrupted, you become something entierly different. You dont definish a race by life chocies.

Or else, they would have to rename the race “Eredar” and no longer draenai which would be a fine trade.

Ok but, there is no where in what you linked said that the Kul tirans look different because of this.

I never said that, i said that it was never used to explain the look of the kul tirans, and you are doing a big shortcut to assume that it explains it.

No they didn’t have a choice. They were forcefully made into undead.

Sounds good to me.

I don’t like draenei anyway. Never have. Never will.

It’s just using common sense.
Why would a faction of humans mostly be big and burly and yet in the other human kingdoms there’s no such people? That makes way less sense than ‘oh hey, we have a mixed race of humans and vrykul like people named drust and that’s made us bigger’.

How does mixing with a half giant type of race make sense if it doesn’t make you bigger?