Marriage in WoW

Writing in green offends some. But I knew before I accepted the offer that MVPs get attacked for no good reason by a minority.


If they are saying bad things ie attacking others then they are breaking the rules. But people canā€™t be responsible for their own actions ofc. Itā€™s easier to just blame it on anything else but themselves.

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Anyways, I see the op suggest that couples in game should get some specific chance on rolls and different items than other players? I think I see the reference to some things in irl but I dont think this would be good idea to implement in wow nor do we need anything specific imo for this type of thing, there is rp and that is enough for it I think. The game itself dont need to tie any knot between any couples specifically imo :smiley:

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As a non RPer my chars donā€™t have different personalities :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I do find RP fasciniting. Itā€™s so creative. Not something appeals to me personally though.

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I only post on one character and anyways would speak the same from any I would use to post here, its a platform to use as forum for me I dont use it to rp either nor do I rp anyway tho, only pvp for me :smiley:

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This was the most epic wedding when the Horde held a wedding in SW Cathedral.

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I only post on this, apart from the occasional topic about specific races or classes. But that was a whoopsie xD

Apart from the fact that is not always breaking the rules. Not everything is an attack. Yet whenever youā€™re involved moderation shows up right quickā€¦ Thats the difference.

That be nice, if you lose a roll your spouse can roll again! :exploding_head:

I just think the system how they would introduce these marriages in the game like somekind of guild system I guess, it could be bit too much but they are adding player housing now aswell so maybe? Im not against it, I just dont see it so important myself but it dont mean some else could find it as so :dracthyr_a1:

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photos of spoons.

random I know but it works. try it right now.

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Shared playerhousing could be neat. Other than that I dont really see much value in it either.

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I think if some want to get married in the game then they can but they shouldnt get anything extra over others who havent, like the opā€™s post suggested us of extra buffs and drop chances and tmogs :smile:

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Nah thats fair. Wouldnt support that either.

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Comes with the new housing system.

Queue ā€œand they were roommatesā€ clip.


I hear friends theme now :smiley:


But difference is, people can do that solo. You say yourself;

This forces players to, at all times have a wife or husbandā€¦ And again, if that husband / wife can just not log in again people will just get married and let it stayā€¦ Only people that will engage actively in it, will be RPā€™ers. Thus comes my point, why not add the option, but not tie any rewards to it?

So what is the point of penalty / reward system? People can just get married, divorced dailyā€¦ I donā€™t see people irl doing it?

Again, seems like you want a system, and to have people engage in it (pun intended) you want to tie cosmetics to it to ā€œforceā€ people rather than add it as a ā€œnice to haveā€ for the people it actually matters to.

If thatā€™s what you have to tell yourself to excuse personal attacks then be my guest. Or you could learn from it.

Iā€™m not going to reply about this again. Had enough attn already.

There is no way Iā€™d let anyone else customise my player housing experience. Just no. Crazy Cat lady solo living! Guests are welcome to visit ofc.

I ainā€™t visiting if thereā€™s no cookies!


For you, always! :cookie:

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