Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

Blizzard should add a fel version of the draenei armor for the man’ari.

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100% agreed on the main plot of this post, just thinking about Mag’hars or Dark Iron Dwarves which was indeed a good point.

Lorewise, I keep thinking that they can’t really have the same racial “Naaru’s gift” as “normal” draeneis (logical…) + they really need specific customisations (which are already in-game) with fel and such, otherwise they would stay as a cheap side version.

TLDR : everything is just here for the devs, available in the game (skins, voices, animations, …), it’s just a matter of will if i can say so.

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I want play Draenei Man’ari with fel corruption on the skin! blizzard, if you read me, please, please, make this possibility reality! :pensive: :face_holding_back_tears:

You kept this thread going after 24 days. [sigh]

It is still under the 30 days limit :woman_shrugging:

Oh look whos here!!! The person who said man’ari will never be playable! Hello mister “i was wrong!”

Disney Star Wars had Leia Organa fly like Superman through the vacuum of space. In the Last Jedi movie.
Just because they done something. Does not mean it makes any sense.

As a species they were seperated. Once upon a time there were no Manari or Draenai they were all Eradar. But since big bad Sargeras came along needing people for his Burning Legion they were seperated as a race.

Those who chose yes. Joined the Burning Legion with their leaders Archimonde and Kiljhadden becoming Manari and part of the Burning Legion. Those who chose no. Joined Velen they took on the name Draenai that means Exiled Ones and with the help of the Naaru fled their former kin to be slaughtered and hunted from planet to planet.

Now due to whatever motivations. The Draenai chose to embrace the Fel but not become Manari like their kin that followed Archimonde and Kijhadden?
It would be as silly as Force users in Disney Star Wars no longer needing transportation such as speeders shuttles and spaceships. Just like Leia Organa in the Disney Star Wars movie the Last Jedi. ALL force users CAN & SHOULD be able to fly like Superman in atmosphere AND through the vacuum of space. Right?

You might remember me. But I have no idea who you are.
Needless to say. Think NOT that you like or dislike Moltensage. Instead ask yourself. Is what Moltensage is saying right or wrong?

Draenai that embraced the fel. That welcomed the Manari after all that has happened. Is just as silly as a Star Wars Universe where all forces users without exception and regardless of if they are Jedi Sith or neither. Having Kryptonian like abilities flying as they please.

I might not be able to reach out to you. But for the readers. Bad writing can and does harm the setting and established universe. Like how bad writing of Shadowlands hurt the World of Warcraft. There is a master plan behind the master plan behind that master plan. The Jailer was behind everything all along, Sylvannas was never truly evil that was just the bad part of her soul that took over but the “real” Sylvannas is good and was always there all along. Even though we removed her agency by trying to push this nonsense in the story .
Sylvannas never truly served despite serving the Jailer for 2 expansions.

probably the worst element in the star wars franchise (star wars xmas special excluded ofc)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You will find very few people who disagree with you.
BUT unless like what happened with Ghostbusters 2016 where they just officially wrote it off as non canon. They might have to write off ALL of Disney Star Wars.
Otherwise Force Users that Fly like Superman and Kryptonians in general is canon now…According to Disney. Welcome to the “new normal”.

Bad writing can and does mess up everything.
How will that even go? A Manari talking to a Draenai. Sorry about tormenting your parents as I relished in their anguish literally burning their very souls as fuel for the fel. The whole Burning Legion was…just a phase. Nothing to do with the Alliance and Horde taking the fight to them on Argus or anything.

The writing of the World of Warcraft has gotten worse and worse.

I could agree with you but unfortunately in real life this happens and happened often. More than bad writing imho this is just an “humanization” of the “bizarre” human behaviour

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Does this not lead to the ‘death of escapism’ then?
Fantasy worlds - different universes. Once they become reminders of the real world then it is no longer fantasy.

There is no reason to welcome the Manari. They were their own people - ruined who knows how many worlds - caused the extinction of countless species across the WoW universe with the Burning Legion.
How are they compatible with anything outside of the Burning Legion? To coexist instead of to purge all life as they always have done.

Reconciliation with the Manari and Draenai is not really possible.
Outside of the World of Warcraft in the real world some nations and peoples do recover after a civil war. But fleeing the Manari - abandoning the inhabitants of the planets once the Burning Legion caught up to them - Noble sacrifices buying time for others to escape knowing that fates worse than death awaits them.

There are more problems that the writing team created when they had the Manari skins and Draenai Warlocks / Lightforged Draenai Warlocks.

What the hell, are you talking about? Its nowhere near that the story of why you can play man’ari in the Alliance, i dont care about the draenei warlock, not to mention, being a draenei warlock and be a man’ari is different.

Draenei warlock exist since tbc, there is a lot of them in Outlands, and they are not man’ari, they use the fel and all, but are not man’ari.

Man’ari are eredar who embraced the fel so much that they became infused with it and became demons themselves, thats the BIG difference between an eredar warlock (or draenei warlock) and a man’ari, the man’ari are demons, the eredar/draenei are not demons, just like warlocks are not all literally demons.

The fact you make such a mistake is just proof you dont know a thing.

That did make me chuckle. The ignorant claiming others don’t know a thing.
In Warlords of Draenor. Socrethar the Eternal. He WAS Draenai but then he and those that followed him became Manari.

Draenai are the closest thing to what the Eredar once was. The Fel is what changed them into the Manari.
Similar to the other Manari in Hellfire Citadel. Should the Draenai now embrace the Fel then just like with the rest of their race that followed Archimonde and Kiljhadden they will cease being anything other than Manari.

But you got your “I told you so moment” and little bit of attention. Satisfied?

Not all of them became man’ari, you again show how ignorant you are about that topic, i can show you some for example :

Here you can read the inbox on the side and read its a draenei and its a warlock.

Also, another thing that show you dont know a thing, is that, not all man’ari are warlocks, you know Tyrant Velhari? She is not a warlock, so no, being a man’ari and being a warlock is not linked because, as to if Socrethar was a warlock can be debated actually.

And again, as i said, you are claiming that as soon you are a warlock draenei you are a man’ari, which is a dumb as to say that a an orc warlock is a demon, which they are not, because you know, man’ari = demons they are demons, they got so much into the fel that they changed their plan of existence.

But yeah, it feels like you confuse, being a warlock and being a demon, which are 2 things unrelated, sure, warlocks have more chances to be demons because they tape into the nether, but its not something that is de facto, unlike the demon hunter from wow who are demons themselves.

So again, you show your ignorance, the funny part here is, i told you already exactly what i said in that post i am writing you and you still manage to tell me wrong…

Blizzard please, don’t forget to add a man’ari version for the new draenei racial armor !


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Would be interesting to see a fel-corrupted version of it, thats for sure!

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I agree! That would be great!! Looking forward to it :star_struck:

We finally know how the draenei heritage armor look like!!

To be honest! Its exactly what i wanted!!! i am so happy that blizzard did not forgot the concept art of the draenei!

I’m disappointed, the draenei armor won’t have a fel version…:disappointed_relieved:

To be honest, i can understand your disapointement, but i would argue that it would be not fitting for that armor to have a fel variant in my opinion.

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