Looking good!
I had to get them too…finally my Draenei shadow priest makes sense!!LOL
Since the addition of the man’ari quest line in 10.1.7 there was a group of npc added in Argus who are all allies of Arzaal, i will list them there :
Among these npc some of them are interesting by the fact they use notable customizations like for example :
Zyaana, as you can see on her model, she use the “proper” or “full” red man’ari customization that npc use since 6.2 and that players wnat a lot!
Eranthi, this npc use the new customization that is now accessible to the players.
Yazdan, now this one npc is interesting because it is a mix of the old man’ari customization from 6.2 with the fel cracks and the fel on hooves and horns (You will also note that he is not red further proving my point that not all man’ari are red but can also be grey like this guy.) but he also use the new eyes color customization that was added in this patch and accessible for the players, this clearly shows that it is totally possible to give these customization with fel cracks/fel on horns and hooves to the players!
But yeah! Dont be afraid to go check out these npc, they even give you mats to buy the new toy and customization to the broken npc you unlock at the end of the quest line.
It seems aside from that one hiding on the Exodaar, most of the Man’ari are on Argus
So they must have a means of transportation to reach Azeroth or that one on the Draenei home base came home with Velen…
Either case, it seems Argus is an ideal quasi-cannonical place for the Man1ari eredar RPers?
That’d be my assumption yeah. Velen said he wanted to talk some more with the guy, for that Velen has got to bring him along
I’m curious whether they’ll revisit that storyline and expand on it or whether this is it.
Will see in the draenei heritage armor what will it be, can be either good like orc one was or terrible like the night elf one.
In what part of the exodar can I find this one?
Did anyone noticed that Gift of the naaru is green when you use It with red skins?
yup saw that…would been nice if we also had gotten the Blue/purple and fel version of the glowing forehead rune like the Lightforged Draenai have. Would be an easy thing to do…one would think.
Yes, it was added in the OP 2 days ago =p and it is good and bad, good that it does give fel gift when you use the red skin, bad because it should be a choice of color independently from your skin tones, as man’ari are not only green, but are also blue, grey, green, and purple.
If you go down the route of ‘even demons aren’t that bad’, then you could say that about anything in the WoW universe and find some justification for redemption. I love the idea of the Burning Legion and all things fel, but there has to come a point where something is just described as what they are - evil.
The Man’ari were as much demons as just about anything in the Legion, only really being surpassed by the likes of the Annihilan and Nathrezim. Again though, if we can say that the Man’ari were not that bad then we can say that the Nathrezim also weren’t.
For me, I’d say that the Man’ari Eredar became inherently evil as soon as they became the Man’ari Eredar. ~
Having said that, I do love being able to play as one because they’re pretty metal.
But the thing is, no one is purely evil just for the sake of it, everyone have motives and reasons to why they do what they do, going with the “because they just evil” is not very high writting to me.
And with the Man’ari and actually all of the demons, since Tbc it was explained tha they are not just pure evil and that some have actual reasons etc, the thing is, yes their nature is to corrupt the very place they are in, and they must feed upon life energies to sustains themselves, but this dont mean they are just “pure evil” its just like anyone needing to feed upon a source to survive and their abilities to quesiton this or not.
I think in the story they made all these powers like death, life, chaos(fel part of it), order (arcane), void etc. cosmological “neutral” forces of nature that some actors just represent in some way. For example death is often portrayed as evil, but then turn out to just be a balancing force against something else like the lich king trying to stop the burning legion. Usually in the story the titans were responsible for creating balance between these forces like on draenor, where aggramar shaped the elements to stop nature from consuming the planet, so even Life in wow can be viewed as some sort of “evil” force. The burning legion’s objective in the end was also just to stop the void lords from devouring everything. Demons are chaotic, and hence evil from our p.o.v. because they wanna destroy and cause havoc.
I think the good and evil is like illidan said in this cinematic: We just need to protect azeroth. That’s the good and evil. We are good, everyone trying to harm azeroth is evil from our perspective, but in a cosmological sense can be viewed as kind of neutral, because they are just forces of nature in the game.
But it is entirely subjective. What is evil to you might not be evil to me, and vice-versa.
I would imagine that the life being corrupted in order to feed the power of Man’ari warlocks etc. thinks of them as inherently evil.
Also, this is a game, and even more so than in real life - it is absolutely possible for something or someone to be completely evil just for the sake of it.
Again, what is “not high writing” to you is probably high writing to me so what we have here is your opinion vs mine and those two things do not align.
I mostly agree, and since we are playing this game from our point of view then we have to view things that are all corrupting to life on our in-game planet as evil - such as the demons of the burning legion.
The interesting thing is that on Draenor Life was evil and aggramar shaped elements to combat it. Out of these elements the orcs evolved.
It is, if we take it in the demons pov, if everything get turned into fel energies and nether, demons will be in a paradies, if you look at them in outland or Argus they seem to enjoy their time.
To me, sure you can go with the “its a game so unlike real life you can say some ppl are just evil for sake of it” problem with such thing is that, you will eventualy lack interest for such a characters after having read 2 lines about them, because they will most of the time be shallow and be definished by very few things.
This was an awesome story to me, because it made an opposition between to forces that are always depicted as positive, Life and Order, and here with the story of the Evergrowth being taking over Draenor and Aggramar showng up and creating Grond to fight it you had a fight between Life and Order, and i found this very interesting.
And it also created a link between Aggramar and the orcs, if you considere Grond is an avatar of Aggramar or at least its “son” and that Tyr is also the “son” of Aggramar and thus the brother of Grond, it means both Orcs and Humans are related to Aggramar, and i find this detail quite cool.
This is simply not the case for me. You are assuming that I lose interest in things for the same reasons (or lack thereof) as you, but we are not the same person. Things that you find shallow, I most likely do not.
This is subjective, as I stated previously. It’s completely subject to perspective and I look at this from the perspective of the character that I play in the world that we defend in the game. From that perspective, things that destroy us and our world are inherently evil by default. I’m not complaining about the Legion and demons however, I love all that bad stuff.
And this is something that I’m happy about. Gotta love those Orcs.
Those meddling Titans and their nosy dog…