Many DPS classes completely useless

Amazing balancing by the Blizzard team once again DH and Rogue just doing double the DPS of Retribution/Spriest/Fire Mages… and many many more useless builds in mythic raids why is there such imbalance between DPS classes can’t you do proper tuning or are people just to be forced to play a new class each season and follow the meta?


Yeah that’s because most of them dont do those numbers.

I just was on tot 16 which we never finished where 460 dh was doing like 100-150k aoe and like 60k st. Hunter was doing just slightly slightly more dps.

Group broke on trash before last Boss after wipe on 3rd because everything just stayed Alive forever and decimated them so many times with that dps

I keep trying to tell people that but no one is listening.
It depends on the comp,on the Ilvl,the talents ,enchants,tier etc.
No one beside a small percentage can pull really high numbers.
And people are asking for nerfs cause 1% is doing dunno what…pfff.


What graphs are you seeing? That’s certainly not reflected in Warcraftlogs, not even if you allow all percentiles.

Rolling meta does not mean they can actually play the class. Busted my key when the two meta classes were doing less damage than the healer.

Well there’s definitely a problem with demon hunters in both PvP and PvE, but rogues? Idk man, they seem to be doing about the same as rets and fire mages at 25+ and 20+ in terms of popularity. The damage is higher, but not 2x or more by any means.

Everything below that is usually a popularity contest, which is also important (it can indicate too high skill floor or class fantasy being lackluster).

I also don’t think that damage output is the only factor that leads you to take a class. Not even for rank 1 players.

anywhooose. sometimes memory can do funny things

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Mages are fine, look at destro and affl locks

Look at the top 5 specs vs the bottom 5 specs is it normal for the difference to be 100k dps?


For me, Unholy just feels bad when 98% of your damage is cooldown pets, Not even your main ghoul, Just army Ghouls.

Needs to buff the actual DK abilties a lot more, or give them a Kill command ability for the main ghoul

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Assassination rogue seems to be the only one that is unusually out of line. Blizzard never has good balance anyway, impossible with all the variables and that becomes more evident in 5man content.

Sure they should adjust things now the WF race is over tho, but I’ve played this game a long time and Blizzard aren’t good at tweaking the numbers, I think they like the balance shift being a thing.

This is bollocks tho, it doesn’t apply to m+, we all know who are broken in m+ and raids won’t show it

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Look up sampling bias.

Marksmanship has 84 parses vs beast mastery has 5513… it’s safe to say the guy who plays MM really really likes the spec but it’s probably not very good since no one is playing it


i dont know who is broken but i know that most of peopel who are supposed “meta” play like absolute trash in keys like 15-16.

most of DH dps i see perform absolutely horrible.

There are literally 3 guilds who cleared full Mythic and you consider that a reliable source? wait a few weeks after more data goes in the numbers will obviously change.

What a useless comment… 100k is a meaningless number without additional information and purely there for some kind of shock value.

Also… comparing a say BM hunter and affliction warlock statistics, well… on HC its 250.000 parses vs 6000 … so that seems to show that only the most die hard lovers of affliction even play it for w/e reason. So i have no reason to believe that the top BM hunter can even be compared to the top affliction lock in skill… so what use is the dps numbers?

You can simply look at a high percentile if you want to see how powerful specs are when played correctly

The post was about mythic raid, though.

And once again, BM hunter logs are bugged and showing about 6% more dps overall than they are actually doing.

They should be in about 5th or 6th place on that list, not 2nd.


We just have to wait a bit longer and we will see the juicy tunings they have in stock for the 5th