Not all of them became man’ari, you again show how ignorant you are about that topic, i can show you some for example :
Here you can read the inbox on the side and read its a draenei and its a warlock.
Also, another thing that show you dont know a thing, is that, not all man’ari are warlocks, you know Tyrant Velhari? She is not a warlock, so no, being a man’ari and being a warlock is not linked because, as to if Socrethar was a warlock can be debated actually.
And again, as i said, you are claiming that as soon you are a warlock draenei you are a man’ari, which is a dumb as to say that a an orc warlock is a demon, which they are not, because you know, man’ari = demons they are demons, they got so much into the fel that they changed their plan of existence.
But yeah, it feels like you confuse, being a warlock and being a demon, which are 2 things unrelated, sure, warlocks have more chances to be demons because they tape into the nether, but its not something that is de facto, unlike the demon hunter from wow who are demons themselves.
So again, you show your ignorance, the funny part here is, i told you already exactly what i said in that post i am writing you and you still manage to tell me wrong…