Mass kick abusing in dungeons

Subj. Already met this several times. Actually almost in every 2nd group. Ppl randomly kick other ppl. Just for fun. In my last group I got suggestion to kick absolutely every member in party with “afk” reason within few minutes. But no1 was afk actually. After 5-6 suggestions (I declined all of them) we finally lost a tank. And 20 sec later I was kicked as well. We cleared half dungeon in 5 min. I got kicked and also got 30min DESERTER DEBUF. Can any1 from Blizzard explain this “logic”? Or this is intended? Then why half measures? Let’s withdraw money from our accounts because any random person who was bored enough pointed to us.

This is not “rare action from kids”. Еhis kind of behavior is already widespread. And looks like no any real punishment for that. Could Blizz finally do something here? And I mean not a “suspend for 6 hours after 6 month of investigations”. Something real.

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i’m not sure whether there is an addon but think vote kick system needs to be open. who initialized the vote and who voted

The logic as to why in the quote below. I have a longer one somewhere but the short one is pretty good. Yes it’s intended and not half a measure against very serious problems that occured in the past.

As long as a votekick goes through it is not considered abuse. Therefore Blizzard will not take any action. Edit: If you were abused otherwise, like chat harassment you can report that and it will be looked over.

Proposals so far include but not limited to:

  • “Just remove it” The darkest times will come back again
  • “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
  • “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
  • “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
  • “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.

If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. I also would like to know to see if the suggestion can be improved making it into a better experience for everyone involved.

Such an easy fix for this. Every three months, one data analyst runs a report to see which accounts initiate vote-kick in excess.

Are you starting vote kicks 40% more often than the median? I guess you can do without playing your WoW account for 2 weeks.

They did it with M+leavers, time to do it with vote kickers.

M+ Already fell under a reportable policy and should not be confused with VTK in LFG which is not against the rules.

It would only show someone who iniates votekicks a lot. Not the why. Maybe they repeatedly get bad dungeons. And despite iniating it a lot, is entirely warranted. Therefore this “easy fix” would do more damage without solving anything.

What. You do know… That you must put a reason in the text field to initiate vote-kick?

Either way, it’s irrelevant. The numbers speak for themselves. If 80% of the player base has a rate of 0.3 vote kicks per dungeon, then a person with 1 or 1.2 votekicks per dungeon is clearly abusing the system.

I did not ask for those to be punished, who use this system at all, but there are clearly outliers, based on OP’s post.

Can you show me the policy that says that a group leader in an active M+ run cannot kick a party member? Or that a party member cannot leave on their own terms?

Obviously there are no such “policies”. But disturbing behaviour can be punished whoever Blizzard sees fit. And in my opinion, this would fit.

I barely notice kick abuse. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s rare. I’ve done a fair amount of alt leveling and time walking, and I rarely see it. Most of them are based on someone actually being afk. Every once in a while it’s because someone isn’t performing the way the kicker wants to, but usually doesn’t pass.

Both our experiences are anecdotal, but I do find it odd that your experience is such an outlier. Tbh it sounds like you had 1 such run recently and it’s not actually common?

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