Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

I see that Blizzard keeps taunting the players with the Fel Man’ari skins which some npc’s have.


Yeah people really underestimate the story of warcraft in general. It’s not like blizzard is actively trolling us :sweat_smile: You just sadly have to inform yourself from other sources to actually read their story in a somewhat cohesive way . I wish people would just see this stuff from playing the game. I made a thread once, where I suggested blizzard to implement an in-game “book” tab with pages and fitting art secenes that you unlock from doing content in the game.


I could get behind that. The story is great, like you said and I think that there should be some kind of in-game lore library where you can break things down by expansion and then branch off from there.

They’d have to update those texts when they retcon parts of the history, but I’m sure that wouldn’t be too much of a big deal.

It definitely is. I’m kinda upset with their execution in 10.1.7, because it felt like they didn’t properly set up the man’ari joining, but lorewise it could have definitely made sense. They sadly made it too much about “feeling” and “being in fear” of kil’jaeden to rationalise what they did and them joining after millenia seems odd. Was a little lame execution for me, and they should have made it more epic, since the story is very epic usually.

Well, if the character is only definished by “i am evil”, it is shallow, you are allowed to like it, but factualy if only one thing definish a character then it is dull, i dont say its good or bad or you are not allowed to like it thought.

Yes, i get your point, but from my pov (as a true demon!) i like to linger in my fel bath =p

(Also, according to the lore, as a demon, your very presence corrupt the surronding area, no matter if you like it or not! but it is also a cool thing to rp, a demon that want to reduce its negative impact on the living world.)

Yup, but dont worry i am covering this up! People have to know we getting trolled!

They have to let demon be demon and just mess around!

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Yeah, I really wanted to feel like I was playing as a demon and that we were brought in reluctantly to provide strong backup for an upcoming event. I kind of feel like it was all a bit flat but hopefully they do add more on that in the future.

As you say, they hunted the Draenei across the universe so it really should have been an uneasy alliance and I think that maybe the Man’ari should have a little more distinction than just the legion symbol when using the racial (which is cool as hell by the way) and a skin colour variation.

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Bascially the problem with that quest line is that they squished an arc that deserved to be a whole patch or expac, into just 5min quests, which surely brought issues sadly…

Hope to get more stuff later, will see what draenei heritage armor is about!

But well, since DF they dont restrict themselves only with the heritage armors quests to say new stories with the races, like for example the Baine questline in 10.0.5


Exactly. If I wrote this, I would have tried to create some sort of urgency. A teaser for a void related thing happening on argus and the remainders of the burning legion trying to fight it. Then they just happen to fight alongside the alliance with maybe turalyon investigating together with the draenei, etc, and there is where they could have brought up dialogues, where some veteran of the man’ari tells them how he felt under kil’jaeden. They should have progressed the events of dragonflight to rationalise the man’ari joining under urgency, and only then solidified that relationship by “coincidence” bringing about emotions/feeling leading to them joining the alliance. Only emotions without some purpose or logic is not enough, and that’s why I’m not satisfied by blizzard’s effort.

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After my 3rd re-doing of the man’ari quest line and having thought about it and all having checked what other people thoughts on it, i will give mine on the lore of the quest line.

I think, and i am honest here, this quest line is a good quest line, better than what we got for a loooooong time, let me explain here why:

1 - We finally have news of Hatuun and his brokens and how they feel about Velen and settle their problem together, something Legion did not really do because in Legion Velen was like “ho i am sorry now lets beat the Legion” here Velen actually try to make things right.

2 - Arzal’kal and his allies are never trying to make empty excuses and the manner of why, how, when etc they left the Legion and their reasons is very well expained and makes sense, never tries to make them “good guys” but still demons, still having some kind of shady talks but try to make up for their mistakes and the terrible things they do even if they know they will likely never make up for them. The quest never really try to make a fool on you on that aspects, i like that they went for actual man’ari who accepted to join the Legion, decieved by Kil’jaeden and did terrible things mainly out of fear, and not ones that would be forced to join.

A lot of people on this thread (like me) imagined such questline and such explaination, and its very cool that Blizz decided to go for it and not try to minimize the impact of what the man’ari did to the univers. And they even remembered that some man’ari changed their names after becoming demons! Awesome!

3 - Special interactions with orcs and draenei are quite interesting, specifically the one with orcs when we have a very cool mention of the book “Rise of the Horde” when as it was also mentioned here, what Kil’jaeden did with the orcs was exactly what Sargeras did with the Eredars, and it also explains, if the orcs could be redemed the eredars also could.

3 - The conclusion wih the Ata’mal crystal was cool, like i did not expect it to even be mentioned, i thought Blizz forgot about the Ata’mal crystal after TBC but no and its awesome that they remember this part of Draenei lore which is a BIG part of it. I wonder what they will do next with it.

4 - The teasing at the end of the quest line was great! I love how they kinda tease us the return of the Argus brokens with Velen and maybe…MAYBE playable brokens?!!

5 - I also liked that the quest stays serious from start to finish, never tries to joke about stuff every 2 min like they did in so many quest line before, it was well done, serious, and i think wow need more of such quest line.

Another amazing thing is that, if you read the descriptions of the items that sells Gaal when you finish the quest line, you can find interesting lore bits, like for example another metion of * Kaarinos but a brand new location that was never mentioned before named “Telaasti Reaches” from the items :

Thats awesome to have more infos on Argus being bigger than what we had seen in game yet!

Maybe my problem is that it was maybe a bit too short, but still it wrapped up decently. Another problem is that it was not voiced too =/ Oh and would alos have liked to have more man’ari evolved in the quest line than only Arzal’kal.

Oh and, another lil issue is that we dont know how Hatuun took contact with Velen to tell him to come.

But yeah, very good quest line, and story, loved it. Welle done Blizzard!

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Honestly, yes, this is one of the best-written posts i’ve seen, you basically touched on everything that is wanted-needed in man’ari

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When the draenei have their racial armor, I hope there will be a second version for the man’ari/eredar !

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I always thought that the Draenei heritage was going to be about redeeming man’ari eredars, ever since the mission where we faced the son of Velen in the exodar.

In the end it wasn’t in the heritage quest line but we still redeemed some man’ari eredars.


Make Man’ari horde then? Simple? I see this as a ultimate win, Make a quest where Prophet Velen reject some of them, and our Orc brothers and sisters take us in, and we become the LEGION!.. i mean the horde… for the L- Horde…

That would be awesome!

I take these quest line like for example the Calia quest line at the end of Shadowlands and the Baine one in Ohn’arha during 10.0.5 and that Man’ari quest line as some kind of “mini heritage armor quests”


Came back after few months from this topic

Finally we got Man’ari

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Stumbled on Man’ari named Jaraxxus :joy: :+1:

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Amazing thing i also noticed is that, if you read the descriptions of the items that sells Gaal when you finish the quest line, you can find interesting lore bits, like for example another mention of Kaarinos but a brand new location that was never mentioned before named “Telaasti Reaches” from the items :

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Now that we saw that the topic of allied race is not dead, and that it is still better than customizations on a lot of points, i would like to go back to say that man’ari allied races would still be better than simple customizations!

In the next patch there will be a new draenei skin tone :

I really hopped this would work with the fel gift of naaru but it seems that it dont…

Althought this skin tone is cool, its still not the cool fel scars we want!

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The roadmap of 2024 was released and i was happy to see that we will have finally (as expected) the Draenei heritage quest line in the 10.2.7! :partying_face:

Its THE moment Blizzard, give us our full man’ari customization!!! :pleading_face:

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