Mass boot out of Mograine

It may sound dumb, but after those queues if we don’t get a “Move your characters to another realm” in the next few days, that will be a big slap in the face

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Both German pvp Realms have 15k+ Queue times.
I played for a few hours by now. I got booted into 10k+ queues 3 F****** times since start!!
Thanks @Blizzard :frowning:

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exact same but on english…

Sure, that will solve the problem right? Make this an issue of the player not the company!

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free char transfers is what we need

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Monitoring: ‘‘observe and check the progress or quality’’.

So you’re doing nothing?


How is it possible that all the people who were kicked out won’t get a priority to go back in the game? Unbelievable.

edit: Honestly, we’ve been to the moon 50 years ago with very basic hard and software compared to 2019. And yet a multi billion company can’t include these simple measures?


but they weren’t high pop when i initially picked them and as soon as they did i moved


I put my tinfoil hat but this is made so that those people who waited 3 hours in que get to play the game and those who already played now have to wait.
just my hat

I know, not sure if they really did that on purpose. But just as every here, we are all paying customers.
Everybody who got kicked out went to play and log in early and might even waited hours in the queue. It’s very unfair to let them go back in the queue.

I consider migrating back to life for good. Nostalgia all and good, but putting up with this leaves a strain on ones self-esteem. If you don’t value my time, i guess i should at least.

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I moved to Morgraine when the population was low. (from Gehannas) What else do you expect us to do? We did what they asked and still got screwed over. Not enough serverspace / server performance is the fault of blizzard. Not the players.

Blizzard saw this comming, they saw a big increasement into their subcounts. They had full realms before the launce. Maybe this succes is a bit overwelming for them and i am sure they are trying to figure out a solution.

I think blizzard deserves criticism about the way the are handeling the current situation. If you have issues or don’t know what the issue is just say so. Don’t try to pull of a “we will monitor the situation” BS. Be honest.


Since you haven’t put too much time into any char yet considering the situation, you have all the possibility to still move :slight_smile:

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We, some old fellows (IRL friends) all moved to this server. Don’t wanna drag everybudy over again.

It’s not really a hassle and anyone saying it is is just being dumb about it for the sake of being dumb about it.

Est 80 min. It took me 3hours to go from 3500 to 600.Youre only hope is another layer crash or whatever going on with servers

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Well i prefer Blizzard to fix the problem, not me. Free character transfer as an example.

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What are you doing about? I just returned home ! I made my character on mograine yesterday when blizz opened the new realm!! My friends and I decided to play on mograine since it was a new realm and we wanted to avoid queue times! My friends have already started leveling up since they logged in earlier than me! My queue position is 10k! Am i supposed to leave my friends or tell them to abandon their characters? I did exactly what blizz said ! I avoided every full realm and i joined a fresh one!


I believe the issue is that Blizzard released 5 new servers for EU but now all those servers have a queue (who could’ve guessed… :thinking:) and now even if they open Stonespine and whatever other PvP server… no one’s gonna re-roll there. We’ve already hit level 10-20.

At this point it’s not just speculative damage. It’s real damage. The game is already out. It’s post-launch.

I don’t think the solution of opening more low servers is as effective now as it would’ve been last night when people were still levels 1-5.

I have talent points now, class quests done, professions skilled almost 75, items on the AH, a nice amount of gold as well. I played the game. I’m not gonna give it up to start from scratch…

All I hear is “I made a mistake and I want someone else to fix that for me” :confused:

Mograine was very confirmed on the forums and community in general to be extremely populated even before it was released.