Nobody appreciates a little cannibalism anymore…
Maybe that’s why I haven’t married.
Since the 25th time.
Nobody appreciates a little cannibalism anymore…
Maybe that’s why I haven’t married.
Since the 25th time.
pats back There there. Eat your gnome and take it easy. Just remember to clean up afterwards. as people still slipping. you know how slippery leafs are when liquid blood is underneath?
mmmmm no but if they cripple you so you can’t escape and you are leaving some trails of that sweet sweet deliciously thick red wine…
ohhh now you’ve convinced me to stay and hang out with my Night Elf buddies. Slippery leaves you say.
Wow players are anti social by nature, the only reason they’d get married is to get goodies you can only get when you’re married.
That or your usual lovey dovey couple wanting to shove their love everywhere, but its majorly gonna be just for loot.
You are eating GNOMES? posh gasp
Where is your class human?? No wonder you are single!
Everyone knows that vulpera are the true high class delicacy. With a tauren steak on the side.
Such barbarians…
To get back on topic I think it was said already but in sake of saying the obvious… if some want roleplay wedding in game they can and if the game wish to give them some guild type chat or whatever for it then thats also not away from anyone, however they should not get anything extra over other players like bonus rolls or tmogs and what all were named in the ops post
I wanna marry a hot draenei babe ingame
Agreed with that.
It should purely be a cosmetic thing.
But not opposed to having it added, just doesn’t feel like a fit to me in wow…
Then again, we got spaceships so……
They can fight for the player housing they shared with after they divorce, that can be their bonus what they get
bro …the reason we play wow is to get out of our marriage for couple of hours…
Tell that to my wife…
sshhhhh… do you wanna get in trouble??
Nothing!! Nothing.
Hides skinning knife
Lets go for a stroll along the secluded, surrounded by trees and nobody goes riverbank.
You’ll be safe Ive seen every episode of FBI Files.
You don’t mind if some giant cat walks along, right?
Gosh, this topic brings me back some memories
What a lovely memory when you roll your very first character back in BC as a Draenei Hunter and you quest in Duskwood and you meet a fellow Draenei Paladin… you quest a bit and he gives you a ring. As a token of marriage.
Those lovely old days…
Dude this is the most I love and hate the idea, love it cause it’s cute and I think it would be a huge encouragement for player interactions, hate it cause then I’d have to get my gf in here cause I heavily doubt it would end well if I did this with anyone but her, soooooo.
Yes please but lemme convince her first , pretty please.
The question I have is can you then adopt kids as well, have it be a sort of bloodline type deal, like in lotro you can adopt a kid and note down your bloodline anywhere from brothers and sisters to even your parents etc. where does it end?
That is adorable and I hope that actually turned into something later cause that would be an awesome meeting-story. If not still cute.
and i wanna marry u
We should totally get like…married…